Saturday, 28 January 2012

Effective Leader


* CONFIDENCE:  Confidence in yourself, confidence in others, confidence in your cause, confidence in God's assistance.

* OPTIMISM:       A belief that the goal is not only good but that it will be reached.

* KNWOLEDGE: An understanding of the underlying problems, what needs to be done and how to go about getting it done.

* CONCERN FOR OTHERS: A love and care that reaches out in God's name to every human being.

* DECISIVENESS: The ability to weigh option, make decision and gain the acceptance of the   group.

*OPENNESS: A respect for the opinions of all and a desire to work with people of divergent views and personalities.

* GOOD EXAMPLE: A willingness to help with even menial tasks, to be out in front, and to    support  the members of the group in their endeavors.

* PATIENCE: The willingness to get the ideas ripen, to plan adequately. to wait for the right time   for action.

* COURAGE: The courage to withstand the critics, to sacrifice self, to resist pressure and to  continue in the face of the adversity.

* COMMUNICATION: The ability to understand what others are trying to say and to convey   decisions and action plans clearly.
L       Loyal- dedication and devotion to his work.
E       Efficient- Bringing out the best in everything and from everyone.
A       Appreciative- Thoughtful, grateful, and thankful.
D       Disciplinarian - Oriented on self discipline than imposed discipline.
E       Economical- optimizes use of resources.
R       Responsible- builds honesty, trust and confidence.
S       Simple- makes things easy and understandable.
H       Humble- faces life with truth rather than escapism.
I        Ideal- Sets good example for others.
P       Patient - tries to understand and to advise than to penalize.



Indicate whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with the following statements on 'Leadership'.

1.      People are not born- leaders, they become so.                                                                 ................

2.      An effective leader will always make all decisions for the group by himself/ herself.  ................

3.      your power and influence as leader comes solely from your position as a leader.        ...............

4.      An effective leader will not hesitate whenit comes to making a decision.                   ................

5.      A good leader tries his/her best to prevent conflicts but onece a conflict has arisen he/she will face it and resolve it.     ...............

6.      An effective leader will himself/herself solve all the problems of the group members.  ...............

7.      A good leadre will never admit his/her faults and mistakes, let his/her followers my displace him /her.     ……...........

8.      It is not possiblew to achieve the goals of the group as well as good relationship among the members       ...............

9.      An effective leader has confidence in himself/herself in others and in God.              ................

10.  If you want to achieve goals and maintain high standards, only autocratic style of leadership will work.     ................

11.   A good leader will assume total responsibility for all the decisions and activities 
12.  of the group.                                                                                                     ............

13.  12. An effective leader makes great effort to bring in clarity of roles and goals.           ..................

14.  13. A good leader will be quick to priase and slow to blame.                                     ................

15.  14. An effective leader makes great effort to bring in clarity of roles and goals.           ................

16.  15. An effective leader talks less but listens and does more.                                      ...................

17.  16. An effective leader is willing to take risk and initiatives and accept challenges.       ..................

18.  17. A good leader is just and impartial.                                                                    ..................

19.  18. An effective leader involves his followers in planing, decision making and
20.  implementation of every activity                                                                       ...................
21.  19. Reporting and having recourse to higher authorities for every problem will
22.  undermine yoour own authority.                                                                       ....................
23.  20. A good leader is the one who knows the way, shows the way and goes the          
24.  way.                                                                                                               ................        



LEADER: can be divided into two main types: The one type dominates, drives and demands; those in the other type inspire their followers to action while enriching their lives and developing their personality. we will deal only with the second type:

GET ONE THING STRAIGHT: In order to be successful you don't have to be a leader. all you hve to avoid, is being a leader. So we shall deal only briefly with those qualities of leadership which help most towards successin general.Here they are;

1. Be Enthusiastic:
 Have a sense of Humour which enables you to admit your mistakes without feeling that you have lost face. 'smile and the world smiles with you; but laugh when the world laughs at you'. is good advice.

