Friday 14 December 2018

CPPS Fathers

Beautiful Song by Stephen

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Homilies for December - 2018

1st Sunday of Advent – Dec. 2, 2018
   Readings: Jer 33:14–16 • Ps 25:4–5, 8–10, 14 • 1 Thes 3:12–4:2 • Lk 21:25–28, 34–36
To start Advent right, you need to answer two questions about the virtue of hope. This virtue rests at the heart of Advent because this season by its nature looks ahead to the future. The first question to ask yourself: “What is the object of your hope as a Christian?” The second: “What means can help you to strengthen your hope?”
The answer to the first question is that Jesus Christ must be your hope: the lens, if you will, through which all your other hopes in life are focused. But during Advent in particular, we focus especially upon our hope for the new life of Jesus. God wants more for you, and wants to give it to you through the gift of His newborn Son Jesus.
The second question has several answers. There are several means that Holy Mother Church gives us to focus on Jesus as our hope. The Scriptures this first Sunday of Advent point us towards penance as a means by which to focus upon Jesus, our hope.
However, to appreciate the demands that the virtue of hope makes, we have to back up. We have to gaze upon the entire panorama of the Old Testament, because it is the backdrop for the season of Advent. The entire Old Testament shows us the need for hope, how to hope rightly, and how not to hope.
In the Old Testament, the greatest enemy of ancient Israel was not the Babylonians or the Philistines or the Persians. The greatest enemy of Israel was Israel herself, split between two kingdoms, Judah and Israel. Nonetheless, these kingdoms were united in their longing for the coming of the Messiah.
We hear this longing in our first reading, where Jeremiah foresees the Lord raising up a “just shoot” who “shall do what is right and just in the land.” This “just shoot” was the Israelites’ hope. But in time, when the Messiah did come, their waiting was not fulfilled in the way that many Israelites had hoped. This is because their hopes had not been fixed on the Messiah who was to come, but on the Messiah whom they wanted to come. Here is the first lesson for our Advent, and our own hopes of God: we must accept Jesus as He comes to us, in all His poverty.
In the Gospel passage today, Jesus does not tell us to be on guard against physical disasters, since all they can destroy are material things. But what Jesus does say is: “Be on guard lest your spirits become bloated with indulgence and drunkenness and worldly cares.” God created us in His image and gave us a free will. Like Israel, we can use that free will to split ourselves in two: to give ourselves to the love of finite realities, while God calls us to love Him alone. By our freely chosen sins, this is what we do when we sin. We divide our selves in two, dividing the house where God wants to dwell by His grace.
To overcome such division, God calls us during Advent to the practice of penance. He calls us not only to the Sacrament of Penance, but also to the practice of penance, which is to say, simple acts of self-denial. Penance brings integrity back to a divided house.
We tend to associate penance only with Lent, but it’s likely that we need penance even more during Advent. After all, the constant temptation during these days before the Christmas season is to focus on material things: to believe that the material gifts we give have lasting meaning. It’s good to have some penance in mind at the very start of this season, to lead us towards the spiritual goal of Advent: waiting hopefully for Christ in the midst of darkness.
Every mother knows that there is “penance” — trials and sufferings — that are “built in” to the experience of bearing an unborn child (not to mention giving birth). For this reason among others, then, Mary is a model during Advent of what it means to hope patiently — and to bear difficulties — in order to bear Christ for others.
The four weeks of Advent represent the nine months that Jesus spent in darkness, in the womb of his mother, our Blessed Mother Mary. The season of Advent teaches us that our whole life on this earth is really just a preparation for a greater life. No matter how bright we think we are, we are in darkness. God does not always reveal His plan to us. He insists that we walk with hope every day. He insists that we turn over to Him everything in our lives.
We ask Mary for help in being like her: to be open to the will of God, and to be willing to pray in the darkness, not always understanding how God is at work around us, or ahead of us in the future. She is our best example for this season, knowing that even in darkness, God is with us.
Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary – Dec. 8, 2018
   Readings: Gn 3:9–15, 20 • Ps 98:1–4 • Eph 1:3–6, 11–12 • Lk 1:26–38
Today’s first reading is very familiar to us. It tells how Adam and Eve, our first parents, committed the original sin. We can identify with this story because we, like our parents Adam and Eve, are sinners. Like them, when our sins are pointed out to us, we point to someone else and say, “he made me do it” or “she made me do it.”
In doing this, we deny one of the greatest gifts God has given us: our free will. While the third chapter of Genesis tells us of the commission of the original sin, we often forget the meaning of the two chapters that come before it. The first two chapters of Genesis tell us how good everything God created is, and how, among all his creatures, God chose man and woman in particular to live in His image: that is, to have the free will to always choose good over evil. This is the gift that Adam and Eve refuse when they shift the blame for their actions to someone else. Yet this is the gift that Mary fulfills when she accepts God’s plan as the plan for her earthly life.
However, as we consider all the gifts that God gave to Mary during the course of her earthly life, we need to recognize that there’s often confusion about the meaning of the Immaculate Conception. Many people, even many Catholics, believe that the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary virginally conceived Jesus. But, our Catholic belief in the Immaculate Conception is the belief that when Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne, Mary was kept free from the stain of Original Sin. God gave this free gift to Mary at the moment of her conception because He wanted the mother of His Son to be the greatest woman among all women on the face of the earth.
Now, when we wonder about the confusion about the Immaculate Conception, it’s actually somewhat understandable. After all, consider the Gospel passage for today’s feast. Today’s Gospel passage relates the events of the Annunciation: when Jesus was virginally conceived in Mary’s womb through the power of the Holy Spirit. So we can see why people might confuse Mary’s virginally conceiving Jesus with Mary being immaculately conceived by St. Anne.
The reason, though, why the Church proclaims this Gospel passage on today’s feast is because here we see emphasized the reason why God was willing to bestow upon Mary the gift of being conceived without Original Sin. God from eternity knew that Mary would accept His will as her own at this key moment in salvation history.
When the archangel Gabriel greeted Mary, she was confused and wondered what the greeting meant. But still, she accepted God’s will and said, “I am the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your Word.” When Gabriel announced that it was God’s plan for her to conceive a child, she did not understand how this could be, but still she accepted God’s will through the virtue of faith and said, “I am the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your Word.”
God, who is eternal — for whom there is no past, present, or future — who sees everything at once, knew that Mary would completely accept His will as her own. In light of this, God preserved her from Original Sin at the moment of her conception. In Mary, we see the model for all of us who are striving to be faithful disciples of Jesus: for all of us who are striving to allow Jesus’s life to enter into our own lives.
Like every gift that God gave to Mary, our celebration of Mary’s Immaculate Conception tells us something important about humanity itself: that is, humanity as we were created to be “in the beginning”. Our belief that Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother, St. Anne, without Original Sin, tells us that Mary is exactly the human being that God meant each of us to be. In the words of St. Paul, “God chose us in him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in his sight, to be full of love.”
This is what our belief in Mary’s Immaculate Conception says about Mary: that she was full of love. We do not believe that Mary is a goddess, or even super-human. The Blessed Virgin Mary is simply human. Mary is authentically human: she is what each of us who is human is called to be: “holy and blameless in God’s sight, full of love.” That’s what St. Gabriel is driving at when he salutes Mary in the Gospel: “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee!” St. Paul’s phrase “full of love” echoes that of St. Gabriel: “full of grace.”
God the Father wanted the best possible mother for His Son, and so He granted the grace to Mary which would let her be a mother who would give nothing to her Son but the fullness of love which God means each of us to have. Because Mary is the Mother of Jesus, she is our mother as well. For us she is the Immaculate Conception: through her Jesus entered the world, and through her each of us is healed, if we accept in faith the gift of healing God wants us to accept: the greatest gift we can possibly receive in this season of gift-giving.

