Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Thesis-Mary in the mystery of salvation

                                                                     THESIS NO.16

            The Church affirms the role of Mary in the mystery of salvation (LG 55-59).  She is the model of the Church in the matter of faith, charity and perfect union wih Christ (LG 63).  Having entered deeply into the history of salvation, Mary unites in her person the central truths of the faith and she inspires the faithful to come to her Son, to his sacrifice and to the love of the Father (LG 65).

            I divide the thesis into 3 parts.  (1) Role of Mary in the mystery of salvation; (2) Mary as the Model of the Church; (3) Mediation of grace through Mary.

1. ..........................................................

2. Mary as the Model of the Church
            Son of God entered into history through Mother Mary.  Here the assertion is not Mary but the eternal Son of God born of Mary.  Secondly, through Mary's motherhood she becomes an instrument of God's saving mission.  We see in her the readiness to commit herself to God's plan of salvation.  In other words, we find a readiness to identify herself with the life and work of Jesus.  Motherhood depends on Mary's readiness to participate in God's initiative in the plan of salvation.  And this is concertized in Mary's life i.e., in her relationship to her son and the Mission.

            The function of Mary in salvation determines her relation to the Church.  Mary was regarded as the type or model of the Church and the Church as the image of Mary.  Mary is a type or model in her motherly fruitfulness and virginal integrity.

            In the tradition of the Church especially for Augustine, Mary's Motherhood of Jesus expands to the spiritual Motherhood of all the faithful.

Mary's Virginity
            Her virginity is displayed in her total dedication to God, which is the symbol of self surrender and openness to God.  In her Fiat (behold the handmaid of the Lord) she enters into the mystery of the child.  without knowing the implications she makes his mission her own.  She is an active agent co-operating with God through her personal surrender, personal will that would bring about the advent of messiah.

            The Church is virginal because it remains true in faith, that is, in the living acceptance of God mediated by Christ.  Hence Church should completely surrender to God and be fruitful to the faith she receives.

Mary's Immaculate Conception
            Mary was given grace of remaining holy.  If holiness is to be understood as communion with God, then Mary was in communion with God, from the beginning.  Mary had a unique prevarient grace.  In other words, human being experiences wholeness after alienation but Mary experienced it from the beginning.  Grace or Holiness is a relationship effected through Holy Spirit.

            Similarly in the Church when we receive Baptism christians have an ontological transformation through Holy spirit and thus we become immaculate or holy.  The immaculate conception is not in contrast to christian ideals but it is very much in union with catholic values and beliefs.  The members of the Church to find same fullness in Christ.  This shows that Church also must remain holy.

Mary's Assumption
            Finally, we find that Mary's life finds fulfillment in Assumption.  This dogma defines Mary's glorification as the fulfillment of her earthly existence.  Body and soul expresses the totality of the whole person.

            Mary's glorification is not in contrast with our glorification.  In fact, the dogma says Mary's glorification is a perfect and visible guarantee of our own resurrection.  In her we recognize that we who believe in Jesus Christ will be divinized in him.  In other words, if we remain faithful, then we can achieve final fulfillment.

            Thus we find Mary as the model of the Church in the matter of faith and charity and perfect union with Christ.

3. Mediation of Grace through Mary
            We say that we go to Jesus through Mary.  Mediation is God's ways of reaching out to human beings.  God acts always through signs, symbols and persons.  In this sense we are also mediators of grace.  We are to communicate God's love to others.  Vatican II and the post conciliar documents especially in Marialis cultus?  Paul VI clearly states the role of Mary.  Mary's so called `privileges' are charism and her role in the economy of salvation is a vocation.  Therefore, the Church sees Mary as the first member perfect type and exemplar of faith in Christ.  She is the first disciple and first strong believer in Christ sharing with Calvary and in glory.  In the post conciliar documents it is expressed that Mary is the perfect examples of the one who is more docile to the spirit and more open to Christ.  Karl Rahner says, "When we celebrate mary we celebrate the christian idea of human beings".  Hans Balthasar says, "Mary is the one who recognized the beauty of God".