2. Be eager to learn:
If you are too old to learn, you are too old to live, and certainly too old to lead. William has said that few of us learn anything after 26. Does that bother you ? It shouldn't if you regard yourself as among the few. Besides you do not want to learn anything new now; you just want to do what you have neglected doing till you got hold of this book.

3. Share praise but shoulder blame: Be prompt to praise. Always give credit to those who have helped you in any project.It is well kinown that those persons are most successful who know how to get other people to work for them. However, when anything goes wrong accept the full responsibility. That is the privilege of a leader.

4. Enrich the lives of others: by training them to become reliable and responsible. Help them to develop their personality, by delegating important tasks to them and so help them to come into prominance. you will thus win the loyalty of your followers and attract new ones to join you. Accept their suggestions and praise them when good done; improve their mediocre suggestioins by discussion; and when forced to reject any, always explain hte reason.

5. Never ridicule, Nag or shout at anyone: Many people think they are superior when they are sarcastic or make others look foolish or redicule. They only expose their petty nature. Nagging get you nowhere. Sit down with the offending party and find out the cause for bad behaviour, low output or persistant indifference. Shouting goes well with dictators. Leaders never shout; they give ordered with firmness and decision.

6. Develop dependebility: Glen Gardiner states that the best definition of dependability is "doing more than what is ecpected, befeore it is expected" . No one values a worker who has to be reminded several times to do a thing, and then checked on to see if the work is done right and on schedule. You will never get far if you adopt the attitude, ' I'll turn out better and quicker work, only when they pay me more".

7. Don't Over-reach: Browning spoke truly when he wrote: A mans reach should exeed his grasp or what is a heaven for ?   but we should apply this with care and prudence, especially in dealing with others. It is wisely said: " We judge others by their actions, and ourselves with our ideals". So many of us scold a servant or subordinate for not being able to do a job as well as we can. We fail to note that if they were  that good they would not be servants or subordinates. And for yourself, before you try to over-reach, make sure to provide yourself with the neccessary prop.

8. Make few promises and keep them: People lose faith in you if you can't keep your word. So make promises sparingly, but keep them faithfully and loyally. When you are not sureof being able to do something, use non-commital phrases llike " I'll see what can be done." " that time is too short but I'll do my best".  Also refrain form extracting promises from those working under you. Teach them not to make promises lightly, for a promise once given must be kept.

9. Work for the cause: why do pioneers achieve the impossible? Why do missionaries reach the unattainable? Because they work not  for moneyor for people, or for rulers, but for the cause. They know that God rewards the effort not the result.  Do your best and leave the rest to

Games and Claps

Radio Jumble

Cast: 5 People dressed in the national costume of that state and with bords of the station pinned to them.

Dear Listeners, This is all India Radio, tune to your favorite station, and ten sit back and relax.

Bombay: Good morning friends, today we are going to talk to you cockroach menace and how to get rid off…

Ceylon: Sin, to get closer to God we mist strive to make…

Goa: Feni, after it is brewed makes a good medicinal drink which prevents..
Punjab: Terrorists, who were caught hiding under the disguise, were seen, with the…
Bombay: Flying breed of cockroaches were dealt with different ways, one of them by spraying…
Ceylon: Showers of blessing and asking for forgiveness for…
Madras: Adding a pinch of salt to the butter will increase the…
Goa: Piles, it is said is cured by this. By taking a small quantity of…
Punjab: Bloodshed, killings etc. were all the order of the day in…
Bombay: The kitchen cabinets, sinks, toilets, are the places where cockroaches frequently…
Ceylon: Ask for forgiveness now and you will be saved.
Madras: By mashing potatoes and adding a few green..
Goa: Rich tourists from all over the world come to relax in this green lnad and dance, wine and where…
Punjab: Curfew, which was imposed throughout the day and policemen were seen carrying…
Bombay: Baygon Spray…
Ceylon: Say no to the devil and God will grant you…
Madras: A little pure ghee added at the end just before…
Goa: Plunging into the cold waters and relaxing under the palm trees one can enjoy the…
Punjab: Gun shot, fired form every street. If only people could be more particular about.
Bombay: Your garbage should bot be thrown about. Be more hygienic in your own…
Ceylon: Heart, you must forgive and then God will reward a hundred fold by giving you….
Madras: Hot, crisp dosas for breakfast is the staple food for the…
Goa: Local Government will prosper with the influx of …
Punjab: Bombs, were found in the marketplace too..
Bombay: Under the fridge, cupboard, toilets these are the places where it should be sprayed to..
Ceylon: Reach heaven, and rest in Peace with the number of …
Madras: Dishes spread, the South Indian cuisine is famous for its…
Goa: Weather report saying, No large change, the tourists can enjoy the…
Punjab: Anti-social elements and help the Policemen to stop…
Bombay: There harmful insects which harms the farms by using zuari agro-pesticides, so the Goans can….
Ceylon: Rest in peace. AMEN.