2nd Sunday of Advent – Dec. 9, 2018
   Readings: Bar 5:1–9 • Ps 126:1–6 • Phil 1:4–6, 8–11 • Lk 3:1–6
As we hear St. John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus in today’s Gospel passage, St. John’s words express a truth which is hard for many to accept. The beginning of today’s Gospel passage situates John’s ministry in a specific worldly context by spelling out what sort of men were guiding the world into which the Messiah had come. These pagan and Jewish leaders were quite corrupt: Saint Luke mentions them in order to tell us that John — and Jesus after him — had an up-hill battle before them.
St. John went about the entire region of the Jordan proclaiming a baptism of repentance which led to the forgiveness of sins. Penance, and the changing of one’s ways, are familiar to anyone who knows the prophets of the Old Testament, such as Baruch, whose words we hear in today’s First Reading.
John the Baptist himself is the hinge or pivot between the Old and New Testaments. In the texts that describe him, he is seen as one who foreshadows the coming of the Messiah. We could ask, though, why John also happens to be the cousin of Jesus. Is this familial relationship a mere historical co-incidence? Regardless, we see that for two persons who were related, John the Baptist and Jesus were very different persons, and were each criticized, but for opposite things — Jesus for being a drunkard, and John, for not drinking at all. At times it seems that the only thing these cousins have in common is that they were unjustly persecuted.
Both close intimacy and an openness to others mark the reign of the Messiah, and the lives of those invited to His Table. The rule which Jesus was born into this world to establish is not one which seeks to conquer other nations, but which rather invites children gathered from the east and west to share in God’s splendor, rejoicing that they are remembered by God.
Each of us as a member of Christ’s Body shares in the missionary command given to the Church. Each of us during Advent should consider who we should be inviting to share in the riches that we may have in our lives. It might not be who we think. If John the Baptist were to appear on our doorstep, it’s likely that we would want nothing to do with him: perhaps because of his appearance, but more likely because he tells everyone like it is. When he speaks of sinners, he points out their sins. When he speaks of Christ, he points and shouts, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”
In preparing for the birth of the Messiah, we give thanks that Jesus was born in order to die for us. His death is what we celebrate when we come before Jesus’s altar to share in the Sacrifice of His life for us. If that life is worthily received by us in Holy Communion, we will seek out others in order to serve them, whether we believe they deserve our love and service or not.
It is not safe to think or act this way, of course. In fact, the Christian life is not only a narrow path, but a dangerous one as well. If our love is to abound more and more, as Saint Paul urges us, we must be willing to embrace those whom we do not care for, or perhaps even consider part of God’s plan. We must realize that we ourselves were once far from the Lord, and that He has done great things for us.
We must even be willing to recognize the authority of and serve those who we know are doing wrong, whether this means doing a job alongside them, or simply praying for them. There may be many persons in our lives whom we dislike, but our dislike is no reason to think that God loves them any less, or that Christ became human to save us, but not them.
God “gave His all” for each one of us in sending His Son to become human and die for us on the Cross. Choosing to respect our free will, He would not save us from evil in spite of ourselves. He allows us to bring evil into our lives if we so wish. Each one of us, like God, is called to share in His work of saving others. As with God, there is only so much we can do for others, but there certainly is something we can do.
On this Second Sunday of Advent, ask God to strengthen you always to speak the truth, whether it is convenient or inconvenient. But ask His grace also so that you might always act according to the truth: that is, always love those in your life by showing a willingness to serve them by your words and actions.

3rd Sunday of Advent – Dec. 16, 2018
   Readings: Zep 3:14–18a • Is 12:2–6 • Phil 4:4–7 • Lk 3:10–18
If there’s one word that sums up the Lord’s advent, it would likely be the word “expectation”. The word “expectation” connotes both waiting and hopefulness. We might think of children during December who write out their wish lists with the expectation of a visit from Saint Nicholas. However, in English the word “expecting” is also related to the experience of pregnancy, which in the person of Mary lies at the heart of Advent.
But in today’s Gospel passage, there’s a heightened sense of expectation. Think of children during December expecting St. Nicholas’ visit, and then think of those same children on Christmas Eve, with their expectation brimming over. That’s the sense of expectation that the evangelist puts across in today’s Gospel passage, telling us that “the people” were not just “in expectation” of “the Christ”, but in fact “were filled with expectation”.
Then, however, the other shoe drops. The evangelist explains that “the people” “were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ.” This is bittersweet, since we know that the expectation of the people, and the hope of their hearts, is misplaced. You and I know that John is not the Christ for whom they longed.
Here, though, is a spiritual lesson for us. The evangelist wants you and I to profit from the misstep of the people who mistook John for the Christ. Even though you and I know that John the Baptist was not the Christ whom “the people” in today’s Gospel passage were hoping for, you and I are not completely off the hook. More often than we like to admit, we act just like these people. We look for Christ in all the wrong places, and even more fundamentally, we look for happiness in all the wrong places. Since Advent is a penitential season, it’s important throughout the course of Advent to consider both of these wrong-headed searches. But today, reflect on the more fundamental one.
St. Thomas Aquinas in his masterful summary of theology explores the most common ways that man falsely seeks lasting happiness in this world. He names eight, the first four of which are specific goods: namely, wealth, honor, fame, and power.1 While each of these certainly can be good, and can be stepping stones to true happiness, it’s vain to search for lasting happiness in these things themselves.
For example, regarding wealth St. Thomas notes that there are two basic types.2 The first type is called “natural wealth”: things that are inherently valuable, because they help man to meet his basic needs. Natural wealth includes food, drink, clothing, vehicles and dwellings. It is unnatural to “look up” to these things for happiness, because these things are meant to be below man. They support him from below; they cannot inspire him from above. They are made for man; man is not made for these things. In a single word, to seek happiness in such things is base.
The other form of wealth is “artificial wealth”: its only value comes from human agreement that it has value as a medium of exchange. This comes in the forms of cash, credit, stocks, bonds, etc. Regardless of the form, money is an even lower good than the various forms of natural wealth, because the value of money derives from being able to use it to obtain things like food, clothing, and shelter. In the true order of things, money’s value is subordinate to the value of natural wealth.
So if you were to picture a ladder ranking the true values of things, man would be in the center of the ladder. Below man on the ladder would be natural wealth, and then below natural wealth would be artificial wealth. Of course, fallen man in his fallenness is perverse: which is to say, he turns everything upside down. He looks up to forms of wealth such as food, clothing and shelter, and strains his neck even higher to look upon what he deems to be the value of money.
Here’s another way to contrast the difference between natural and artificial forms of wealth. All you have to do is reflect on your pet dog Fido. Fido has some base understanding of the value of food and drink and shelter. Fido might also appreciate a vehicle: not only because it saves him from getting tired, but also because he loves to stick his head out the window into the breeze. It’s true that Fido might have a harder time understanding the value of clothing, although if you took him with you on vacation to Alaska in January, he probably would appreciate that doggie sweater that you got him for Christmas. But Fido cannot understand coins or bills or stock certificates having any value. He would only understand that the food, etc. that you purchase with that money has value. Fido is more sane than fallen man. Maybe that’s why the dog is man’s best friend: because he keeps us grounded in what is real.
Fido can keep us from looking up at what we should look down upon. Unfortunately, Fido cannot help us look up to what we ought to look up at: or rather, look up to whom we ought to look. Fido can help us from having false gods, but he cannot help us find the true God. This simple reflection on how wealth is perverted by man into a false source of happiness can also help us to reason why honor, fame and power also cannot bring man lasting happiness. They’re all meant to be subservient goods.
Anyhow, like Johnny Lee’s old song, fallen man spends a lot of time looking for love in all the wrong places, and in too many faces. There’s only one Face in which fallen man can find abiding happiness, and that’s in the Divine Face of Jesus, resting in the lap of Mary at Bethlehem.

