Friday, 9 November 2018

Life after Death

.“In Death final choice is followed by particular particular judgment and the subsequent Heaven, Hell or Purgatory entered in the Bodily Selves that we are which will be completed at the day of Resurrection with the same body we had on earth. This is what we mean when we say in the creed: “I believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the life everlasting.”
Eschatology is not an appendix to theology but something that should permeate all of theology. Eschatology means the study of the last things. Every Christian must be ready to face these last things namely death, Judgment, Heaven or Hell, Resurrection (The story of Blessed Pope John Paul XXIII – page 1, Para 1).
Every human has to face the first reality in his life is  death
Passive Death and Active Death:
            Man is not undergoing passive death, that helplessly undergo death like animal, but an active death, that is with conscious act of will accepting death when it comes; accepting it as part of human condition.
Animals also eat, drink, sleep and reproduce. Human beings also do the same, but qualitatively different. There is something humanness about it. So the death of a human being also cannot be exactly like an animal.
The Final Choice:
            The special mark of human death is the free choice or the final option it consists;a final choice ‘for’ or ‘against’ God.  As Karl Rahner and Ladislaus calls, it is decision ‘for or against Jesus’.
This final choice takes place neither before death nor after death but IN death.Since death is a process.Because before death we keep on changing our choices and options and so after death it is impossible to make choices.
All the human beings have this choice .In his book ‘Life after Death’ Raymond Moody says that even person in a prolonged coma (aware of things happening), or person shot dead or by heart attack (brain dies later) or even whose brain blastered (decision making effect by spiritual element not by fleshly element) have a chance for this final option. For detail refer page 11 (a, b, c, e).
Why all have choice?
Because it is human death, not like the death of an animal. The freedom of the human is respected. Earlier decisions also help a person in his final choice, as a tree falls on the side to which it is inclined.
Particular Judgement:
            When will particular Judgment take place?
            Immediately after death. Earlier Fathers of the church thought that soon after death one is going to a special temporary place, till the judgment.
·         St. Iraneus: special temporary place (FEF 259) (refer in detail).
·         Tertullian: Go into Hades temporarily (FEF 351).
            But some fathers implied in their teachings about particular judgment.
The famous legend of Scales of good deeds and bad deeds – by Ambrose
Council of Lyon II – speaks about reward and punishment follows death immediately (N. D. 26). (Please refer page 20 No.B) – have a summarized view.
Church Teaching
            The important teaching that affirmed the view ‘immediately’ is the document ‘Benedictus Deus’ by Benedict XII (ND 2305) (For more detail please refer pg 43, C).
So if one goes to heaven or hell immediately then there should be a judgment given before that.
Scriptural View:
OT -     many passage refer tojudgement such as Eze 5:7; 7:3Ps. 7:7; Hos 5:3.But no explicit reference to particular judgement.
NT-      also have no explicit references, but implicitly we can say, Lazarus and Dives (Lk 16:19-31), parable of watchfulness.Lazarus was taken immediately to heaven, he was on the bosom of Abraham. Rich man also was immediately taken. Mt 5:22 “you will be liable to judgment.”
Some Opinions:How long it will take?
            Some say it is not God who judges, but after death one sees in a flash all of one’s life, thoughts and actions and judges oneself.  God is only confirming the judgement.
            But in reality it is not I who judge but God only judges.  God rewards with joy and punishes with reluctance and the human being perceives that the judgement is right and just as he sees the whole life as in reality it was.
If we had made a choice for God IN death, then we will be given Heaven. If our choice is not for God, then go to hell. When we made a choice for God there is a little problem, still our Love is not full, so there is Purgatory Maturation.
            Descriptive definition: “Heaven is a sensed, intimate, personal and social, eternal happiness and a continuous thrill of being plunged into the throbbing, infinite, loving life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit without any obstruction.  It is happiness gifted by the Father and the Holy Spirit in and through the Son, Our Lord and Brother Jesus Christ.  A life of loving communion with the B.V.M., Angels and all the Blessed”.