            Thus we find in the most Blessed Virgin the Church has already reached the perfection.  But the faithful are still striving to conquer sin and increase in holiness.  And so, all the faithful look up to mary as the model of virtues.  Meditating on her in the light of word made man, the church is able to penetrate more deeply into the mystery of incarnation and become more and more like Christ.  Since Mary entered deeply into the history of salvation she unties in her person and re-echoes the most important doctrines of faith. And all the more when she is the subject of preaching and worship she inspires the faithful to come to her son, to his sacrifice and to the love of the father.  Following Mary as the model, the church in her apostolic work give birth to Christ in the hearts of the faithful.

The Church affirms the role of Mary in the mystery of salvation (LG 55-59).  She is the model of the Church in the matter of faith, charity and perfect union wih Christ (LG 63).

            Having enterd deeply in to the history of salvation, Mary unites in her person the central truths of faith and she inspires the faithful to come to her son, o his sacrifice and to tthe love of the Father (LG 65)


            "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy will" (Lk 1:38). Here, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, committing herself whole heatedly to God's saving will, she devoted herself totally, as a handmaid of the Lord, to the person and the work of her son, under and with him, serving the mystery of redemption, by the grace of Almighty God. Therefore, Mary not merely as passively engaged by God, but as freely co-operating in the work of man's salvation through faith and obedience. Mary by playing the subordinate role of salvation does not hinder in any way the immediate union of the faithful with Chris but on the contrary fosters it. No creature could ever be counted along with Christ in the mystery of salvation; but just a s the priesthood of Christ is shared in various ways, Mary's role in salvation also is shared with Christ., By partaking in the salvation history Mary still cares for the brothers/sisters of her son, who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties, until they are led into their blessed home. Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked int eh Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress and Mediatrix.

            In the understanding of Mary there are two extremes. They are, 1. "No-Need of Marian Devotion". 2.Exaggerated marian devotion. We need to balance these two extremes.
a.Mary as mother evokes tenderness and compassion. Hence Marian devotion is recommended.
b.There is always a danger of exaggerated marian devotion replacing "Christ-Centred" spirituality.

            Mary's role is seen in relation to her response and commitment to salvific plan and Christ-event. She is not another `Mediatrix' of all the graces. She has no role or place outside the salvation history. Mary's total and committed "Yes" (Fiat) to God's plan with full freedom remains always as the model of the church.

            Vat.II presents her not as a super-human. She is only a member of God's people who needs salvation. She is the model of the church in so far as she listened to the word of God, committed herself to christ in faith and love.

            Mary's significance is seen in relation to her response to the salvific plan and Christ event. After Vat II, she is placed as the model, mother and prominent member of the church and not much as the source of power and grace. Mary's place and role in the church is always in relation to Christ. Mary is the model of the church in so far as she listened to the word of God, committed herself to him in faith and love and receiving her poverty, expressed in an act of offering in obedience and trust in God. "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word". (Lk 1,38).

            - Mary's virginity is a symbol of total surrender, a complete consecrated character.

            - Mary's immaculate conception is a symbol of renewed humanity. Mary is a type of renewed sinless humanity.

            - Mary's assumption symbolises fulfilment. That we too will be ultimately glorified, if we are faithful to out vocation and commitment.

Models of the church

1. Mary as the mother of the church:
            The maternal mission signifies to bear Jesus within, delivers him into the world and for the world. Mary is the definitive meeting point between God and Man.

Some Reflective Models of the Church :-

            Mary discerned and discovered the `Voice of God' in the midst of the hustle - bustle of daily life, when we hear so many voices that practically tear us asunder, let us learn from her to say `fiat' to God's voice and commit ourselves to Him.

            1. Mary opens herself to form new convictions: As a Jewess, Mary was convinced that once she came of age she had to marry and bring up a family. In the course of the conversation with the angel she began to form new convictions. The Annunciation must have meant a physical, psychological, social and spiritual challenge to the young Mary. She faced this risk bravely and matured through the process of living this exceptional vocation.