4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 23, 2018
   Readings: Mi 5:1–4a • Ps 80:2–3, 15–16, 18–19 • Heb 10:5–10 • Lk 1:39–45
In the year of Our Lord 1531, Saint Juan Diego proclaimed to the peoples of the New World a mother’s love. On a hill called Tepeyac, to the north of what we today call Mexico City, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego, an Indian peasant. When Mary appeared to him, she took the form of a young Indian maiden. She was dressed as an Aztec princess. She spoke to Juan in his native tongue. Juan Diego called her Our Lady of Guadalupe.
But the most significant thing about Our Lady of Guadalupe is that she was pregnant, just as Mary is in today’s Gospel. Never — before this appearance in Mexico almost 500 years ago — had Mary ever appeared to anyone as being with child. This is why we celebrate the feasts of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe during Advent, this season of waiting for the birth of our Lord.
Perhaps when Mary appeared, Juan Diego asked the same question as Elizabeth in today’s Gospel: “How is it that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Now, whether or not Juan Diego ever asked her this, we do know that Mary, appearing as a native American, told Juan Diego, “I am one of you, and I am your mother.” This woman chose to be with the poor and the weak, with those who sacrifice of themselves.
But this power was not of her own doing. Her power comes from the Child whom she bore. Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared in humility: her hands are folded, and her head is bent. This woman chose to be with the meek and the humble, with those who sacrifice of themselves.
In today’s Gospel passage we hear about the second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary: the Visitation. In the person of Mary we see someone bearing her Lord and God within her. We also see Mary as someone who brings that Lord and God into the lives of others.
This scene, as simple and joyous as it is, preaches two powerful messages for those who want to be faithful disciples of Jesus. The first message is to recognize the role that our Blessed Mother played from the very beginning of Christ’s life. If she was Christ’s protector, she is ours, also.
If the Holy Spirit moved her to bring Jesus to Elizabeth and John, why should she not continue to bring her Son to others in our own day throughout the world? Her role did not diminish as Jesus grew older. Neither can we ever “outgrow” our devotion to our Blessed Mother. We honor Mary not because of her own power, but because she bears Christ within her. What was physically true for nine months is spiritually true forever: “all generations will call me blessed”. This is true because, as Elizabeth says, Mary “trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled.”
The second message Mary bears is that Christ must be received in the flesh. Today’s Second Reading reveals what this means. God took no delight in the sacrifices of the Old Testament. The sacrifices of the Old Testament had no more power to save a person’s soul than the human sacrifices of the Aztecs of Central America. Even if the Jewish priests of the Old Testament were sacrificing to the right God, they were still offering the wrong sacrifice.
The Jewish priests of the Old Testament offered bulls and rams. They offered things other than themselves: things that God has no interest in. God only takes interest in what is inside a person, in what is part of a person: indeed, in what is a person. Even when we make sacrifices and do penance during Lent, we don’t give up these things because God somehow wants the things we’re sacrificing. God doesn’t need meat, or candy, or coffee or tobacco. The only way penance is pleasing to God is when we sacrifice a desire, a desire that’s deeply rooted within us: so deep, that it’s part of us. God doesn’t want the thing that you sacrifice. He wants the desire that you sacrifice, so that you might desire Him alone.
This is what Christ proclaims to God the Father in the second reading: “Behold, I have come to do your will.” If we were to use our imagination, we could hear God the Son saying this at the “moment” before the Annunciation. Imagine: God the Son had lived with the Father and the Holy Spirit in Heaven from before time began, but when the Father was ready to send His Son to earth, to enter Mary’s womb in the flesh and start the life that would end some thirty years later on Calvary, God the Son, knowing everything that was to come, said “Father, I have come to do your will.” Then he descended from Heaven, to be conceived and born as one of us.
These words just as surely echoed in Jesus’s mind as He was stretched out upon the Cross. Even then He could say, “Father, I have come to do your will.” The Father’s will was that you and I could have life. God the Father’s will was that your sins could be forgiven, and you could become part of Christ’s Body. This is why Jesus gave His Body and Blood on the Cross, and offers that same Body and Blood to us through the Eucharist.