Three in one

1.      One can play it on a musical instrument, bet on it, or count twenties on it. –Score
2.      There is one in every state. You can seldom start a sentence or a business without it. Capital.
3.      You can ride on it, it shows form your walk, every typewriter has it. – Carriage
4.      Your nose has one, some people have one in their mouth, it can be played with our hands. – Bridge.
5.      One bird has to do it when it settles on a branch, room has to have it to keep everything in sight, it is not heavy. Light.
6.      It gives latitude, it measures heat, it makes Ph. D. – Degree.


What is the difference between:
1.      A hungry man and a glutton? One longs to eat, the other eats too long.
2.      Fisher man and lazy school boy. One hates the hooks and the other hates the books.
3.      Pill and hill. One is difficult to get down, the other is difficult to get up.
4.      Poor man and soft cushion. One is hard up, the other is soft down.
5.      Cat and documents. One has claws at the end of its paws, the other has pauses at the end of its clauses.
6.      Musician and his listener. One plays for pay, other pays for play.
7.      Watch makes and Jailer. One sells the watches and theo other watches the cells.
8.      Sewing machine and a kiss. One sews seams nice, the other seems so nice.
9.      Thief and a church bell. One steals from the people and the other peals from the steeple.
10.  Train and a Tree. One leaves the sheds and other sheds the leaves.


On the door of a shop: Don’t go elsewhere to be cheated, come in here.

At the barber’s: Here we cut hair at any cost.

On the show window of a shop: The world is but a valley of tears; use our handkerchiefs to dry them.

Near the electricity transformer: Those who touch the wires die. The transgressors will be punished according to law.

Outside the municipal office of a small town: Please do not tie the assess outside here in order not to disturb those inside.

Notice outside a hotel: Do not live to eat but to make us live.

Road sign in a country village: Go slow, No hospital.

A – stands for a single clap.
A – stands for recurring clap.
A-    stands for a pause.
B-    Strikes the right hands fist into the left hand palm.
C-    Right palm on ht cheek.

1.      AAA / AAA / AAA/
2.      AAaaa / AAaaa / AAaaa /
3.      AAA / BBB / CCC /
4.      aaa / A / aaa /A /aaa /A/ aaa / A / AAA /
5.      aaa / aaa / AAA /
6.      AA / aaa / aaa /

Thunder storm.
            One group goes on making the sound ‘SHSH…’ they increase and reduce the intensity and speed as directed by the animator. Meanwhile another group starts rain clap. Both together will sound very realistic.

Give running claps (aaa…) soft and loud as the leader raises and lowers his hand.

Boom clap:
Poom Poom – Pooska Pooska
Boom Boom – Booska Booska
Goom Goom – Gooska Gooska

The first should be said by the conductor and for each poom he must snap his fingers once. And it should be said fast. The audience will shout, the second part and snap their fingers each time.

For Boom – hit with your right hand fist on the left ones palm.
For Goom – clap hand.

For variations increase and decrease speed. Each time you shout, the tome should become more bass.

Crazy clap:
            Have every one slap his knees twice. Clap hands twice, then grasp his left ear with his right hand and right ear with left hand. Do again and again changing hand position and increasing speed.