            2. Mary asserted her Independence:  She proved that she is not dependent on the whims and fancies or the fixed expectations of the people of this world. She wanted to bring down the mighty from their thrones and raise up the lowly. She claimed freedom from the forces of society and exhibited thus her commitment to God. She was not afraid of taking a step that might force Joseph to divorce her, and make her an outcast from the Jewish Society.

            3. Mary questioned the angel: " How can this be, since I have no husband ?" (Lk.1:34). The angel then explains how this is going to be. Only after clarifying the angel's proposal, she is at peace and agrees.

            4. Mary was fully involved in the process of the Incarnation:

            5. Mary moved from the well-known past to an uncertain future:

            6. Mary as the Model for the Church's Faith: Mary's "Yes" and her total surrender to God's plan of salvation.

            7. Model for Our Destiny: assumption of Mary is a fore shadow of the destiny of all the Church members if they accept the divine plan of Salvation.

            8. Mary is the model of Graced and Liberated Humanity: In the Magnificat, Mary rejoices of being lifted up from her lowliness by God. This is the condition of all the faithful who can really call God as `Abba' (Gal.4:6, Rom.8:15).

            9. Model of the Value of Human Person before God: In Mary, we see God's desire of human co-operation and Man's will of free choice and freedom.

            10. Model for Docility to the Holy Spirit:- Mary appears to be fully open to receive the Spirit to influence and empower her whole life - at the incarnation (Lk.1:35) and at the birth of the Church (Acts.1:8).

            11. Model of Generosity (Kenosis): Mary gave up all her personal priorities to take the priority to allow salvation to reach all humanity. In Mary, the Church is called to find herself in surrendering for the well being of all humanity.

2. Mary as the perfect example for the mission of the church today:

            -           sense of service.
            -           cooperation and collaboration with God for his salvific works.
            -           faith and obedience.
3. Model for the church's faith.
4. Model for our destiny.
5. Model for the graced and liberated humanity.
6. Model for the docility to the H. Spt.
7. Model for generosity.
8. Model for liberated women.
9. Model for lay apostles

Aspects of Mariology relevance to us in India Today:-

- Mary's "Yes" to God without any hesitation and not foreseeing many of the sufferings about to come. Same way, when we promise `Yes' to God at baptism and life - long commitment, we could not foresee all that life will hold out for us. Mary gives us encouragement by her way of life in our given Indian situation.
- Magnificat = Prayer of Struggle.
- In our Indian Situation, the oppressive system of patriarchy - the root cause of all sexism in religion, education, language, law, social customs, dress, housing, working conditions, media and the market - affecting our life from conception to birth, growth, marriage, child-birth, old-age etc., Mary remains as model for us.
- Feminist theology - liberation of women.
- In the poverty and religious pluralism, she shows a model to be "Committed person of God" and discerning always God's will.

            Pope Paul VI said in his document `Marialis Cultus' gives a fitting conclusion to our portrait of Mary: " She is held up as an example to the faithful for the way in which in her own particular life she fully and responsibly accepted the will of God, because she heard the Word of God and acted on it, and because charity and the spirit of service were the driving force of her actions ".

            The theological reflections placed Mary  who can be approached by cult devotion.  Mary  has to be  seen in relation to Christ. Cfr. P.96 Catechism.  We must desist from pious sentiments and rationalisation.  See Mary  in her right place in the Church.  See her response to God as the model for the renewed humanity.  Mary  is with us in  relation to Christ and God.

            Christianity is an event not a doctrine.  It is a happening where God enters into human history and affects human history.  Christianity is the manifestation of the divine act in and through human history.  History is transformed into a history of salvation as God intended Eph 1/9.  Mystery is a plan of God.  It is a movement towards wholeness (salvation) which is dependent on God and gifted by God.  Salvation is always present from eternity.  II Tim.  God desires that all human beings reach the fullness.  It can manifest at any moment itself through certain acts and events.  Through these acts and events they get historical dimension.  Whatever affects one person affects the whole community.  God's eternal plan of salvation comes into being in history through individuals and communities. These facts concerning individuals and communities are important for the whole movement towards salvation.  The plan of God according to St. Paul is mysterion.  One who stands out in the history of salvation is the man Jesus, the Jesus of Nazareth.  In him the salvation history has come into climax.  Jesus' history is an episode to God's personal life.  And next to Jesus is Mary  the mother. The principal person who affected the salvation history is the virgin of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus.

