to the treaty
Sacraments in general – salient features of all the
Sacraments of initiation
Initiation in different religions
Characteristics of initiation
of Baptism
Introduction: Ablution and etymology
Baptism in the economy of salvation
Johanine Baptism
Jesus’ baptism
Baptism in relation to passion
Missionary commission for baptism
Baptismal formula
Baptism in the church
Through Pauline writings
Through the Fathers of the church
Theology of Baptism according to the early Church
Understanding by the Fathers of the Church
Celebration of Baptism
Mystagogy of the celebration
Candidates for Baptism
10. Ministers
of Baptism
11. Necessity
of Baptism
12. Doctrines
related to Baptism
12.1. Baptism
and faith
12.2. Baptism
and the church
12.3. Baptism
and incorporation into Christ
12.4. Baptism
and the bond of Unity of all Christians
12.5. Baptism
and indelible mark
13. Baptism
and Heresies
14. Conclusion.
There are seven
sacraments: Baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the
Sick, Priesthood and Marriage. They are
divided into Initiation, Medicinal and Service.
Sacraments are instituted
by Christ, directly or indirectly (intended by). It is an efficacious sign of salvation. Christ is present in the sacraments. Man is
sanctified and God is glorified or worshipped.
All sacs are necessary but not of equal importance for Salvation. This is based on Bull Inium Etum Nobis “The
profession of Faith of Pius IV (1564) ND p. 22, no. 32. It is a community celebration. Sacs are means of Salvation.
The old Law speaks of
Circumcision (Lev --: 14ff). In
celebration of the Sacs, the signs and symbols are to be conferred
validly. Sacraments are conferred
whether the minister is worthy or not because it is the action of Christ.
For child baptism,
Disposition of the parents and godparents is necessary. Child has only original sin. Baptism is a door to other sacs (AG 7)
Initiation is a kind of celebration of a passage into a way of life,
religion, ideology a new state of life.
Hindus have it for Brahmin at the age of 8, Kshatriya at 11, Vaisya at
12 and Sudra has no initiation. Muslims
have sunnat or Khatna = introduction of a person into new state of
life. Jews have it in circumcision. Parsis have it in two stages Naojot – Reception
of the child into the religion- Zorastrianism and Navr –Reception
of a candidate into priesthood. Buddhism
has pravrajya (lower stage, initial stage) and Upper Sambada –
To come into the circle. Therefore,
Initiation is a passage into a new state of life and with a mission, action and
How do Baptism,
confirmation and Eucharist initiate us? Initiation may coincide with stages of
Baptism – Historical
Background: Purification is
connected with religion. Ablution or
purification of persons and objects. It
is a sacral function. Water is
used. It is a passage from the past to
present to the future.
Baptism: (Gk) Baptizein)
= To plunge, to immerse into the death of Christ but also to rise with him
in his resurrection 2 Cor 5:17- Old becomes new, Gal 6:15 – neither
circumcision nor uncircumcised, New creation in everything, Rom 6:3-4 –
Baptized into Christ’s death, col 2:12 – Buried with him in baptism also rise
with him.
It has become necessary to be renewed by the Spirit, to get regeneration
and renewal by the H. Spt. Tit 3:5, Jn 3:5.
To get enlightenment by the Word, enlightened person, light to the
world, witness.
Reality of Baptism in
OT: Easter vigil blessing of Water –
Egypt, Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, River Jordan, promised land is reminded; Fulfilled
in Christ.
John the Baptist,
Mt 3:11, Mk 1:5, Lk 3:7, Jn 1:26 – Baptism with water ie, baptism of
repentance, hoping for forgiveness and new life. Jesus and his disciples Jn 3:22, 4:1
baptism in Father’s name, holy Spt and water.
Paul and the apostles in the name of Jesus and the Spirit. Church uses Trinitarian Formula Mt
Jesus’ Baptism: Mk 1:9, Mt 3:13-16, Lk 3:21, Jn 1:29. Why did Jesus was baptized? Is it necessary?
It is a manifestation of the
Father – solidarity with human beings, a requirement of Incarnation, to show
the importance of baptism, reiterate what John did – repentance. God wants to
anoint him at the initial stage of his life – listen to him.
Jesus’ understanding
of his own Baptism: I have a baptism
with which to be baptized Lk 12:50, Are you able to be baptized with the
baptism that I am to be baptized Mk 10:38, this indicates suffering and passion
as his baptism and consecration through his death and resurrection so that they
may have life.