Gallop clap:
There are two groups. When the leader points one side they clap. Then the other, alternatively. Variation in speed (Clap used is A)

Iranian clap:
A / A / A / A
aa / aa / twice.
A / AAA / AA/ A/ A / A /

AA / BB / AA / BB / AA / BB /
A: clap with hands.
B: Strike your fists on your thighs.

Begin by slapping your left arm slowly with you right hand. Gradually increase the intensity and the speed, working down over the left palm out to the ends of the finger. Then place your right hand over your eyes as if peering into the distance, imitate train whistle ‘WHOOOOO WHOOOOO’.

Pandia Clap:
Each one claps ‘AA’ himself and then turns to the one at the left; and both clap on each others palm ‘aaa’ then ‘AA’ alone to the right ‘aaa’. Do three times.

Start by gently patting knees alternatively to resemble light rain.  Increase the noise by switching over to hand clapping as th strom reaches its height. With the hand signal, have every one shout ‘BOOM’ to represent thunder. Gradually decreases the hand clapping and then pat the knees as the storm subsides.

Rain Clap:
Give Running clap ‘aaaa….’
With whole palms
4 fingers
3 fingers
2 fingers
1 finger
Repeat these several times.

One two three (leader shows with the hand the action of a rocket going to the left and whistle,)
1,  2,  3, - right hand.
1,  2,  3, - upward.
1,  2,  3, - downward

1,2,3, in the palm.
1,2,3, back of the palm.
1,2,3, snap and whistle.

Thanks clap
1,2,3, - with hands
1,2,3, -slap thighs
1,2,3, - stamp the feet.
THANKS – shout aloud thrice.

Train clap:
You beat your closed fists on your thigh and chest alternatively with your right and left hands; start first slow, then speed and gradually slow down.

Welcome clap:
Hip, Hip, hip catch your hip (clap trice)
Hop, hop, hop jump up, forward jump, jump up, backward, jump up (Clap thrice) Bow down a little and declare “welcome sir” or “Feel at home sir”

For the first ‘Hip’ bring your left hand to the left  hip; for the second one bring your right hand to the right hip and then clap thrice.
After ‘hop hop hop’ jump up, forward, up , backward, up and then clap thrice. Then bow down a little with your right hand horizontal to your stomach and declare ‘welcome sir’.

1.      Animal Orchestra:
Singer: pig, hen, cat, dog, goat;
Whistle imitating the cry of a particular animal they make use of one of the famour hist of the year. The strange could be sung by a soloist. At certain times all of them could sing together. For more variation use your creativity.

2.      Be Prepared:
Leader: Be prepared.
Chorus: Zing – a zing – Boom! Boom!
Repeated thrice and then shout “Be prepared”

3.      Bonze Yell:
Leader: On Bonze
All: Oh Buffalo Bonze.
Leader: Oh Buffalo Buffalo Bonze.
All: (Scream loudly and jump and yell) eeeee.

4.      Bottle yell:
Pull out the cork: ‘Tak’
Gas comes out: ESSSSSS.
Pour into the glass: LU LU LU LU LU LU (sound of pouring liquid)
Drink it: KLU KLU KLU KLU KLU (Sound of drinking)
Imitate the sounds. The whole yell is mixed with the sound effect.
Finally HIC HIC HIC HIC HIC .. (as though getting hiccups).

5.      Canon yell:
Leader: Canon yell.
All: Boom
Leader: Louder still
All: Boom Boom
Leader ; still much louder
All: (very soft like an echo) Boom.

6.      Cold sneeze:
Here’s a breeze.]
Snow and freeze.
Let’s all sneeze,
Hish I hish I hish 1
Divide the whole group into three sections, one saying ‘Hish’ and second “Hash’ and the third ‘Hosh’. All three yell their words together.

7.      Congratulation Yell:
The group  is divided into two sub-groups; one group should shout with both hands raised up into the air H-A-R-H-A-R-H-A-R-E. The other group will respond to it by bending down with both hands open, in a respective form and say T-H-A-N-K-S.