Nativity of the Lord – Christmas – Dec. 25, 2018
  Vigil: Is 62:1–5 • Ps 89:4–5, 16–17, 27, 29 • Acts 13:16–17, 22–25 • Mt 1:1–25 or 18–25
  Night: Is 9:1–6 • Ps 96: 1–3, 11–13 • Ti 2:11–14 • Lk 2:1–14
  Dawn: Is 62:11–12 • Ps 97:1, 6, 11–12 • Ti 3:4–7 • Lk 2:15–20
  Day: Is 52:7–10 • Ps 98:1–6 • Heb 1:1–6 • Jn 1:1–18 or 1:1–5, 9–14
When someone gives a gift, if it’s a good gift, it reveals something about the person to whom it’s given. The gift may say something about that person’s talents, or it may say something about where the person is not, so to speak, living up to their “potential”.
For example: a wife may give to her husband — or possibly vice versa — the gift of a set of tools. By giving this gift, the wife may be saying how much she appreciates her husband’s handiness around the house. Or the wife may be subtly suggesting that there are a few honey-do’s around the home that need doing.
Consider a different example: a husband may give to his wife — or possibly vice versa — the gift of a cookbook. Now, in giving this gift, the husband may be saying how much he appreciates his wife’s cooking. Or he may be subtly suggesting that a little variety could be introduced into the family meals.
Now consider a third example from real life; in fact, my life. In my first assignment as a priest, two of us served the parish as parochial vicars. One of our duties was the 6:15 a.m. weekday Mass for the teaching Sisters at the nearby convent. One year, I received a Christmas gift from the good Sisters. The gift they gave me was a book of homilies.
Finally, consider a fourth example. This one is also from real life, but it’s from the life of each and every one of us here today. The gift is given to each of us. The gift is given by God the Father. The gift is seen in the Nativity scene. The gift that the Father gives to us is laid in the manger.
So what exactly is this gift? One of the most beloved songs of this season asks just that question. “What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?” In the next verse we sing: “Why lies he in such mean estate, where ox and ass are feeding?” What does this gift of the Christ Child say about us, who are on the receiving end of this gift? What does this gift of the Christ Child say about what God the Father wants from us?

What child is this? We ourselves profess the answer at every Sunday Mass when we stand and proclaim the Creed. About our “Lord Jesus Christ” we profess that He is “God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God… consubstantial with the Father”. This tiny infant is God, and the fact that this tiny gift is God tells us something important about why the Father gave this gift to us.
On the other hand, just a few lines later in the Creed, we also say that Jesus “by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” These words describe what today’s feast is all about. That’s why every year, on this feast of Jesus’s birth, when we profess those words of the Creed, we don’t just bow as we do on Sundays: we genuflect today as we say these words. But we also need to keep in mind that these lines of the Creed also tell us something important about why the Father gave this gift to us.
Jesus Christ is true God and true man. From the first moment of His conception, Jesus was fully divine and fully human. Still today as He sits in Heaven at the Father’s Right Hand, Jesus possesses a divine nature and a human nature. These two truths together tell us what we need to know about the first and greatest Christmas gift: that is, the person of Jesus Christ.
These two natures which Jesus bears within Himself are the means and the end of what God the Father wants for us who are His adopted children. In a manner of speaking, it’s like that book of homilies that the nuns gave me. They gave me the book of homilies as a means, because they hoped that by reading the book, I might grow to be a better preacher. Then, on the other hand, the book of homilies also represented the end — which is to say, the goal — that they were hoping I would reach: they hoped that someday I might preach like the saints whose homilies were recorded in that book.
So also, the gift of Jesus is the means and the end of our life. Jesus became human because we are sinners, and because Jesus is God we can become sharers in His divinity. Jesus became tiny at Bethlehem so that we could become great in Heaven.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph –
Dec. 30, 2018
   Readings: Sir 3:2–6, 12–14 (or 1 Sm 1:20–22, 24–28) • Ps 128:1–5 (or Ps 84:2–3, 5–6, 9–10) • Col 3:12–21 or 12–17 (or 1 Jn 3:1–2, 21–24) • Lk 2:41-52
As the Church celebrates today the second of the five feasts of the Christmas Season — the feast of the Holy Family — we reflect on the great role that the human family has within God’s plan for us. We realize that as celebrating God the Son’s birth helps us reverence human life as a gift from God, our celebration of the Holy Family helps us reverence the human family as what is called the “domestic church”.
For many of us, the past week has presented opportunities to be with members of our families. No matter what difficulties might exist in our families, this time spent together helps us realize one of the facts that is rejected by the world, but nonetheless preached as truth by the Church: the fact that the family is the basic unit, or building block, of society.
Very often adults caught up in the middle part of their lives on earth fall prey to the habit of thinking that what they do for others or give to others is what matters most. But those who have many years of life under their belts are like those who are very young. The elderly and children more easily recognize that time spent with others is of much greater value than things given to others.
Spending time together — an hour here or there, an evening or afternoon actively spent together (as opposed to passively watching television) — may not seem to amount to much. But when that foundation is there, the love and care which grows out of time actively spent together supports the family when they end up in a crisis, as all families occasionally do over the decades.
The Holy Family, still weary from their journey to Bethlehem, and weary from their search through Bethlehem for suitable lodging, were forced after Christ’s birth to flee their own country for the foreign land of Egypt, out of fear for Jesus’s life. But this was only the first of many sorrows for the Holy Family.
Many years later, as we hear in today’s Gospel passage, Joseph and Mary were bewildered when they could not find their child amongst all the family and friends who had journeyed with them to Jerusalem. When they found Jesus, his words surprised them: “Did you not know that I had to be in my Father’s house?” Jesus was pointing out to Joseph and Mary that it was from His divine Father that He had come to earth, and it was His Father who was His goal in life. Just as Joseph and Mary recognized Jesus’s divine wisdom, so all parents and children should recognize this same truth: Jesus was born and died in order to lead us to our Heavenly Father.
By and large, the first thirty years of Jesus’s life were simple ones in which His mother and foster-father made ordinary sacrifices for Jesus’s well-being, day after day. The Holy Family prayed together to the Lord as a devout Jewish family, and took the steps necessary to care for one another. When Saint Joseph died, Mary and her Son carried on alone. Yet no matter what God the Father asked of them, they prayed and acted together according to God the Father’s Will, not their own.
We all know that our world is troubled, and that our country is troubled. We don’t have to dwell on that. The solution begins with strengthening the treasure of the family, which builds up in turn our community, country, and world.
The family is a treasure when it’s based upon our heavenly Father’s home: when God is at its center. The home is holy when the life of the family is rooted in Sunday Mass. We could even say that these two — family life, and the Sacrifice of the Mass — mirror each other.
Dr. Michael Foley, who is not only a patristics professor but also a husband and father of six, points out that the four principal ends of the Mass are also the four most important things to teach our children, and for everyone in the family to carry out. Holy Mass is offered for the ends of adoration, thanksgiving, petition, and satisfaction. Within the domestic Church, these four are reflected in the most important words we speak: “I love you”, “Thank you”, “Please” and “I’m sorry.” The Eucharist strengthens us to speak these words in our homes.
The home is “the domestic church,” the school of discipleship where to live in peace, a person has to learn how to be humble and serve the needs of others. These are the same virtues which make a person a good citizen, and a good follower of Jesus. As we share in Jesus’s offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, pray that His grace will strengthen you to know the needs of others with the Wisdom of God, and to serve the needs of others with the Love of God.