Baptism in early
church: Pentecost, Adult baptism during Easter vigil.
Origin of Baptism: Purification needed, Baptism was of a later
concept. Acts 2:38 speaks of
repentance. For apostles what was
necessary was Faith in Jesus Christ Acts 2:41, 8:12-13, 10:48, 16:15. Paul Acts 16:31-33, Death of Jesus
Christ, rise with him Rom 6:3-4, Col 2:12, Put on Christ (-----)
Christo-centric: Participation in the redemptive act of Christ Gal 3:27, Col 2:8ff,
Circumcision abrogated with baptism. Gal
3:26-27 – link with Abraham’s faith – heirs of kingdom. Johanine: Jn 3:3-5, Nicodimus – rebirth through water
and Spirit, there was a development of theology. Didache: Trinitarian formula, place of
baptism in stagnant water also. Even by
pouring water on the head thrice, formula gets pronounced. Preparation was needed for it.
There was also catechesis
which consists in knowing the mysteries, a new way of life, fasting,
participation in the mystery and repentance (negative outlook).
ST. Justine the
Martyr: the ability of a person to confess the mysteries, to live an
upright life, prayer and fasting and ability to petition God for
forgiveness. Time: Easter
Tertullian: Immersion, rising from water, also blessing of
water (not like John Baptist), anointing to become consecrated and laying of
hands to invoke the Holy Spirit.
Hyppolytus: Prayer over the oil of
exorcism. Then there was anointing, and
followed by a prescribe procedure ie, A deacon presents the candidate to the
priest, Priest after baptizing present the candidate to the Bishop for laying
of hands and invoking the Holy Spirit.
Priest does the immersion.
Origin: Baptism means set forth, a second exodus from
darkness to light, death to life. A
transition from sinfulness to grace.
Justine the martyr: speaks of a consecration to God, new creation in
Christ, a regeneration – new life (shepherd of Hermas), redemption thro water,
one repentance wash clean from sinfulness to new life. It is descending into water symbolizing death
and ascending from water into new life.
Clement of Alexandria:
through baptism we become sons of
God. Illumined to become light, to be
made perfect. Our souls are made
immortal; we grow into maturity in grace.
Stage of preparation: Depends on whether a child or an adult. In case of child hardly any stage is
followed. In case of Adult, Rites of
Christian Initiation of Adult (RCIA) is to be followed. Several steps are involved.
Proclamation of the word
Acceptance of the Gospel – entailing conversion
Profession of Faith
Baptism itself
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Admission into Eucharistic community.
All the three sacraments
are clubbed together. In the oriental
churches, they celebrate at the same day.
For child baptism there is a post baptismal catechesis, a preparation
for first communion and confirmation.
Steps: Mystagogy:
Sign of the cross, the saving action of God, to
introduce the person to Christ in the name of the holy Trinity. At the entrance of the Church.
Proclamation of the Word – near the altar. It enlightens the person/candidate, parents,
godparents, and the rest, if request the faith response; because baptism is a
sacrament of faith. It introduces to
life of faith.
Exercise of exorcism – confession of faith – it gives a
liberation from sin and from its instigator (devil). Followed by the anointing with the oil of
The blessing of baptismal water – Easter vigil or
instant blessing.
Baptism proper – Formula to be followed. Facing the east in oriental rite. Peter was baptized in oriental rite.
Chrism oil was anointed. In oriental rite, confirmation too is
White garment and burning candle sticks (bearing
witness/mission) – put on Christ.
Bring this light unquenched when you go and meet the Lord. Our father is recited by the newly baptized
for the first time.
Communion: exclusively for the oriental rite and adult
Final blessing – certain blessings also for mother of
the child.
Receptionist: Who can
receive? Any person who has not
received it (CIC 864, CCEO 679) – Infant or adult. From the early days, all three sacraments
were given. They enter into new life,
new birth, into paschal mystery.
Catecumenate – preparation (RDIA 19, 98, AG 14.
Infant baptism? Yes.
They draw the benefit of being a member of the church.
Parents want to give the best to their children.
It is a manifestation of the Father’s love, a sharing
in the Son’s paschal mystery and a communion of new life in the spt, it brings
people into the inheritance of God and joins them to the body of Christ the
Infant baptism? No.