8.      Karapirigo Kayyaho (Shake your hands)
Thalapirigi Thayyaho (shake your head)
Nadupiriga Nayyaho (shake your trunk)
Kayya Thayya Nayyaho (shake all the three).

9.      Thunder storm:
One group goes on making the sound ‘shah..’ They increase and reduce the intensity and speed as directed by the animator. Meanwhile another group starts rain clap. Both together will sound very realistice.

10.  Train Yell:
Treacle roll, treacle roll (5 times gradually growing faster)
Sweet pudding, Sweet pudding (5 times gradually slowing down)
Bread and cheese, Bread and cheese (tilting rhythm 5 times)
Fish and chips, fish and chips. (slowly 5 times)

11.  Tree falling Yell:
Chuck chuck (imitate choping of a tree)
There she goes (as the tree falls)
Tiss oh (shouts of warning)
Crash (as the tree falls.)

12.  Welcome:
Group 1. Wel .. Wel … Well
      2. Come - come - come
1.      Wel - wel - wel
2.      Come  - come - come

1&2 Welcome.

13.  Welcome:
We  We  We  We,  Well   Well    Well
Co  co  co  co   come  come    come
(Yell loudly) Welcome.
Variation: Start slowly and then increase the speed.

14.  Zulu Zamba Zulu:
(this verse can be repeated in rotation)
Zulu Zamba Zulu.
Zulu Maschika.
Zum… Zum… Zum… Zum…
One groups can keep on singing the last line as the other group sings it from the beginning till the end and repeat all over again.

15.  Photograph
Ask a victim from the group. Here the victim is asked to pose for a photo. The cameraman’s hands are blackened. And he goes on adjusting the face of the victim with his blackened hand. Then take out a mirror and show his face.

A team is asked to write 10 questions using the question word “Why”, E.g. Why the moon is bright? The opposite team is asked to write 10 answers using the conjunction “because”. E.g. Because it is dark. They do this independently. Read aloud the question and answers in the sequence of their corresponding number. Watch the fun.

The whole group sits in a circle. The dice is thrown for the members one by one, and the one who gets 6, dresses up like a king, goes to the plate and eats the sweets with the fork and knife. If anyone else gets 6, he takes the place of the king, and the one eating the sweets returns to his place.

Games for fun during conversations
Invite him to add 90 to his age (e.g. 17), From the sum, telll his to take first number (1) and add to the number left (7); (1+7 = 8). Now ask him for the result (8) and to this number you mentally add 9 which is a fixed number. You will get 17 which is his age.

Place eight coins in the shape of an “L”. With 5 on the vertical line and 3 on the horizontal line. Now bet that taking just one and replacing it without touching others you will have five for each line.

How? Take the top coin form the vertical line and place it on top of the coin which is at the meeting point of both the lines. You will have five coins for each lines.

3.      Guessing the final result
Tell a boy: think of a number, double it, add 10: divide the result by 2 and minus the number that you thought first.

The number you get is always half of the number that you made his to add – 10, in this case. So the final result is 5.

Ask a small boy: “How many fingers you have in one hand? He will say “five”. Then ask: “In two hands?” and he will say, “Ten”. Then suddenly ask: “In ten hands” He will most often say, “Hundred”.

5.      YES YES , NO NO:
Call a boy and tell him: I bet, you are not capable of always saying:  “NO” to four of my questions. Ask him some questions like this: Have you been to the moon? Have you washed your face this morning? Do you remember your girl friend’s name? Then suddenly ask him: Ah but you already know this game?” He will most probably protest: “NO”.

6.      I CARE A HOOT
Bet with a boy saying that he is not cable of answering four times continuously “I car a hoot”. Tell him the following: “You are an idiot: Your father was a thief; I say, You’ll go to hell; So your father was a thief. I say, You will go to hell; so you have lost!”. To the last statement, he will most probably answer: “Lost why?”

7.      THE SHOES
Bet with a boy that he will not manage to undo his own shoes and socks by himself. When he begins to bend and untie one lace, you too bend and remove the other from his other leg. So you can claim, that he was not able to do it by himself.