            Mariology is concerned with a definite person in history.  Mary  is a mystery and a revelation.  Mary  responded to God in a God given pattern.  All are invited to enter into God's plan of salvation.  Her response is perfect with her whole being with what she has, what she is, what she does and what she suffers.  She received and went in total self surrender and total freedom.  Mary's whole personal life, historical life is taken up in God's personal life.  Mary  is the archetype of faith experience.  Faith-reached its climax and salvation is defined.  Through her free human acts she played a decisive role in redemption.  She is also a revelation.  She reveals God's plan of salvation by her response to become mother of Jesus.  She reveals the model of christian life by her relation to Jesus and his mission.

            The meaning of the divine motherhood in relation to Jesus Christ.  Mary  is presented in the Gospel as mother of Jesus or as his mother.  Eg. Mt 2/11, 11/30, Mk 3/31, Lk 1/43 (Mother of my Lord), 2/33-34 & 48, Jn 2/3, 19/25&26, Acts 1/14.  NT is not interested in the biography of Jesus but as the one sent by the father for  a unique mission.  Those related to him primarily related to his mission.  Identify themselves with mission.  Gal 4/4 When time had fully come, God sent forth his own sin, born of a woman, born under law.  The mother of Jesus is mentioned as woman.  Thus her son has entered the history.  It is the eternal son of God who is born through this woman.  It is through Mary   the eternal son of God was born.  The eternal son of God became human through Mary.  HEB 1:1 In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets.  Phil. 2:6  "Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped"  The son of God is  born and not appearing as human being. Jn.1/1.  Logos became flesh and dwelt among us.  The subject of  Mary's conception is not a man who later became the son of god.  Though scripture does not explicitly call Mary, mother of God but the reality is contained in it.

2.         Through her motherhood Mary  becomes an instrument in God's saving mission

            When human persons respond fully to the invitation to be an instrument of God, the whole being is affected.  The active, free surrender of the person enhances the dignity of the person.  God does not use people.  I need you because I love you Deutr. 7:6  "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth". He sets his love on them.  The persons who are called to become instruments of God are enriched and they reflect the dignity and love of God.  Every call is a dialogue.  It is a call in the form of a dialogue.  So a new orientation of one's life is involved.

3.         Call to divine motherhood had certain definitive implications in the life of Mary

a.         Motherhood implies loving and obedient acceptance of divine charge.
b.         Readiness to commit to God's plan of salvation.
c.         Readiness to identify herself with the life and work of Jesus.  This consent or readiness is intrinsic and indissoluble element of Mary's divine motherhood because this consent was pre-defined by God that through which the whole humanity accept the grace of redemption.  The readiness to participate in God's plan is concretised in her relationship to her son as his mother.

            Mary is the blessed (Lk 1; 45) Makarios because of her belief.  She is called the first disciple.  Physical motherhood is not alone the ground for her  blessedness. Lk:11:27  "As he said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!"  Mk 3:35  "Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother."  Lk 8:19-21 "Then his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him for the crowd.  And he was told, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see you. But he said to them, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."  Those who hear the word and keep it are more blessed.  Beatitude is in reference to motherhood but more emphasis is adherence to word of god.  Hearing, keeping and doing the word of God.  Therefore Mary  is the handmaid of the Lord (lk 1/38).  All christian believers are handmaid of the Lord (Acts 2/18).  Mary  needs this criterion of this christian believer (Lk 2/34).  Mary  shares the sufferings of the son.  She feels the pain.  She is united with Jesus till the end (Jn 19/25).  Mary  waits for him with disciples Acts 1/14.