Deprive a gift of grace receive with full awareness
Deprive parents from nurturing the child in Christian
Necessity of baptism: No one can enter kingdom of heaven without being
born again (Jn 3:5), Baptize them in the name of the Father… (Mt 28:19-20),
Necessity of the Church which people enter through baptism (LG 14), Obligation
to proclaim the message (AG 5). Also the
council of Trent.
All these speak about the
commissioning of the disciples (Mk 16:16 – Believe will be saved. (CCC 1257-1258). Where there are social barriers there is a baptism
of desire. Faith is a journey, an
indelible mark. We become
Ordinary – Bishop, priest,
and deacon (Latin rite). Bishop and
priest (Oriental rite)
Extra-ordinary – Any person provided the Trinitarian formula is
used and the intention of the church is intended. In oriental rite, a deacon or any other
person. (Cf. CIC 861-863, CCC 1256).
Baptism and faith:
Baptism is a sacrament of
faith, faith in the community, a place where the child can believe – a
conducive atmosphere. Faith in baptism
is not a perfect faith or mature faith but to be developed. It is called a tender faith. Faith is so
important and it has to grow. The church
has catechism and at Easter vigil we renew our faith. Faith and baptism are intertwined. Faith is a grace of God. It has to bloom, helped by parents,
god-parents and church leaders.
Baptism and
grace: Baptism is not mere sac of
symbols but symbols of power of Christ.
Grace is a free gift (1 Cor 10:1ff).
No magic in this. It is a real
saving action of Christ. This comes
because of the resurrection which is the guarantee of eternal life. (1 Pet
3:21). It is a forgiveness of original
sin as well as personal sin. We become a
new creature, sons of God, temple of H. Spt., members of the body of Xt.,
partakers in the divine nature.
Baptism and
church: From the beginning, baptism
is seen a scholarship for membership in the church. It is to participate in the life of the
Church, in the mystery of Christ. We
become part of the church, Incorporated into the body of Christ. These concepts go hand in hand because the
church is the com’ty of salvation (1Cor 12:13, Gal 3:27-28). The primary relationship to Christ without
belonging to this community in which a person participate in society. Some oppositions to becoming Christian.
Baptism and Christ: Incorporation into Christ. Encounter with Christ, to grow into
Christ. To become a member of Christ’s
body. A new covenant with Christ (1 cor
12:13), baptized become living stones, Spiritual house to be part of holy
priesthood, chosen ones, royal nation etc.
1Pet 2:9 – People of the light, belonging to Xt (1 cor 6:19, 2 Cor
5:15. It makes the person subject to the
com’ty the church founded by Christ. As
subjects we have rights and duties.
We have to obey and
submit to leaders of the church (Heb 13:17), right to receive the sacrament,
spiritual resources, to be nourished by the word and body of Christ (LG 37),
called to profess, to participate in missionary activities (LG 17, AG 7 + 23).
Church in a narrow sense means the Catholic Church
and in a broad sense means a community of all Christians, a universal bond –
baptism which is common to all Christians (UR 3)
Baptism: indelible mark: this mark
is called character ie, configured to Christ.
It cannot be repeated. There is
no second baptism. Even sin cannot erase
the character of Baptism. It consecrates
the people to divine liturgy or worship (LG 11). It requires the person to serve Christ –
participate in the priesthood of Christ (LG 10). Also called seal of eternal life (Eph 4:30).
Council of Trent: (Anathema
sit- woe sayings) Canons refuting heresies.
Faith no. 1420-1433). There was a
history of heresies spring from,
Difference between John’s and Jesus’ baptism
Necessity of natural water and not other liquid
Church claims to have authority to give true
meaning or explanation or true doctrine with regards to Baptism (there are
legal interpretation, explicit and traditional explanations).
Even if a heretic confers baptism, it is
valid. (Read CF 1420-1433)
Baptismal promises and
vows are different. Private vows are not
void of virtues. One who gives up faith in
persecution, they do not need rebaptism but profession of Nicean Creed.
(Read CCC
There are common elements – Instituted by Christ,
confer grace.
Divided into three – Initiation (Baptism,
confirmation and Eucharist), medicinal (Reconciliation and anointing)
and service (Priesthood and marriage).
Different practices of Baptism.
Baptism proper
Historical background – importance of water in eco. of
Etymology – Baptizein – to dip, to immerse, to
Trinitarian Formula
Different aspects of new life.
Immersion or pouring of Water.
