Saturday, 28 January 2012

Effective Leader


* CONFIDENCE:  Confidence in yourself, confidence in others, confidence in your cause, confidence in God's assistance.

* OPTIMISM:       A belief that the goal is not only good but that it will be reached.

* KNWOLEDGE: An understanding of the underlying problems, what needs to be done and how to go about getting it done.

* CONCERN FOR OTHERS: A love and care that reaches out in God's name to every human being.

* DECISIVENESS: The ability to weigh option, make decision and gain the acceptance of the   group.

*OPENNESS: A respect for the opinions of all and a desire to work with people of divergent views and personalities.

* GOOD EXAMPLE: A willingness to help with even menial tasks, to be out in front, and to    support  the members of the group in their endeavors.

* PATIENCE: The willingness to get the ideas ripen, to plan adequately. to wait for the right time   for action.

* COURAGE: The courage to withstand the critics, to sacrifice self, to resist pressure and to  continue in the face of the adversity.

* COMMUNICATION: The ability to understand what others are trying to say and to convey   decisions and action plans clearly.
L       Loyal- dedication and devotion to his work.
E       Efficient- Bringing out the best in everything and from everyone.
A       Appreciative- Thoughtful, grateful, and thankful.
D       Disciplinarian - Oriented on self discipline than imposed discipline.
E       Economical- optimizes use of resources.
R       Responsible- builds honesty, trust and confidence.
S       Simple- makes things easy and understandable.
H       Humble- faces life with truth rather than escapism.
I        Ideal- Sets good example for others.
P       Patient - tries to understand and to advise than to penalize.



Indicate whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the following statements on 'Leadership'.

1.      People are not born- leaders, they become so.                                                                 ................

2.      An effective leader will always make all decisions for the group by himself/ herself.  ................

3.      your power and influence as leader comes solely from your position as a leader.        ...............

4.      An effective leader will not hesitate whenit comes to making a decision.                   ................

5.      A good leader tries his/her best to prevent conflicts but onece a conflict has arisen he/she will face it and resolve it.     ...............

6.      An effective leader will himself/herself solve all the problems of the group members.  ...............

7.      A good leadre will never admit his/her faults and mistakes, let his/her followers my displace him /her.     ……...........

8.      It is not possiblew to achieve the goals of the group as well as good relationship among the members       ...............

9.      An effective leader has confidence in himself/herself in others and in God.              ................

10.  If you want to achieve goals and maintain high standards, only autocratic style of leadership will work.     ................

11.   A good leader will assume total responsibility for all the decisions and activities 
12.  of the group.                                                                                                     ............

13.  12. An effective leader makes great effort to bring in clarity of roles and goals.           ..................

14.  13. A good leader will be quick to priase and slow to blame.                                     ................

15.  14. An effective leader makes great effort to bring in clarity of roles and goals.           ................

16.  15. An effective leader talks less but listens and does more.                                      ...................

17.  16. An effective leader is willing to take risk and initiatives and accept challenges.       ..................

18.  17. A good leader is just and impartial.                                                                    ..................

19.  18. An effective leader involves his followers in planing, decision making and
20.  implementation of every activity                                                                       ...................
21.  19. Reporting and having recourse to higher authorities for every problem will
22.  undermine yoour own authority.                                                                       ....................
23.  20. A good leader is the one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the          
24.  way.                                                                                                               ................        



LEADER: can be divided into two main types: The one type dominates, drives and demands; those in the other type inspire their followers to action while enriching their lives and developing their personality. we will deal only with the second type:

GET ONE THING STRAIGHT: In order to be successful you don't have to be a leader. all you hve to avoid, is being a leader. So we shall deal only briefly with those qualities of leadership which help most towards successin general.Here they are;

1. Be Enthusiastic:
 Have a sense of Humour which enables you to admit your mistakes without feeling that you have lost face. 'smile and the world smiles with you; but laugh when the world laughs at you'. is good advice.

2. Be eager to learn:
If you are too old to learn, you are too old to live, and certainly too old to lead. William has said that few of us learn anything after 26. Does that bother you ? It shouldn't if you regard yourself as among the few. Besides you do not want to learn anything new now; you just want to do what you have neglected doing till you got hold of this book.

3. Share praise but shoulder blame: Be prompt to praise. Always give credit to those who have helped you in any project.It is well kinown that those persons are most successful who know how to get other people to work for them. However, when anything goes wrong accept the full responsibility. That is the privilege of a leader.

4. Enrich the lives of others: by training them to become reliable and responsible. Help them to develop their personality, by delegating important tasks to them and so help them to come into prominance. you will thus win the loyalty of your followers and attract new ones to join you. Accept their suggestions and praise them when good done; improve their mediocre suggestioins by discussion; and when forced to reject any, always explain hte reason.

5. Never ridicule, Nag or shout at anyone: Many people think they are superior when they are sarcastic or make others look foolish or redicule. They only expose their petty nature. Nagging get you nowhere. Sit down with the offending party and find out the cause for bad behaviour, low output or persistant indifference. Shouting goes well with dictators. Leaders never shout; they give ordered with firmness and decision.

6. Develop dependebility: Glen Gardiner states that the best definition of dependability is "doing more than what is ecpected, befeore it is expected" . No one values a worker who has to be reminded several times to do a thing, and then checked on to see if the work is done right and on schedule. You will never get far if you adopt the attitude, ' I'll turn out better and quicker work, only when they pay me more".

7. Don't Over-reach: Browning spoke truly when he wrote: A mans reach should exeed his grasp or what is a heaven for ?   but we should apply this with care and prudence, especially in dealing with others. It is wisely said: " We judge others by their actions, and ourselves with our ideals". So many of us scold a servant or subordinate for not being able to do a job as well as we can. We fail to note that if they were  that good they would not be servants or subordinates. And for yourself, before you try to over-reach, make sure to provide yourself with the neccessary prop.

8. Make few promises and keep them: People lose faith in you if you can't keep your word. So make promises sparingly, but keep them faithfully and loyally. When you are not sureof being able to do something, use non-commital phrases llike " I'll see what can be done." " that time is too short but I'll do my best".  Also refrain form extracting promises from those working under you. Teach them not to make promises lightly, for a promise once given must be kept.

9. Work for the cause: why do pioneers achieve the impossible? Why do missionaries reach the unattainable? Because they work not  for moneyor for people, or for rulers, but for the cause. They know that God rewards the effort not the result.  Do your best and leave the rest to

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