            To be with God is joy, peace, harmony.
Old Testament
·         Mystical Psalms: Longings of the human heart for the intimacies of God’s presence.
·         Israelite thinks of God residing in his heavens (Deut 10, 14) Is. 64:1.
·         Psalms of theophany: Ps. 16:2; 36:5-10; 73:23-26.
New Testament
            Heaven is given us as gift in and through Jesus Christ.
Mt. 25:34, 46, 7:22ff – Jesus Christ is the one who admits people into his Father’s kingdom.
Lk 23:43 – Paradise is to be with Jesus Christ
Images in the NT
1. Vision of God: Vision of God is a relation between a subject and a subject, a familiar dealing between God and a human being.
2. Festival lights: The birth of Jesus is connected with light (Lk 2:9+32), Jesus light of the world (Jn 1:4-5+9, 3:19, 8:12, 9:5, 12:46), Transfiguration (Mt 17:2), Flash of light from heaven (Act 9:3).  In heaven we behold God who is light and we would be bathed and penetrated by that light.
3. Temple of Splendour / Heavenly City / Bride Jerusalem
            Temple is the meeting place of God and human being.  Jesus himself is presented as the Temple because in Him God and human meet (Jn 2:19-22).
2 Cor 5:1-10 – dwelling place with Lord
Rev. 4:1 – symbolic description line with OT images
Rev. 21-22 – Climax Reality. The intimate relationship.  God and human beings share a common life.
4. The “Touch” of God – The intimate tender nature of the relation and contact with God in heaven.
Can we see God in Heaven? We can see God through the eyes of Glorified Humanity of Jesus.        
Theological Reflections:
1.      Do the Blessed in Heaven seen the Divine Essence?  It is more than vision.  It is intimate relationship, we are plunged into the Trinitarian life.
2.      Know completely God when we go to heaven would be impossible.  Every moment will be new.  We come to know more and more about God.
3.      Degrees / Differences in the enjoyment of the individuals.  Only accidental differences.  God’s offer of love and life is always full.  It is only our reception that varies.
4.      Able to recognize others.  Yes, we still keep our personal identities.
Hell (ccc 1033 – 37)
            Descriptive definition: “It is the voluntarily chosen definitive loss of everlasting life and communion with God and Blessed”. There is hell and its punishment is immediately after death and particular judgement.  Controversies and diverse opinions revolve mainly around the nature of hell.
Two opinions opposed to Hell:
1. Universalism: Somehow all will be saved in the end. Reasons for this is insistence on the universal salvific will of God.  Origen’s theory of APOKATASTASIS favoured this.
2.  Annihilationism: After biological death, the lost would be annihilated forthwith. There is no resurrection for them.  Jehovah witnesses held this.
We would like very much there is no Hell.but Scripture says there is Hell.
Scriptural Evidences
Old Testament
Concept of ‘Sheol’ – This concept has been influenced by the thought patterns of people in the Middle East.  In the beginning it was considered to be dark cavern below the earth, to which went all who die, both good and bad.  There they led a shadowy, sleep existence (1 Sam 28:3ff (v. 18), Job 7:9-10; 10:21-22; 14:12-14; 17:13-16; 30:23; Ps. 88:3-6; 28:2; 30:9; 6:5).  This concept underwent a significant change (2nd and 1st Century BC).  The Septuagint translated sheol by the Greek words ‘Hades’.  The Jews began to distinguish two parts in the Sheol-Hades.  The upper part was for the good who began to enjoy some joy, whereas a lower part which came to be known later as Gehenna was a place of unending punishment for the lost.  II Mac 7:9, 14, 23, 29.  Jesus descent into hell (cf. 1 Pet 3:18-19; Mt 27:50-53).  Gehenna is normally understood in OT as a valley situated in the South of Jerusalem (Hinnom valley) witnessed the abomination of child sacrifice to Muloch (2 Kg 23:10; 2 Chr 28:3; Jer 7:30-32).  In Is. 66:24 as the place where all the dead bodies of rebels against God would be thrown and the place where the worm and fire would last.