Real baptism, of desired
and of blood (died for the faith in the free sense)
Subjects of baptism –
minister (ordinary and extra-ordinary), Latin rite and oriental rite, Mystagogy
– rite proper (step by step) preparation for adult as well as for child
baptism. Celebration proper.
Baptism is necessary for
(a) Christians – remittance of sin –original + personal, Reception of
grace and initiation into the church, Christ’s paschal mystery
(b) Non- Christians –
Righteous life, knows the will of God and abide by that, living the moral
Why to convert? –
Because of the commission of Christ, proclaim and baptize.
Union? – Well-founded hope (C. 868).
Pastoral approach – see that there is no scandal, no
Local ordinary may enact a law on this
Usually we do no deny baptism. We may defer or delay.
there Limbo? Limbo is out of the question because it denies the
unconditional love of God the Father.
Confirmation in the economy of salvation
Tradition in East and west
Relationship between baptism and confirmation
Biblical foundation
Ordinary texts
Classical texts
Meaning of Confirmation
Holy Spirit in each individual
Anointing to become more like Christ.
Stretching of hands
God parents
Kiss of peace
Sprinkling of Holy Water
Mystagogy of the celebration
Consecration of the chrism
Anointing (biblical meaning)
Effects of Confirmation
10. Candidates
for Confirmation
11. Ministers
of Confirmation
12. Confirmation
and heresies
13. Conclusion
There was a
practice of the anointing with chrism or olive oil, which is blessed on Maundy
Thursday. It is mixed with balsan, it has 40 perfumes. Later on it was called Confirmation. It is one of the sacraments of initiation.
The rites of
Confirmation is called Ordo Confirmationis (OC)
Confirmation is
necessary for the completion of baptismal grace and a person is more oblige to
defend the church by word and deed (LG 11).
It is done by imposition of the hands (symbol of Spt), which prefigured
confirmation. The history of
Confirmation is seen in the Red Sea, Jordan etc.
in the economy of salvation: (Is 11:2,
61:1, Lk 4:16-22). There was a hope
for the coming of the Messiah, for his saving mission. This gets confirmed at Jesus’ baptism by the
descend of the Holy Spirit (Mt 3L13-17).
Spirit in the form of a dove.
Before that, Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit whom
God gives without measure (Jn 3:34 Spirit not only to remain with Jesus but to
be shared with Messianic people Ez 36:25-27, Joel 3:1-2. On many occasion Jesus promised Lk 12:12, Jn
3:5-8, Acts 1:8, this promise gets fulfilled on Easter Sunday Jn 20:22, much
more strictly on Pentecost day Acts 2:1-4.
After this peter claim that Messianic people get gathered with
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It
happens with the laying of hands, indicating the descend of the Holy Spirit on
whose hands were placed.
East: In baptism the deacon presented the
candlestick to a priest, the priest to the bishop for anointing or
confirming. St. Cyprian recorded
of the double sacrament.
West: There was mass conversion and for the
anointing, the bishop not available, therefore they held back confirmation. More parishes were opened. In one parish many were there to be
confirmed. Therefore they clubbed
together, and fixed the date of confirmation where the bishop would
confirm. This happened from the 12th
century onwards.
The bishop has
fullness of priesthood. He is the only
one proper for confirming, ie, giving and imparting the Holy Spirit.
East: They affirm the unity of Christian
West: The anointing was reserved to the bishop,
hence Christian initiation separated.
Chrismation became
confirmation because of this process.
The Bsp confirms on already baptized person. It gives strength to face struggles to attain
Xtian maturity and to be tied to the baptismal grace and mission. This is the purpose of
confirmation. This would indicate the
presence of the H. Spt, also the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spt, which seal
the person to Christ. There is
belongingness to Jesus. Jesus owning the
person confirmed.
between Baptism and Confirmation:
Confirmation completes baptism.
In Confirmation he/she receives the full measure of the Holy Spt. This is not in a quantitative sense. The realization of the Holy Spt is more in
foundation: Ordinary text: Lk
1:35, 3:22, 4:1, 4:18-19 (Is 61:1ff)
Holy Spt comes on individuals. He inspires them to the mission. He promised the gift of salvation. Classical Text: Acts 8:14-17,
(simony – selling of indulgence, gifts/grace of God cannot be
bought/sold). Acts 15:7-8 – gentiles
receive Holy Spt. Jn 4:24 – Spt and
The laying of
hands symbolizes the reception of the holy Spt on the whole group
– no difference in caste, sex or creed.