Fr. Albert Leo, CPPS
Precious Blood Missionaries

Monday 10 December 2018


This document of 4December 1963, entitled “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” is a documenton “The Constitution on The Sacred Liturgy” promulgated by Pope Paul VI. It is primarily meant todraw believers, and beckon all the faithful to join Christ in the act of worship in glorifying the Father, preparing and making the people of God a holy and living temple of the Lord, a dwelling-place for God in spirit, to the measure of the fullness of Christ.This document is divided into seven chapters. In this paper we shall, therefore, summarize each chapter in a liturgico-theological manner.
Chapter one, spells out the general principles for the restoration and promotion of the Sacred liturgy. In this text, the Council Fathersexhort that through the liturgy, God“wills that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” For in the liturgy, we encounter the Word made flesh, our bodily and spiritual medicine: The Mediator between God and Man (SC, 5).More so, Christ willed that the work of salvation should be propelled via the sacrifice and sacraments, around which the liturgical life revolves (SC, 6).For He is present: In the sacraments__In the sacrifice of the mass both in the person of the minister and especially in the eucharistic species; In his word, through the Holy Scriptures; In the singing and praying, and so on (SC, 7). This then indicates that the liturgy then is rightly seen as an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. And by this, it further shows that the earthly liturgy we partake, is only but a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the Holy City of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims (SC, 8).
In the liturgy, especially through the Eucharist, theCouncil Fathersremind us that grace is poured forth upon men for their sanctification and for the glorification of God. But for it to produce its full effects, it is necessary that all the faithful, should be led to that full, conscious and active participation (which is the aim to be considered before all else) in liturgical celebrations, which is demanded by the very nature of liturgy (SC, 14).
With great care towards a general restoration of the liturgy itself, the Council Fathers through the lens of SacrosanctumConciliumaccredit that the liturgy, is made up of both unchangeableelements divinely instituted, and of elements subject to change. In this rich description, both texts and rites, should be drawn up so as to express more clearly the holy thing which they signify (SC, 21-22).
To this effect, the Council Fathers convey to us “the great importance of the Sacred Scripture in the liturgy.” For it is from it, that lessons are read and explained in the homily, and psalms are sung. From it, the prayers, collects, and hymns are draw their inspirations, and that actions and signs derive their meaning (SC, 24). These, presupposes that liturgical services are not private functions, but are the celebrations of the church which is “the sacrament of unity__ the people united under their bishop”. This shows that liturgical services pertain to the whole body of the church, and also touch the individual member of the church in various ways, especially in their role of liturgical services (SC, 26), which should be made manifest in carrying out all and only those parts which pertain specifically to their office by the nature of the rite and the norms of the liturgy (SC, 28).
Thus, in a bid to foster a more unified and flourishing liturgical life and service, especially among a local church, the Council Fathers, postulates “the use of Latin language, and vernacular.” The latter, may be widely used, and so frequently be of great advantage to the people. However, it can be made effectiveonly with the approval and admission of the appropriate ecclesiastical authority, having carefully and prudently consider it worthy, together with and the other elements from their traditions and culture that might be admitted (SC, 36-40).
Chapter two, explores the most Sacred mystery of the Eucharist. Here, the Council Fathersbegan by re-echoing that: At the Last Supper, on the night Jesus was betrayed, he instituted the eucharistic sacrifice of his body and blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust his beloved spouse, the church, as a memorial of his death and resurrection. Thus, this means that when present at this mystery of faith, the faithful should not be there silent spectators, rather in a single act of worship, they should partake in the SacredAction with devotion and full collaboration, especially during the masses, viz.the liturgy of the word and the Eucharistic liturgy; and more importantly, on Sundays and holy days of obligation, which are celebrated with the faithful assisting, via the readings, homily, common prayer or prayer of the faithful, and so on (SC, 49-54). More so, the Council Fathers re-emphasise the reception of holycommunion under both kinds; that it may be given to all Christ faithful, with the approval of the bishop, determined by the Apostolic See (SC, 55).
Chapter three, concentrates on the other sacraments and the sacramentals. To begin with, the Council Fathers in congruence with the Church, clearly states that the purpose of the sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick) is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ, and, primarily to give worship to God. These sacraments, are also signs which instruct; propose faith; and also by words and object, nourishes, strengthens and expresses this same faith. This is why they are also called sacrament of faith; for they confer grace and in the very act of celebrating them, they most effectively dispose that faithful to receive this grace of profit. To this end, the faithful should with utmost importance, strive efficaciously to understanding the sacramental signs, and should eagerly frequent those sacraments which nourish the Christian life (SC, 55).In addition, to better equip the faithful, the Church has instituted sacramentals. These are Sacred signs which bear a resemblance to the sacraments. They signify effects, particularly of a spiritual nature, which are obtained through the Church’sintersection. By them, the faithful are disposed to receive the chief effects of the sacraments; and in various occasions in life are rendered holy, for the liturgy of the sacraments and sacramentals, sanctifies in almost every event of their lives with the divine grace which flows from the paschal mystery of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ, which isits source and power(SC, 60-61).
Chapter four, dwells on the divine office, which is the public prayer of the church. In this chapter, the Council Fathersunderscore the doctrinal teaching that Jesus Christ, High Priest of the New and Eternal Covenant, took human nature, and introduced into this earthly exile that hymn which is sung throughout all ages in the halls of heaven. This hymn, which is a source of piety and a nourishment for personal prayer, is the celebration of the divine office; a ceaseless engagement in praising the Lord(SC, 83).More so, the divine office is planned in way that the whole course of the day and night is made holy by the praise of God. For this reason, this song of praise is to be correctly celebrated primarily by the clergy or by the lay faithful in an approved form (SC, 84). More precisely, all who partake in the divine office are not only performing a duty for the church, relatively, they also share in what is the greatest honour for the church__ Standing before God’s throne in the name of the church (SC, 85).In consonance, the clergy, more than the lay faithful, should enthusiastically engage in the celebration of the divine office. By so doing,through this prayer life, his pastoral ministry would thrive, effectively and fruitfully. Nevertheless, the Fathers of the SacredCouncil, aware of the existing circumstances and barriers, admonishes that Lauds as morning prayer, and Vespers as evening prayer, are the two hinges on which the divine office turns. So, it must be seen as the principal hours and are to be celebrated as such (SC, 89).
            Chapter five, explores the celebrations of the liturgical year. In celebrating the saving work of Christ in a SacredCommemoration on certain days throughout the course of the year, the Holy Mother Church designates that once a week, precisely on Sunday (the kernel of the whole liturgical year), she keeps the memory of the Lord’s resurrection, a day of joy and of freedom from work. This is a traditionhanded down to us from the apostles, which took its origin from the very day of Christ resurrection. More so, once a year at the Sacred triduum of Easter, the blessed passion and resurrection of Christis celebrated. This simply implies that in the course of the year, the church unfolds the whole mystery of Christ from the incarnation and nativity, to ascension, to Pentecost, and finally to the expectation of the blessed hope of the Christ coming.Also, incelebrating the mysteries of Christ, the church honours the Blessed Virgin Mary, with a special love.Also celebratedin varieties are: Advent; Christmas; Lent; special solemnities (e.g. Of a principal patron of a town); the memorial days of the martyrs and saints; commemoration of the faithful departed, and so on.
            Chapter six, adds to this great document the inestimable value of the Sacred Music. The musical tradition of the church, is a treasure of great worth, greater than any other art. This is so because as aunion of Sacred music and words, it forms a necessary and integral part of the liturgy. On this, the Fathers of the SacredCounciladvocate the use of SacredScripturesbecause by so doing, the people of God are marvellously increased in their power and ability to preach Christ. Thus, Sacred music, is to be seen as a holy and closely connected liturgical action.Though, thiscan be achieved whenever a. This Sacred action is to be accompanied by chants (especially Gregorian),so that all the faithful can contribute assiduously to that active participation which is rightlytheirs; b. Importance is attached to the teaching and practice of music in formation houses and catholic institutions; c.There are people of a particular locality, who have their own ecclesiastical approved traditions and musical instruments.
            Chapter seven, centrifuges around SacredArt and SacredFurnishings. In approaching this text, the Council Fathers confirm that SacredArtby nature, are directed towards expressing in some way the infinite beauty of God in works made by human hands. In this same purview, the Church, has always praised the works of artists who in accordance with the religious laws of Sacredness, help promote faith, morals and Christian piety (SC, 122). However, it should be noted that since the church has not adopted any particular style of Art as her own, bishops (with the help of his diocesan committee on SacredArt), should endeavour to encourage and favour truly SacredArt and Furnishings (buildings, vestments, altars, eucharistic tabernacles, etc.)that beautifully brings to the task, the due reverence and honour, and ipso facto,serve the dignity of worship (SC, 123-124).
In summary, we have been able to delve into this documents of seven chapters, written by the Council Fathers, and promulgated by Pope Paul VI; and to a great extent, pointed out that in and through the liturgy, especially in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, “the work of our redemption is accomplished.” And also, that it is through the liturgy especially, that the faithful are enabled to express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and real nature of the true church.