New Testament:
            Gehenna hell is mentioned in Mt (7 times), Mk (3 times), James (once).  In parables and discourses of Jesus this term is recurring.
·         Mt 13:24-43    :           Wheat and the cockle
·         Mt 13:47-50    :           The Net
·         Mt 22:1-14      :           The Wedding feast
·         Mt 25:14-30    :           The Talents
·         Mt 25:31-46    :           The Last Judgement
·         Lk 16:19-31    :           Lazarus and Dives
·         Mt 5:22           :           For sins against chastity the liability is hell fire
·         Mt 5:28           :           Sins against chastity
·         Mt 9:42-48      :           Scandalizing simple people
·         Jn 1:4, 11:25; 14:6       The one who rejects Jesus would land himself in darkness of death.
·         Rev. 20:15       :           Those who are not in the book of life – thrown into the lake of fire
St. Paul – Rom 2:8 – wrath and fiery; Phil 3:19 – destruction; 2 Thess 1:6-10 – Eternal destruction.
The Teaching of the Fathers of the Church:
-          Ignatius of Antioch – the one who corrupts, by his evil teaching, will go to unquenchable fire.
-          St. Justin – Eternal punishment, eternal sentence of fire.
-          St. Iraneus – everlasting fire, damned forever.
-          Tertullian – special fire like volcano
-          St. Hippolytus – fiery worm that does not die
-          St. Gregory of Nazianzenus – Hell fire is a punishment and does not purify .
-          St. Augustine, Pope St. Gregory the Great – defend immediate punishment
-          Origen – hell is freely chosen person makes a choice.  He speaks of possibility of restoring the choice.  For him eternal punishment is not these.  He questions eternal punishments nature because he believes in universal restoration.
Church Documents:
Lateran IV (1215 A.D.)          Perpetual punishment
Lyons II (1274 A.D.)              Immediately to hell
Ferrara – Florence (1439 A.D.)           Immediately to Hell
CCC 1033 – 1037       Punishment
            In general the Church documents avoid using hell and fire, they are not so evidently found.
Theological Reflection – Karl Rahner
            For Rahner, after life we become part of cosmos.  Both good and bad in a special relation to the whole of cosmos since we still have the inner bodily dimension.  Good would move them to thank and praise God with whole creation while the very same thing would hurt the lost.  The reason for this strange thing is that these things would be pointing to the God whom they have voluntarily rejected.  For Rahner hell means those who have lost the sense of being with God.
How long will somebody in Hell? Is there fire in hell? What are the images used for Hell? (please refer Text Page 33-35)
The Maturation in Purgatory:
           There is no proof for existence of Purgatory in the scripture. We have texts could be accommodative. The most frequent Text is 2 Mac 12:39-45.But this text is not accepted by Protestant and jews since the original of the book in Greek.
Scripture: 2 Mac 12:39-45 – Judas Maccabeus makes a collection and send to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice in NT 1 Cor 3:10-15.  Super structure put on the foundations laid by the Apostles, which superstructure would be tested by fix.  This fix is not referring purgatory at all, but it is testing credibility.
Teachings of the Church:
            There is difference in the emphasis between east and west.  The West emphasized the aspect of satisfaction for sins committed (satispassio),(Pain must be extracted. Punishment due to the sins were left behind to be paid by Satispassio) East emphasized the aspect of purification and maturation.( what is done in the purgatorial state is continued to be accomplished by the Holy Sprit) (Refer Lyons II, Florence; The Council of Trent, Vatican II etc) pg. 23-25, Come Lord Jesus Come.