            How can a human being play a constituent role in God's plan of salvation ?   The salvation in Jesus presupposes the salvation of human beings who are recognised as free responsible persons.  It affirms that God is the author of salvation.  Is 43/11 I am the Lord, there is no other saviour.  2 Cor 5/18 Through Christ, God reconciles unto himself.  God's salvation is always gratuitous, undeserved.  So creatures have no claim. But God never overrules freedom.  In God's presence we are raised to full freedom, responsibility and dignity.  More we accept  God's plan, we are more free.  All have sinned and fall short of glory of god.  Because of this relationship  salvation is offered as a covenant.  It originates  from God but includes human partnership.  Annunciation is the encounter of God's design or plan with Mary's freedom.  Mary  has to respond in freedom.  So Mary  has to give consent to give birth to a child who is the expectation of the people.  Fiat Voluntas tua -'Let it be done' is a positive and courageous response to bear responsibility for her people. in dialoguebetween God and human beings, God takes human being seriously.

            There are four ways of relationships viz. interrogator, intimidator, poor me and aloof.  Mary's response was not just a docile poor me response.  In annunciation God respects human beings.  God's relationship with his people is in the form of the covenant. Mary's divine motherhood reveals and confirms God's way of saving human beings.  Salvation is a gift as well as a task.  With fear and trembling work out for your own salvation.

            Hypolitus +235 - Church never ceases to give birth to logos by teaching the nations.

            Methodius - Incarnation from Holy virgin is in the flesh.  Incarnation in the church is through the spirit, through each one of us.

            Augustine - Church gives birth Christ himself because all who receive baptism are his members.  Church is like Mary  if she is giving birth to its members.  Church is Christ's mother. Church is like mother.

            Max Thurian says " by physical birth we are different." Church gives birth by baptism.  She feeds and nourishes them through Eucharist and word of God, consoles them through confirmation, absolves them from sins through penance and heals them through the anointing of the sick.

            Church's motherhood is the continuation of Mary's motherhood, her vocation.  LG 64. Mary  is a source "Typus Ecclesia"  Mary  is not to be seen in isolation with church.

            Objections against the belief in Mary's Divine Motherhood:

Theotokos:  First time this term occurs in third century, meaning `God bearer'.  It was widely used by the fathers of the Church viz., Athnesius,Basil and Gregory of Nazyansus.  If one says Mary  is not the mother of God, he is outside the church.  Antiochian christology denied this.  Theodore of Mopsuctia said Mary  is anthropotokos.  It reaches its climax in Nestorianism.

            Docetism: Jesus appears to be human.  No question of Mary  being the mother of God.

            Ebionites: Jesus was born of natural union between Mary  and Joseph.

            Arianism: Logos is a creature.  Mary  is the mother  of the creature logos.

            Nestorianism: Nestorian divided humanity and divinity in Christ.  Mary  is the mother of Christ who is human and mortal.  He called Mary  as Christotokos.

            Antiochian School refused to call Mary  Theotokos  because;
                        1.         Arians misused the word logos.
                        2.         God without adjective indicate God the father.
                        3.         There was a clear distinction between the divinity and humanity of christ.

            Karl Bath says Mary's co-operation in salvation is a falsification of scripture and dogmas.  It is an arbitrary innovation.  It is a falsification of truth.  Human causality in salvation cannot be accepted.

            Scripture and tradition considers Mary's virginity inseparably connected with her motherhood.  Church's understanding of salvation is exclusively coming from God which is beyond human possibilities.  Virginity means creature's singleminded openness to God's saving grace.  Church is virgin and Mary  the virgin is the model of the church.