Fr. Albert Leo, CPPS
Precious Blood Missionaries

Friday 9 November 2018

How to write a homily?

Have I memorized the outline? Gone through it aloud? Did I speak the whole thing aloud? How involved am I in it? Is there a place for vitalizing? Am I excited with it?
11. Prepared Delivery
Are there illogicalities in my sermon? Is it dry and concentrated though logical? Are there clumsy, complex, dull wordings? Any sentence, illustrations, quotes unnecessary? Have I to hurry through to finish?
10. Revision
While preparing have I talked directly to people? Was the preparation a dialogue? Did I see the reactions of the congregation in imagination? Who are the various sorts of people to listen? What would they get out of it? Is it personal and conversational? 
9. Visualizing People
will the type be large enough?  Plenty of space? Have I sued capitals, underlining and symmetrical position of words? Will I turn or slide the paper? Do I have proper furniture, microphone clock to check? Any distracting material to be removed from pulpit?
8. The Mechanics
Workout my sermon on my head? Or write it down? The advantages and disadvantages of writings?
7. Composition
Where the whole sermon or any of its parts have too little or too much? Which parts are likely to lack interest or clarity where should there be cutting or strengthening? Are minor matters given major times? Should I leave out anything, which is repetitious or redundant?
6. Proportioning
What is the structure for the best use of material? What is the Chart on sermon’s progress? What are the main and sub points?
5. Full Outline
What are the possible ideas? From my own thinking, experience reading, research and discussion? From contacts, journals, and newspapers?
4. Accumulating Ideas
What the development might be? How to enter into and end the sermon? Is an original sort of conception possible? What does anybody need to hear?
3. Rough Outline
What do the reading really mean? How they can be interpreted what do commentaries, versions dictionaries say?
2. Bible Research
Stating the purpose: General purpose: what is my specific goal? What does the congregation need to hear?  What do Bible readings say? What is most prominent in people’s mind? What is the special feature of liturgical season?

1.Picking the Theme
The writer of the homily has to Scripture texts and reflected on the needs of his people. From these two sources he has decided what particular aspect of the general theme should be the message in his homily. Now he begins to think of the Human approach in presenting his message.
1.      First Stage: Human Approach
He starts from a real life experience that corresponds in some way to the scripture event. It may be an incident or just a remark or a quotation from some author or any simple little fat that reflects the human values recognized inn the scripture readings. This not only gets the attention of the listeners but they can relate to it. In this way he is laying the foundation on which he is going to build.
2.      Second Stage: Anthropological Constant (Globalising)
An incident in itself may not appeal to the whole congregation. The preacher must show the universally accepted values contained in it so that each and every person may identify with them. We all have the same human nature so that this stage can easily be carried out. Unfortunately many omit it and take away from the force of their communication.
3.      Third Stage: Revelation
Now we have to throw the light of revelation on these human values. We can use the readings the people have just listened to (without just retelling the parable or the incident contained in them). We can also use the teaching of the Church, council documents, t4adition and lives of the saints, the content of the liturgy etc. these should be a core of doctrine in every homily. Without this we can fail into the fault of mere moralizing. We now go on to draw out the implications of this doctrine for our daily living. (Moralising is giving a series of ‘dos’ and ‘donts’ in the abstract).
4.      Forth Stage: Consequence for Daily Living
We link up God’s revelalito0n with the situation in which our people find themselves. As far as possible we talk in concrete terms about the Christian response Christ is asking them here and now.
5.      Fifth Stage: Link with the Eucharist Celebration
A little thought makes it easy to link our homily with the Eucharist. The homily is intended to help them towards a more meaningful celebration. Since the Christian life is the living of the Paschal Mystery and the Eucharist is the celebration of this same mystery the link is easily made. We show them how to live the Mass in the particular aspects treated of in the holily.
To Sum up:1. Start from life-- from a real life experience that corresponds to Scripture                     event. Analyze its human value, its meaning on human   level.
2.                  Shed light of Scripture on this human experience draw out significance of this; its bearing on our situation.
3.                        Draw out what this implies in daily life, showing how the mystery of salvation which we celebrate and in which we share in the liturgy of the Sacrament gibes new life and calls for Christian living (Avoid mere moralising).


