Saturday, 28 January 2012

Dogmas of Mary

Meaning of the Marian Dogmas and their Relevancy

            A True understanding and meaning of the Marian Dogmas can be realized only after making a sincere effort to know what the Dogmas say and how meaningful they are to us towards growing in Christian Faith.  To get a clear picture about the place and role of Mary in our salvation history, we need to make an analysis of what the Sacred Scriptures, tradition and the Church teach about the person of Mary.

            This also will help us to deepen our love for Mary the mother of God and grow closer and closer to the Father, realizing His Will in our lives.  The following summary presents in gist what the Church say about Mary and how the Marian Dogmas are relevant today for all the youth to grow in faith.

The Person Of Mary

            To answer to some of the basic questions faced by students today - like who is Mary? To what extent is she the mother of God?  People call her virgin mother of God?  Is it possible? To what degree is she free from sin?  How was she prepared to be the mother of God? - will make us understand the true person of Mary.

            The scripture presents very little on Mary, but still gives the basis for her inevitable role in the history of salvation of man. The understanding of Mary gradually grows in the scriptures.  Paul presents her as “Women”, Mark highlights her primacy of discipleship, Matthew focuses on Mary as the Mother of God and Luke treats her as the first disciple and finally John presents her as the Mother of the Disciple – “Women, behold your son … Son behold your mother”.

            Tradition clarifies the person of Mary in clear terms as Church defines the true person of Mary upholding her role in the salvific plan of God and answers through dogmas to the various heresies that cropped up in relation to the person of Mary.

The personhood of Mary is very much related to the personhood of the Saviour Jesus Christ.  It is the pre-destined plan of God that Mary be preserved from original sin.  God has preserved her by sanctifying grace, which was mentioned at the annunciation by Gabriel in words “Hail Full Of Grace”.  The freedom from loss of Virginity at conception, at the birth of Jesus and freedom from decay of her body and death are the privileges of Mary being the mother of God.
The Dogma of Mary the Mother Of God
Motherhood is the relationship between persons. Hence Before we try to understand the Motherhood of Mary we need to focus our attention on the mystery of Christ as God and Man.  Jesus is the Second person in the Trinity and has Divine nature.  And it is to this Divine PERSON Mary gave birth and added human nature.  The Person of Jesus has two natures and two wills as He is God and Man born of Mary. The priority must be given to the Person who took initiative and not the nature, which is a by-product.  We must make a clear distinction between Person and nature.  The person of Jesus is what he is from all eternity and here he has divine nature.  The same Person of Jesus existing from all eternity takes the human nature in Mary.  And it is to this Person that Mary gives birth and not just to his human nature, when she accepted to be the mother of God at the Annunciation.  Hence Mary is the mother of the divine person, Jesus, thus truly the mother of God.

When we compare with our ordinary life parents give the child a body, a human nature but the soul is created by God and joined to the body to make it a human Person.  Here in this case we do not call mother as the mother of the body, which is in human nature but we rather call the mother of the person. In the same way Mary also gave only the (body) human nature to Jesus but still she gave birth to Jesus the Son of God. Hence in reality she is the mother of the person of Jesus.  In the year 431 the council of Ephesus declared Mary to be Teotokos, Mother of God.

The foundation of all the privileges of Mary, the freedom from loss of Virginity at conception, at the birth of Jesus and freedom from decay of her body and death are from her divine motherhood.

The Dogma of Immaculate Conception

            “The virgin was preserved from all stains of original sin”  Vat (2,59).
The dogma of Immaculate Conception can only be properly understood in the light of God’s initiative to select Mary form the very beginning to be the mother of the Word and had taken infinite care to bring her to a life endowed with all graces, thus making her free from original sin.  God who takes the human form cannot be born of a women with stain of sin. “Sin and God cannot dwell in the same person at the same time”.  As salvation was necessary for Mary also, God uses the merits of the future messiah and created a soul for Mary who was conceived in the ordinary way of nature by the union of her father and mother, and fulfilled it with Grace and freed, preserved her from original sin, as original sin is the result of lack of grace in the soul.  Thus Mary was filled with supernatural life from the very moment of her existence in the womb.  Mary was prepared to be the dwelling place of His Son.

 John Scott explains it as a preventive method of God to free and preserve Mary from Original sin. by giving her a soul filled with grace, as without grace she would be in original sin. He says what is future for us is present for God, hence He could by the merits of the death of Jesus frees his mother even from original sin, although his son was not yet born nor even conceived.  God has the power and he did it in preventing Mary from original sin.

 The Main point of the dogma as declared by Pope Pius IX in 1854 can be stated as “At the very moment of the conception of Mary because of the merits of Jesus Christ, she was free from every stain of original sin and her soul was filled with special grace of God”

The Dogma On Virginity of Mary

           The mystery of Virginity has to be understood at three levels namely, the Virginity of the body, Virginity of the mind and Virginity of the heart. Since Mary was freed form original sin there were no disturbances to her sexual appetite or disorder in her bodily organs as is in the heritage of any one born in original sin.  The virginity of her mind is clearly expressed in her response to the angel “ How will this happen to me”.  The virginity of the heart is to be free from inordinate desires for pleasures. Only Mary could have this virginity of heart in its fullness as her heart beats together with the heart of God the Father, in her divine son and in the eternal love of the Spirit as she found the fullness of love in perpetuity.

           The only aim of Mary in life was to be a loving mother to her son, she kept her virginity to the end.  The very idea of virginity and celibacy in the church came from Mary.  Its ultimate motive is to live for Christ.  The controversies about the virginity of Mary are mainly due to the improper knowledge and understanding of the expressions in Hebrew language.  On the perpetual virginity of Mary, through the Lateran Council in 649 the church teaches that Mary remained a virgin before her conception, during conception and after conception.  Hence her virginity was preserved at the birth of Jesus as well as after the birth of Jesus.   Therefore she was truly a virgin and truly a mother and remained always a virgin.

The Dogma of the Assumption of Mary

As Mary was preserved from original sin she was free from all punishments. The Church believes that "The immaculate virgin, preserved from all stain of original sin was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthly life was over and exulted by the lord as queen over all things that she might be the more fully conformed to her son, the Lord of Lords and conqueror of sin and death."

            The privileges of Mary being the Mother of God also cover the aspect of Mary being freed from death, and freedom from the decay of he body which definitely support the dogma of the Assumption of Mary as she was prevented from original sin,  would certainly prove that her body was preserved.  Pope Pius XII in munificentiss pmus Dues(most benevolent God)  in1950 declares that “Mary, when she finished her earthly course was taken up to heaven both in body and soul…”.


            To draw a conclusion to the understanding of all the dogmas and their relevancy in the light of the discipleship of Mary, we can say that they present Mary as the perfect model of for a disciple to present Christ to the World, - which she did at incarnation- to be sinless, to be with the Lord and to be committed to the Lord and thus to imitate Mary the Type of the disciple and the Church.


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