Suffrage – Meanings for all prayers, Hoe suffrage helps them those who are in Purgatory( Refer Page No.24)

Theological Reflections:
1.      Karl Rahner – Purgatory is a process of maturation.  This maturation does not mean growth in glory or merit.
2.      Card. J. Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – Encounter with Christ the Risen Lord.  The individual would realize all the sufferings he / she had inflicted on the Mystical Body of Christ and feel ashamed and guilty.  At the same time that individual would experience forgiveness flowing from the head of the Mystical Body to the truly good, biologically dead person, however imperfect he or she may have been living on this earth.
3.      Fr. Joseph Francis – we have to get out of selfishness and self centredness.  We cannot enter heaven even if we have a little bit of selflessness.  According to him purpose of purgatory.  Once our fleshly bodily dimension (external dimension) is torn away, our inner bodily self, which has inborn desire for God fly towards God.  Due to lack of proper maturity, lack of perfect love, we experience intensely the pull but cannot reach the Trinitarian persons of our longings.  This is the suffering could be compared to an intense fire.
            When Jesus comes with power in parousia all the dead and living will raise. Then there will be the final judgment – there who make choice for God will have life full of joy harmony and peace, and they will get their same body like Jesus and mother Mary.
Scriptural View:
O.T: Dan 12:1-2 – First reference to resurrection.  All the other we find previously are about resuiciation (1 Kg 17:17-24; Eze 37:1-14)/
2nd reference – II Mac 7:9ff – The widow and her seven sons.
N.T.: We see it is belief of Pharisees
Did Jesus believed? Yes he himself spoke about that.
Jesus also warns against interpreting resurrection in any grossly biological sense (Mt 22:23-33).
Paul’s teaching about resurrection is clearly explained in 1 Cor 15:1ff.For Greek people it is difficult to believe in the resurrection. Because, they follow the philosophy of Plato. According to that, (entering again soul into the body is the punishment). But resurrection means coming back to the body so Paul makes argument. ( Refer Pages 50-51)
            He speaks about progressive resurrection that initial resurrection is experienced in paschal experience of death and resurrection at Baptism.  This process completes at Parousia.
            In Rom 8:15-27, II Cor 5:5; Eph 1:14 speaks about pneumatological aspect where resurrection is seen as an ongoing process.
            The justified person has received Holy Spirit as guarantee (the arrabon) as the first installment in the process of transformation from death to life.  This transformation go on day by day according to our lower level co-operation with God’s grace, the higher level and comes to completion at the last day.
The Body we have in Resurrection
            Death was traditionally described as separation of body and soul, by the Western Christian circle, due to the influence of Plato’s philosophy.  But today the Christian anthropological understanding is, “the body and soul are not two independent things in a temporary union, but now understood as bodily self, which does not exclude the immortal soul, nor it excludes the bodily dimension, which is essential for a human being to be a human being”.  So at death, only externally extended body dissolves.  Individual’s identity remains even after biological death through internally extended body.
So bodily self is persisting even after biological death.  In the resurrection we will get back the external bodily dimensions because resurrection means the repossession of a glorified, external bodily dimension.  The sameness of the body will be never absent.  For example rubber stamp – though we use after many years image is same, though ink and paper is different.
            There are various arguments concerning that body
-          Some argue for perfect corporeal identity based on 1 Cor 15:53-54
-          Some others for partial and non-material body – 1 Cor 15:50
-          Others for spiritual body – a body perfectly submissive to the movement of the spirit and under the perfect control of the spirit.
Possible characteristics of the body:
I. Pohle – The vegetative functions would case.
V. De Broglie – possibility of vegetative functions would be present without any dependence or need or craving for them.  Because Jesus after his resurrection ate fish, breathed on the apostles and they touched him.
Four qualities of that body – that reveals dominance of spirit over the body (1 Cor 15:42-44).
i)                    Impassibility – no suffering, sickness, death, pain etc., - It is not dependant
ii)                  Splendour – beauty and radiance – controllable at will.
iii)                Subtility – Docile to Spirit and enjoy compentiability.
iv)                Agility – not restricted to space and time.

 Fr. Albert Leo

Precious Blood Missionaries

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