A few hints may be profitably borne in mind.
1.      Do not begin on too high a key. One is particularly apt to do this in the open air, or in a large and unfamiliar church, or when much excited. It is wonderful how difficult a speaker finds it to lower the main key on which he has once fairly stated. He may become aware of it in three minutes and make repeated effort to correct the mistake, but in most cases he will fail, and when impassioned passages come, in which the voice must rise, it will rise to a scream. Every one has often witnessed this process. It is, of course, not impossible to change the key, and this should be carefully attempted when necessary. But the great matter is to avoid beginning wrong. Tenor voices, it obvious, are especially apt to begin too high.
            We must not begin on a high key, and yet the text should be distinctly heard. The difficulty thus arising when the audience is large may be overcome by stating the texts slowly, distinctly and, if necessary, a second time, and by projecting the voice, instead of elevating it.
2.      Do not suffer the voice to drop in the last words of a sentence. Though it must often sink, returning to the general pitch of the discourse. It must not fall too suddenly or too low. It is not uncommon for the last words to be quite inaudible.
3.      Never fail to take breath before the lungs are entirely exhausted; and usually keep them well filled. This will generally be done without effort in extemporaneous speaking; but in recitation and reading it requires special attention. Moned says: “ For this purpose, it is necessary to breathe quite often, and to take advantages of little rests in the delivery.”  A speaker must not gasp in his breath through the mouth but breath through the nostrils, regularly and steadily. He must keep the head and neck in an upright posture for the sake of breathing freely as well as for other reasons; and there must be nothing right around his throat.
4.      Look frequently at the remotest hearers, and see to it that they hear you. If particular persons anywhere in the room have grown inattentive, they may often be aroused by quietly aiming the voice at them for a moment.
5.      Let there be variety-of pitch, of force, and of speed. Monotony is utterly destructive of eloquence. But variety of utterance must be gained, not by assuming it from without, but by taking care to have a real and marked variety of sentiment, and then simply uttering each particular sentiment in the most natural manner. Emphasis requires much attention. In speaking, a correct emphasis will be spontaneous whenever one is fully in sympathy with his subjects.
For the rest, let rules alone, and think not about your voice but your subject and those on whom you wish to impress it. Except that when some marked fault has attracted attention or been pointed out by a friend, care must be taken to avoid it hereafter.


The qualifications we have received are very demanding. Such goals may not be realized in our lifetime, but they none the less serve as goals which the sprit of God can help implement so that we may be more effective in filling the call of God.
            The ingredients of a speaker combine to make up what the rhetoricians have traditionally called ethos. Note the well-known comments of Aristotle regarding ethos.
Persuasion is achieved by the speaker’s personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible. We believe good men more fully and more readily than others; this is true generally whatever the question is and absolutely true where exact certainty is impossible and options are divided. This kind of persuasion, like the others, should be achieved by what the speaker says, not by what people think of his character before he befits to speak. It is not true, as some writers assume in their treaties on rhetoric, that the personal goodness reveals by the speaker contributes nothing to his power of percussion; on the contrary, his character may almost be called the most affective means of percussions he possesses.

Twenty-five centuries of history note seriously altered this conclusion. The possibility exists that Aristotle was wrong in assuming that ethos is the most powerful of the three means of persuasion, but modern experimentation does support the conclusion that ethos contributes to persuasiveness.
            For our purpose it is helpful to note that ethos is of two basic types:  antecedent ethos which is the role title, position that a man brings into situation, and manifests ethos, which is what the man actually projects in the speaking situation.
            Even if a man has no antecedent’s ethos to speak of, he may earn status with his hearers during his message or address. Ethos may also be altered in adding to being created. The dress, voice, manner perceived sincerely, the introduction given to the speech all these have their effects upon changing the speaker’s ethos.
Contemporary studies of ethos have settled on the following elements in defending this concept operationally: 1) Expertness 2) Trustworthiness 3) Personal Dynamism. It can be argued with empirical evidence as support that the personal life and character of the preacher does have its impact. And the things that have been said in homiletics textbooks for many years are basically true, there must be integrity, the man who says one things and does another cannot be trusted, and the man who loves the good life does another have a claim to listeners. Integrity breaks down when there is separate existence of the house of life and the house of doctrine.
A significant form of preparation for preaching is preparation of the preacher. Effectiveness in the pulpit is indeed tied to the life, the integrity, the Christian character of the man, which declares the gospel. Good men are of their message and will be heard.


1. PIETY: Piety is a quality of soul. It is moral earnestness rooted in a continuing experience of fellowship with God. It is reverent devotion to the will of God. It is not a pose that is struck. It is not suture but moves with the glow and warmth of the Christian grace. It is not otherworldly in any sense of proud withdrawal from human interests but mingles with life in the strength of Christian virtues. It is not weak but heroic and is the inspiration of the heroism, which is the “brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh”. It is spiritual reality that entertains no simulation, and spiritual realism that recognizes and challenges the moral and spiritual enemies of life. It is not too much to say that this quality of spirit is the prime requisite to effectiveness in preaching. It inspires the preacher himself with ardent zeal, and keeps the flame alive amid all the icy indifferences by which he will so often be encompassed. It gains foe him the good will and sympathy of his hearers, the most ungodly of whom will fell that devout earnestness on his part is becoming and entitles him to respect. And to this is promised the blessing of God upon the labors, which it prompts. Much false theory and bad practice in preaching is connected with a failure theory and bad practice in preaching is of piety in the preacher. Just rhetoeucal principles as well as other and far higher consideration imperative require that a preacher of the gospel shall cultivate personal piety. It is bad rhetoric to neglect it. 

2. NATURAL GIFTS: The preacher needs the capacity for clear thinking, with strong feelings, and a vigorous imagination; also capacity for expression, and the power of forcible utterance. Many other gifts help his usefulness; these are well nigh indispensable to any high degree of efficiency. Each of these can be improved almost indefinitely, some of them developed in one who had not been conscious of possessing them, but all must exist as natural gifts.

3. KNOWLEDGE: There must be knowledge of religious truth and of such things as throw light upon it, knowledge of human nature in its relations to religious truth and of human life in its actual conditions around us. It was a favorite idea of Cicero that the orator ought to know everything. There is of course, no knowledge, which a preacher might not make useful. We may thankfully recognize the face that some men do good who have very slender attainments and yet may insists that it should be the preacher’s lowest standard to surpass, in respect of knowledge, the great; majority of those who hear him, and it should be the sacred ambition to know all that he can learn by lifelong and prayerful endeavor.
            Piety furnishes motive power; natural gifts; cultivated as far as possible, supply means; knowledge gives material; and there remains.