8.      THE FINGER
Show your index finger to a child and ask: “Do you have this finger?” He will say, Yes, and show his finger. And you can say: “No, you don’t have this finger, because this is mine”.

9.      Posture
Call a boy and challenge that even if he hides himself behind a wall you can see which posture he has taken. When he is behind a wall or a screen, you say: “You are with your chest in front and your buttocks at the back”.

Call a small boy and ask him all of a sudden: Tell me fast, how much is 1099 plus 2. He will almost surely say 2001, instead of 1101.

Tell a boy a story: A horse, a donkey, a dog and a mouse are imprisoned in a dark room with no opening such as doors, windows. How can they get out? The boy might say, “The mouse must be asked to make a hole in the wall”. Or any other answer. You say: Well done, yours was exactly the donkey’s solution.

Make a boy get onto a chair. Then tell him: “Now I will make you get down from the chair without touching you or the chair, by just ordering you three times to get down from the chair”. Then command him: “Get down”, “Get down”. He will not . then tell him, “I will give the third order tomorrow”.

Dogmas of Mary

Meaning of the Marian Dogmas and their Relevancy

            A True understanding and meaning of the Marian Dogmas can be realized only after making a sincere effort to know what the Dogmas say and how meaningful they are to us towards growing in Christian Faith.  To get a clear picture about the place and role of Mary in our salvation history, we need to make an analysis of what the Sacred Scriptures, tradition and the Church teach about the person of Mary.

            This also will help us to deepen our love for Mary the mother of God and grow closer and closer to the Father, realizing His Will in our lives.  The following summary presents in gist what the Church say about Mary and how the Marian Dogmas are relevant today for all the youth to grow in faith.

The Person Of Mary

            To answer to some of the basic questions faced by students today - like who is Mary? To what extent is she the mother of God?  People call her virgin mother of God?  Is it possible? To what degree is she free from sin?  How was she prepared to be the mother of God? - will make us understand the true person of Mary.

            The scripture presents very little on Mary, but still gives the basis for her inevitable role in the history of salvation of man. The understanding of Mary gradually grows in the scriptures.  Paul presents her as “Women”, Mark highlights her primacy of discipleship, Matthew focuses on Mary as the Mother of God and Luke treats her as the first disciple and finally John presents her as the Mother of the Disciple – “Women, behold your son … Son behold your mother”.

            Tradition clarifies the person of Mary in clear terms as Church defines the true person of Mary upholding her role in the salvific plan of God and answers through dogmas to the various heresies that cropped up in relation to the person of Mary.

The personhood of Mary is very much related to the personhood of the Saviour Jesus Christ.  It is the pre-destined plan of God that Mary be preserved from original sin.  God has preserved her by sanctifying grace, which was mentioned at the annunciation by Gabriel in words “Hail Full Of Grace”.  The freedom from loss of Virginity at conception, at the birth of Jesus and freedom from decay of her body and death are the privileges of Mary being the mother of God.
The Dogma of Mary the Mother Of God
Motherhood is the relationship between persons. Hence Before we try to understand the Motherhood of Mary we need to focus our attention on the mystery of Christ as God and Man.  Jesus is the Second person in the Trinity and has Divine nature.  And it is to this Divine PERSON Mary gave birth and added human nature.  The Person of Jesus has two natures and two wills as He is God and Man born of Mary. The priority must be given to the Person who took initiative and not the nature, which is a by-product.  We must make a clear distinction between Person and nature.  The person of Jesus is what he is from all eternity and here he has divine nature.  The same Person of Jesus existing from all eternity takes the human nature in Mary.  And it is to this Person that Mary gives birth and not just to his human nature, when she accepted to be the mother of God at the Annunciation.  Hence Mary is the mother of the divine person, Jesus, thus truly the mother of God.

