Wednesday, 7 November 2018

St. Gaspar Feast in Goa (2017-18)

A warm welcome to one and all and wish a happy feast day of St. Gaspar Del Bufalo. Today is the blessed and happiest day to each and every one of us. Moreover on this day we are truly gifted to have with us Most. Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, (Archbishop of Goa & Daman) and the fathers, sisters, brothers, benefactors, well wishers, friends, dear and near ones.
On this special day we faithfully remember St. Gaspar Del Bufalo, who is the cause of our joy today. He was chosen by God and was born in Rome on January 6th 1786. He was filled with the God’s blessings. He grew in knowledge and wisdom, love and manner in life. He embraced Jesus through his thoughts, words and deeds. He was a man who was filled with the love for the Word of God. With great zeal he proclaimed it and lived that Word. On August 15th 1815 he founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood of Christ. By his faith and charity; diligence, he ex celled gradually in the mission of Christ. He was a thunder preacher, had the gift of bi-location. He was called as Apostle of the Blood of Christ and the Saint of the People!
Today Precious Blood Missionaries are working in many countries like India, Italy, America, Tanzania, and Germany etc. His mission has no intermission. And dream continuous….
We ask for your prayers for us, so that we may understand the signs of the times and proclaim the Gospel faithfully. And that our work may bear fruit for the salvation of the people and in all things carry out His holy will. 
1. Let us pray for our Holy Mother Church and its leaders, especially for our Holy Father Pope Francis, Our Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao, all the bishops, Priests and religious. Lord bless them and give them good health of mind and body; and knowledge and wisdom to discern the needs of the times. Inspire them to live and proclaim the gospel to the people. Strengthen them to serve you always in holiness and justice. For this grace let us pray to the Lord. 

2. Let us pray for the Precious Blood Missionaries, may all the members of the Congregation, wherever they are, be blessed and filled with wisdom and knowledge to continue to serve the people of God and guide them in holiness of life. Grand them the zeal to serve the Church and carry out the holy will of God. For this grace let us pray to the Lord.

3. Let us pray for our country, Lord bless our country, it’s leaders and all the people. Guide our leaders to govern the country in the path of peace and justice, solidarity and in equality. Give them the wisdom to discern and serve for the development of the nation and the people, so that we may live in unity and harmony. For this grace let us pray to the Lord.    

4. Let us pray for our Benefactors and well wishers, O Lord in your kindness bless and grant good health of body mind and spirit to all those who have been good to us in many ways. Lord Bless their families and shower abundance of your blessings.  For this grace let us pray to the Lord.

5. Let us pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for our deceased members of Precious Blood Missionaries, and for the souls of our relatives, Lord forgive all their sins and grant them eternal rest. May they enjoy the blessed vision of seeing you face to face in heaven. For this grace let us pray to the Lord.

Fr. Albert Leo, CPPS
Precious Blood Missionaries

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