4. SKILL: This does not refer to style and delivery but also to the collection, choice, and arrangement of materials. All who preach eminently well and the same thing is true of secular speakers will be found, with scarcely an exception, to have labored much to acquire skill. Henry Clay became an accomplished orator by diligent cultivation of his natural gifts. In an address to some law students at Albany towards the close of his life he mentioned that during his early life in Kentucky, he commenced, and continued for years, the practice of daily reading and speaking upon the contents of some historical or scientific book. These off hand efforts were made sometimes in cornfield, yet others in the forest and not infrequently in some distant barn with the horse and the ox for my auditors.
            We are told that the Indian orators were known to practice their speeches beside a clear pool as mirror.


                         The normal speaking rate is between 125 and 190 words per minute. A reduction in listen-ability begins somewhere above 200 words per minute. Speakers should strive to be rapid enough to show vitality and yet slow enough to be certain; there is distinct articulation and comprehensibility. A proper rate is one that is both varied and sufficiently rapid to insure interest in the sermonic movement. As a congregation increases in number and the acoustics become more difficult, the rate should be slow and down to accommodate that particular situation.

                         Some speakers prefer to shout in and attempt to add emphasis. However, when a sermon is simply an extended shouting session, there is no emphasis art all. Sometimes a decrease in volume will give the desired emphasis. Unfortunately, it is too seldom used. Any change in pave or pattern will help a speaker to achieve a measure of emphasis. And of course we should not confuse volume with unction.

3. TONE:
                         A frequent fault of pulpit men is the so-called preachers tone or ministerial melody. This strange-glass voice is characterized by a habitual pitch tone, that is, it “makes statements sound like questions, the preacher gives a rising inflection at the end of indicative sentence just as he would with interrogative sentences.”

                         There is a verbal form of underlining know as emphasis though which we stress important words and subdue those that are less important. Newkrik Lamar’s very helpful book, how to speak the written word, says that able communicators have generally avoided two pitfalls common to public speakers: Overdramatic speech and colorless speech. One, they have discovered is as bad as the other. Triumphed-up enthusiasm is readily detected. Audiences feel embarrassed in the presence of such speakers. They are trouble by the experience so much that they frequently, feel contempt for the charlatan. When this occurs in the pulpit it is especially heinous. Falseness in delivery marks the sermon with questionable ness. Frequently, falseness arises out of noble intentions. The preacher wants the people to be enthusiastic about his message, but when he finds no natural enthusiasm within him he restores to fabrication. The results are reciprocally disastrous. On the other hand, he becomes an actor (of the method school variety) instead of a person whose method is an indigenous whole characterized by verbal and naturalness.


            The language of the gesture is important. Many distinct and meaningful signals may be sent via the gesture. Generally, they should be omitted during the opening moments of the sermon because people are not yet prepared. They must first warm to the message and the messenger. Once the preacher and parishioners are involved in the sermon, gestures are very appropriate with in the total communicative process. One textbook on preaching says:
            There are four-conversasional gestures, so-called because they are the basic hand and arm movements from which all other gestures are derived. The index finger gesture is one of location and mild emphasis. The clenched fist denotes dramatic ad strong emphasis. The palm-up gesture reflects affirmative and ever pleading emotion. The palm-down gesture displays disapproval, rejection, or contempt. Descriptive gestures, which are variations and communications of the conversational actions, are as infinite as the moods they communicate. 
            Gestures are very easy for some, and very difficult for others. Whatever you do, make certain that your gestures are natural. Avoid these titled extremes of elocutionism. This is no place in a manuscript to record the appropriate gesture. If it comes, fine. If it does not come, well and good. They should not be tacked on. They should flow very naturally from a wholehearted involvement with the message being shared.
            What are the qualities of good Gesture? They certainly ought to be definite. Either makes a gesture or do not make it. There is no value to half with hands or flailing of the arms is always distracting. This king of perpetual motion is simply a nervous churning of the sir. Those who practice such gymnastics are advices to put their hands on the pulpit until they learn control. The ‘face fondlers’, ‘tied tightness’, and ‘pants jokers’.
            Gestures should be characterized by variety.  It is very easy to fall into some comfortable pattern in which you use the same gestures again and again. A thoughtful critic, church officer, or faithful friend should be regularly consulted to discourage if there is anything that needs attention. I once heard of an eccentric professor who, when his lecture approached a high point, would make a circular gesture in the air. And once he hit that point, he would puncture the circle with his pointed finger. Rather than being helpful, this move was looked upon by the class as rather humorous division from the otherwise dull lectures. Variety, not predictability, is essential. 
            Gesture ought to be properly timed. A gesture that is either premature or late confounds than confirms truth. Gestures, in summery, must flow naturally from the material as an indigenous part of the preacher’s total expression of truth.

            Preaching is a form of conversation. It necessitates an awareness of the listener who is being addresses. When the congregation is viewed simply as blurred mass, the preacher is too wrapped us in his own thoughts and manuscripts of his listeners. Stevenson and Dielhl say:
When you talk with people look at them, one by one and see what they are saying back to you pantomimically. Keep yourself in dialogue with your listeners. Some ministers address their small congregations as though they were vast concourses of two thousand people. The late Charles H Spurgeon is said to have addressed two thousand people as though he were speaking personally to one man.

            Because the preachers are not caring on a soliloquy, they are to look people in the eye, not simply staring but seeing them so as to discover what their reactions are. The goal is more mental directness than more physical directness, a relationship with the listener, which makes him feel that the speaker is thinking of him and talking personally to him. This goal is difficult to achieve for the manuscript-bound preacher. According to one study, as would be expected, audience do prefer maintenance of good eye contact in a face-to-face situation.
            Speaker ought to gaze adequately toward each listener successively or toward well-spread representatives listeners when the audience is too large for contact with each individual. One should avoid looking downward, out the windows, or over the listener’s heads. Too much concentration on certain sections or individuals, while ignoring others should be avoided. One man whose messages are thoughtfully prepared and generally well delivered, gazes over the listeners heads to the back of the sanctuary. Although the truth he shares is important, one senses remoteness in the interchange. The electric spark, which should leap between pulpit and pew never, occurs when no eye contact is affected. The speaker should strive for a balance between blankness of expression and an intensity of eye contact created by starting. Adequately pause for a second or two with a listener, and then move to others. On the other hand, rapid eye movement, which is shifty and darting, which does not stay long enough on any individual, gives an impression of anxiety.
            Certain mechanical hindrances to eye contact should be cared for. Eye, glasses sometimes glare, especially when lighting is at a bad angle. Unbalanced or other wise inadequate lighting, a difficult angle between the pulpit and the pews, or placement of the speaker at too great a distance form the audience all these contribute to the problem. When there is a lack of eye contact a barrier is crated. People should inspire us; look at them in ordered that they may do it. Eye contact gives the speaker an opportunity to interpret the effect of what he says. Sensitivity to interpret the effect of what he says. Sensitivity needs to be developed-it will serve you well. Give everyone the impression that he is important and that you are interested in communicating with him.

 Fr. Albert Leo

Precious Blood Missionaries