When we compare with our ordinary life parents give the child a body, a human nature but the soul is created by God and joined to the body to make it a human Person.  Here in this case we do not call mother as the mother of the body, which is in human nature but we rather call the mother of the person. In the same way Mary also gave only the (body) human nature to Jesus but still she gave birth to Jesus the Son of God. Hence in reality she is the mother of the person of Jesus.  In the year 431 the council of Ephesus declared Mary to be Teotokos, Mother of God.

The foundation of all the privileges of Mary, the freedom from loss of Virginity at conception, at the birth of Jesus and freedom from decay of her body and death are from her divine motherhood.

The Dogma of Immaculate Conception

            “The virgin was preserved from all stains of original sin”  Vat (2,59).
The dogma of Immaculate Conception can only be properly understood in the light of God’s initiative to select Mary form the very beginning to be the mother of the Word and had taken infinite care to bring her to a life endowed with all graces, thus making her free from original sin.  God who takes the human form cannot be born of a women with stain of sin. “Sin and God cannot dwell in the same person at the same time”.  As salvation was necessary for Mary also, God uses the merits of the future messiah and created a soul for Mary who was conceived in the ordinary way of nature by the union of her father and mother, and fulfilled it with Grace and freed, preserved her from original sin, as original sin is the result of lack of grace in the soul.  Thus Mary was filled with supernatural life from the very moment of her existence in the womb.  Mary was prepared to be the dwelling place of His Son.

 John Scott explains it as a preventive method of God to free and preserve Mary from Original sin. by giving her a soul filled with grace, as without grace she would be in original sin. He says what is future for us is present for God, hence He could by the merits of the death of Jesus frees his mother even from original sin, although his son was not yet born nor even conceived.  God has the power and he did it in preventing Mary from original sin.

 The Main point of the dogma as declared by Pope Pius IX in 1854 can be stated as “At the very moment of the conception of Mary because of the merits of Jesus Christ, she was free from every stain of original sin and her soul was filled with special grace of God”

The Dogma On Virginity of Mary

           The mystery of Virginity has to be understood at three levels namely, the Virginity of the body, Virginity of the mind and Virginity of the heart. Since Mary was freed form original sin there were no disturbances to her sexual appetite or disorder in her bodily organs as is in the heritage of any one born in original sin.  The virginity of her mind is clearly expressed in her response to the angel “ How will this happen to me”.  The virginity of the heart is to be free from inordinate desires for pleasures. Only Mary could have this virginity of heart in its fullness as her heart beats together with the heart of God the Father, in her divine son and in the eternal love of the Spirit as she found the fullness of love in perpetuity.

           The only aim of Mary in life was to be a loving mother to her son, she kept her virginity to the end.  The very idea of virginity and celibacy in the church came from Mary.  Its ultimate motive is to live for Christ.  The controversies about the virginity of Mary are mainly due to the improper knowledge and understanding of the expressions in Hebrew language.  On the perpetual virginity of Mary, through the Lateran Council in 649 the church teaches that Mary remained a virgin before her conception, during conception and after conception.  Hence her virginity was preserved at the birth of Jesus as well as after the birth of Jesus.   Therefore she was truly a virgin and truly a mother and remained always a virgin.

The Dogma of the Assumption of Mary

As Mary was preserved from original sin she was free from all punishments. The Church believes that "The immaculate virgin, preserved from all stain of original sin was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthly life was over and exulted by the lord as queen over all things that she might be the more fully conformed to her son, the Lord of Lords and conqueror of sin and death."

            The privileges of Mary being the Mother of God also cover the aspect of Mary being freed from death, and freedom from the decay of he body which definitely support the dogma of the Assumption of Mary as she was prevented from original sin,  would certainly prove that her body was preserved.  Pope Pius XII in munificentiss pmus Dues(most benevolent God)  in1950 declares that “Mary, when she finished her earthly course was taken up to heaven both in body and soul…”.


            To draw a conclusion to the understanding of all the dogmas and their relevancy in the light of the discipleship of Mary, we can say that they present Mary as the perfect model of for a disciple to present Christ to the World, - which she did at incarnation- to be sinless, to be with the Lord and to be committed to the Lord and thus to imitate Mary the Type of the disciple and the Church.