Wednesday, 7 November 2018

All Souls Day Homily

 Wis:  3 1-9, Rom: 6 3-9, Mt: 25 31-46
Killing oneself is called suicide
Killing other is called murder
Killing many is called genocide
Old age death is called natural death
Dying in an accident is called misfortunate death.
            Thus we see many kinds of death.  But all the deaths teach only one lesson that is life on earth is not permanent.  The death is also unpredictable no one knows when it will come.  Today we are remembering all the souls which are departed from this world to the new life. Remembrance of the death is very common in all the cultures and at all times.  In our country we remember them by offering them rice balls and expiatory sacrifices.  Egyptians built fantastic pyramids in memory of their dead emperors and lords. In Rome on the anniversary of the death of a person they kept a chair outside the house hoping that the dead person will come and sit and rest.  We Christians offer intentions and celebrate Holy Eucharist.  We too see a great Tajmahal which was built in memory of the death of Shajahan’s wife Mumtaj etc...
            This celebration of All Souls day did not come on a full moon day. In the beginning Christians celebrated the memory of deceased relatives and friends on the 7th day, 30th day or 40th day.  At the time of St.Isidore of Seville 646 the Monday after Pentecost was dedicated for the commemoration of the departed Christians.  The choice of November 2nd as the day to commemorate the departed members of all the Cluniarch Monasteries was introduced by Abbot Odillo of Cluny in the year 998.  At first the monks thought only of their departed brothers and sisters.  But soon this feast spread far and wide in the church and it was embraced by all the Christians.
            The custom of saying Three Masses on this feast day was begun by the Dominicans of Valencia.  Other countries too followed this practice.  Pope benedict XIV approved this practice in 1748.  But Pope Benedict XV granted this privilege to all the priests because of the number of war casualties.  But the priests were allowed to accept only one stipend.   
When we look in to the readings of today it will tell us that our death is not an end rather it is a way to another life. Thus we see in the first reading that in the eyes of the foolish the departure of the righteous seemed like disaster but God says he has trained them like gold in the furnace so in the time of visitation they will shine forth.  Second reading says if we are baptized in to Christ we too will raise with him to the newness of life.  Through baptism we are freed from our sins and raised to new life.  And if we are righteous we will get eternal life otherwise eternal punishment. Therefore in this new life our merits and demerits will be according to our deeds. Thus we read in Mt: 27:29 “Son of man who as a king will judge the world”. Again we see in Zech 14:5.  “The Lord my God will command all the Holy ones with him”. Again when we look in to the Gospel reading and the Pre-Mathean tradition we come to know that Palestinian shepherds commonly herded mixed flocks of sheep and goats but separated the sheep and goats in the evening because sheep prefer the open air at night and goats need warmth of shelter. The greater value of sheep’s and their white color suit them to stand for the saved.  So also Jesus using the great value of good and bad righteous and wicked makes the judgment.  Thus there is no contradiction between Pre-Mathean tradition and the last judgment.
Our Christian faith also teaches that death is not a tragedy more than that our Risen Lord tells us that death is not the end of all but it is the door to eternal life.  So we read in Jn 12: 24 “unless a grain of wheat falls in to the earth and dies it remains alone but if it dies it bears much fruit”.  Thus we can understand that death is life giving, only through death new life can emerge.  That is the conviction of the martyrs too thus they willingly sacrificed themselves for the sake of Christ. 
There is also a difficulty in understanding this new life because nobody came back from the grave and communicated of what happened to him, except Jesus. Thus we face our hope only on Jesus words “I am the resurrection and life whoever believes in me will live, even if he dies and each one lives and believes in me will not die for ever” (Jn  11:25).  Thus through faith and grace a person belongs to the mystical body of Christ so every person has a share in the glories resurrection of Christ. 
Now when we look in to our lives and the people who lived and gone before us we see two kinds of feelings. Some People make mark of rejection and the others make mark of affection.  These all depends on the deeds each one does while they were with us.  These readings too give us a beautiful invitation that is to live our life beautifully.  Which means that when we live in this world we need to make the mark of affection by which Jesus would say to us that my dear son when I was sick you took care of me, when I was naked you clothed me etc? 
The Eucharist we celebrate also tells us the same two hidden realities which the Gospel tells us today. They are the already and the here and now.  Because the swaddling clothes of an infant hid the Son of God in Bethlehem and the appearance of bread and wine hides the reality of Christ dying again on Calvary in the mass. So it is a invitation for us to live the present life beautifully accepting the pains of life in order to attain the new life in Christ which is hidden. 
We human creatures are strange creatures we are for ever crying for the moon and neglect the solid earth on which we stand.  We make nothing of that which is in our hands.  Our eyes are wandering abroad turning life into a nightmare and paralyzing the action by fear of that which is not. We have the present always with us yet we are always endeavoring to live in either a half forgotten past or fancied future. Therefore if we live the present worthily Jesus will give all of us a surprise saying my dear son come and posses the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world.  Because you have fed me, clothed me, took care of me etc.  So let us ask the grace from the Lord that we may receive the grace to live this present life meaningfully.     

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