Understanding Mary's virginity has a different meaning:
            Mary's virginity is not concerned in terms of human fertility.  Mary's virginity seen as an absolute to motherhood.  Mary's state of being unmarried is seen as an obstacle to motherhood.  God's creative power is the origin of the child.  No trace of self sufficiency is  seen in Mary.  She says I am the handmaid of the Lord.  What is expressed here is the Mary's total dependence and openness to God.  In some cases she is presented as a fertile woman but receptive to the creative power of God in the gospel.  No parallelism is seen in the world religions to Mary's virginity.  But in OT we have a comparison. The virgin Israel, the virgin called, loved, adorned and made a bride by YHWH.  Eze 16:2  "Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations" 2King. 19:21  "This is the word that the LORD has spoken concerning him: She espises you, she scorns you--the virgin daughter of Zion; she wags her head behind you--the daughter of Jerusalem".  JER 31:4  Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O virgin Israel! Again you shall adorn yourself with timbrels, and shall go forth in the dance of the merrymakers.   Is. 49:18  "Lift up your eyes round about and see; they all gather, they come to you. As I live, says the LORD, you shall put them all on as an ornament, you shall bind them on as a bride does" Is. 61:10  I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall exult in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels".

            A person who surrenders completely, whole heartedly to God experiences his special union in moral attitude.  The physical virginity is the expression of the integrity of the heart.  The total adherence to god and to his love is manifested in consecrated union in all aspects of life.


OT. Yahweh's relationship with his people
            Yahweh claims exclusive loyalty to Israel.  Hos 2/19. And I will betroth you to me for ever; I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy.  Jer 2/2 "Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem, Thus says the LORD, I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride, how you followed me in the wilderness, in a land not sown.  Faithlessness of Israel is named as harlotry. Ez 16/60.  And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter. ie. He remans faithful.  Mt 19/2  The Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom.  One who is  1 Cor.7/34.  The virgin is anxious about the affairs of the lord.  Virginity or celibacy without committing to Lord and the kingdom is absolutely meaningless, absurd. 2 Cor.11/2.  Church is virgin because she is committed to Christ.

            YAHWEH //  ISRAEL
            CHRIST //      CHURCH.

            Church must remain in single minded loyalty to Christ and his gospel. Exclusive, personal, commitment meaning of Mary's virginity is her whole hearted exclusive surrender to god alone.  Mary  is called ever virgin (Semper Virgo).  From 4th century there were discussions on  `before, in, after' the birth of Jesus  (ante partum, in partum, post partem).  Ireneus says Mary  is virgin but birth of Jesus was natural.  Purus pure pura: the pure opening the pure womb in a pure manner.  Apocryphal works speak of miraculous birth.  (Augustine + Ambrose says the same. They held the miraculous birth of Jesus.  They quoted Ez 43/2 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east; and the sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with his glory.  and Ez.44/2  And he said to me, "This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it; for the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall remain shut.  They compared birth with resurrection as light coming through window pane glass.  There was unbalanced stress on physical virginity.  In the very giving birth of the child, Mary  was fully involved not only conceiving.

Max Thurian:

Mary's virginity is a triple sign.

1.         A sign of consecration, as being set aside for God's service.
2.         It is a sign of poverty as one who is called to accept only God's fullness.
3.         It is a novelty for the kingdom of God.  The values of the kingdom transcends and relativizes all other human relationships.  The core of the virginity is applied to the whole person.

            Mary embodies the pattern of virginity.  Her virginity is a significance of virginity of human beings.  Mary's virginity sign of church's virginity.  Church is also virgin because of the integrity of her faith and devotion.  LG.63-64.

            Mary is the symbol of the renewed humanity, the centre of the mystery of salvation.  We have Jesus christ, the source of new humanity.  The model of the new humanity is Mary.(type).  Mary's sanctity is dealt here.  Mary  is holy from the very birth.  Mary's holiness, Pope pius IX declared in 1854 December 8 through the Papal Bull Ineffabilies Deus as the dogma of faith.

            Non-catholics rejected it saying this as non-biblical.  Undue exaltation of a creature to the level of Jesus who alone is the sinless.  Protestant churches and non-catholic level churches (though they taught immaculate in the middle ages).  Mary  was in communion with God from the beginning of her existence as opposed to alienation.

            She is prevented from the stain of original sin.  Mary  had the unique pre-venient grace.  It is the presence and relationship, which is unique and ontological, even before the person can freely accept it or respond to it.  Holiness is a relationship effected through holy spirit.  At baptism we have an ontological transformation through H.Sp.  We become immaculate.  Mary  is immaculate from the very beginning of her life in view of being the mother of the Lord. She is the model of renewed humanity.  Baptism is a privilege to renewed humanity.  John Macquarrie, Max Thurian, affirms this.  Lk 1/28 Mary  is full of grace.  This title for Mary  is not in contrast to christians, but united with them who can find same fullness in Christ.  Mary  full of grace is a sure sign of her fullness of this relationship.  This holiness of Mary  is not her achievement but a peculiar providence of God. Eph 1/4-12.  All of us are chosen before the foundation of the world.  How far she was Holy?  How much can we asset Mary's holiness?  Gratia plena.  Gospel knows nothing of Mary except, her holiness in comparison to Peter and others, who are folly, going away and returning.  Mary  is the daughter of Zion.  She is the symbol of grace in its fullness.  God's infallible predestined choice.

Supporting Immaculate conception:
            Peter Abeleard: Original sin is not transmitted through generative act being a member of a sinful race.

            Dun Scotus: Sin is affecting the soul primarily not body.  So God could infuse grace into soul at the moment of creation.  Mary  needed redeemer more than all others.  Xt's redemptive act is anticipated in Mary.  Potuit, decuit, ergo fecit.  It is possible, fitting, therefore God did it.  Original sin is a privation of sanctifying grace.  If the grace is infused in to soul from the very beginning  of life, there is no original sin.  Mary  had the potency, possibility to receive it in view of christ; Mary  deserved this.  It was fitting as she was destined to become mother of God.  And therefore God did it.  Already Clement XI declared Immaculate conception as the feast  in 708 AD.  Trent didn't speak about it.  Vat II LG.8 "God has not forgotten human beings".

ND =>CF 715

            Dogma defines Mary's glorification as the fulfilment of her earthly existence.  Body and soul is the totality of the person.  Glorification affects the whole person.  Dogma does not say that Mary's assumption is a unique privilege.  It affirms the act.  It is not in contrast to the glorification of us.

            Mary has become the visible and perfect guarantee of our own resurrection through her glorification.  She is the token.  In this we too be recognized and divinized and glorified.

            All protestant xtians objected it.  They said Mary's assumption is against scriptural testimony.  It is a falsification.  It is an indirect affirmation of papal infallibility.  Only Christ ascended because he is the only descended one from heaven.

            Transitus Sanctae Mariae in 5th century declared the famous pronouncement that mary was transported to heaven.  The feast of Mary "Dormitio".  Mary  was transported from earthly paradise and kept under the tree of life.  Glorification of Mary  is a fact they believed.  Mary  is not an isolated mystery.  Her glorification is an assurance of our glorification. Mary's assumption is a celebration of christian hope.  Our commitment to God is not in vain.  Mary  is with the lord.

            Mary is called mediatrix and co-redemptorix.  Mediation=> God's ways of reaching out human beings.  It is a means God uses to act on human beings. All saints and Mary  have solidarity with us.  The love of neighbour continues.  Mary  is not between Christ and us.  They are with us.  Not only Mary  but also church and each one of us are mediatrix.  We communicate God's love to our neighbours and makes us docile to God.

            Vat II Post conciliar statements marialis Cututus Paul VI declared Mary's so called privileges are charism.  Her role in the economy of salvation is a vocation.  Church sees in Mary  as the first member perfect type and exemplar of faith in christ.  She is the first disciple who shares calvary and glory of christ.

            The life of Holy spirit as the comforter of Mary  and of Church.  Vat II failed to stress the Holy spirit as comforter.  Mary  was true to, docile to the workings of the Holy Spirit and commits her to God.  When we celebrate may we celebrate the christian idea of human beings.  She is the mature woman who was committed to society.  Magnificat is Mary's realization of God's revolution.

Hans Balthasur: Mary  experienced the beauty of God and his plan of salvation.  Don't be afraid and take Mary  with you.  Be docile.

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