The spirit helps the person to worship (Word and Action).
Meaning: Holy Spt is in each individual in two
senses – presence is through the gifts and presence made the person to
become more like Christ.
Gifts: (1 Cor 12:8-10, Is 11:1-3) – (1) Wisdom,
(2) understanding, (3) counsel, (4) Fortitude, (5) Knowledge, (6) Piety and (7)
Fear of the Lord.
(Gal 5:22) – (1) Charity,
(2) Joy, (3) Peace, (4) Patience, (5) kindness, (6) goodness (7) generousity
(8) gentleness (9) faithfulness (10) modesty, (11) self-control and (12)
Gifts are meant for strengthening of faith,
to become more like Christ. We participate
in his Kingly, prophetic and priestly function.
And the fruits are meant for expression of faith.
Elements/symbols of rite of confirmation:
on/outstretching the hands on a person.
This is to invoke the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
2. The
chrism for anointing (symbolizing Christ and Holy Spt). It was first blessed by the bishop on Maundy
Thursday. The anointing done on the
forehead. For Latin rite with the sign of the cross. This seals the person for eternal life. It requires the person to participate in the
mission of Christ.
3. Godparents
– (practical difficulty at present) one couple will do. They represent a Christian community. They are to support the confirmees.
4. Kiss
of peace/exchange of peace – It is a wish that that person has a peace of mind,
a total being, the harmony of heart and mind, reconciliation and to have
Christ. This symbolizes comn with the
5. Springing
with holy water - it is the expression
of unity with the mystery of Christ which symbolizes the belongingness to the
com’ty of Christ.
- Anointing/holy Chrism (Eastern rite = Myron) – it is a sign of joy and abundance (Deu 11:14, Ps 23:5, Ps 104:15, It cleanses, strengthens and sooth the person (Is 1:6, Lk 10:34). It gives beauty to the soul
Baptism: the anointing in the chest – by oil of
catechumen and on forehead by chrism oil.
Confirmation: on forehead by chrism oil. Anointing: Palms by oil of
infirm. Holy Order: Palms by
chrism oil.
- In sacramental life – It strengthens the faith, it gives healing, it gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It also cleanses from sin (Also in Baptism it cleanses from sin and in anointing it heals and in Holy Order it consecrates the person for special mission i.e., ministerial priesthood).
- The anointing at Confirmation helps the confirmant to share in the person of Christ – aroma (fragrance, radiation, value) of Christ (2 Cor 2:15)
- The person is marked or sealed (2 Cor 1:22, Eph 1:13, 4:30). This gives a sense of belonging to Christ and the church (Gen 38:18, 41:42, Deut 32:34).
- Jesus himself declares that he is marked with the seal of his father (Jn 6:27). This shows that he belongs to the Father.
- It gives the guarantee of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 1:21-22, Eph 1:13, 4:10)
- It enrolls us in the service of the church as well as a promise of the holy Spirit (Rev 7:2-3, 9:4, Eze 9:4-6)
- Eucharistic celebration
- Catechesis – preparation
- Anointing as well as laying on of hands.
Formula - “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy
Spirit’ (Accipe signacullum doni spiritu sancti)
Blessing of
the chrism: - normally on Maundy Thursday.
The prayer is said with hands outstretched (Bsp and all the priests
present there) over the oil. Keeping
silence and blowing three times over the oil.
The anointing is
done on the forehead in the Lat. Rite and on forehead, eyes, nose, ears, lips,
chest, back, hands and feet in the oriental rite. The meaning is that the whole body/being is
anointed/consecrated. It is much more
In the kiss
of peace the bishop taps on the cheek to show the bond/relationship between
the bishop and the confirmee, the confirmed and the faithful.
- There is an
increase and deepening and realization of baptismal grace. The confirmed is more oblige to be the
witness of Christ, Faith, Value of the Kingdom and living a virtuous life.
- To have the bond with the Father making us cry abba Father, there is a divine affiliation (Rom 8:15)
- It unites us firmly to Christ. There is the reception of the Holy Spirit in full measure.
- There is a realization of the baptismal promises – the bearing witness and defending one’s own faith in Christ Jesus. For this we have the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- We receive a second indelible character in Confirmation (Lk 24:48-49), which is confirmed by the Council of Trent. “It completes/perfects the common priesthood that we received at baptism”. Confirmation is expressed in defending, expressing and promoting faith (Thomas Aquinas)
- It affirms to the vocation to be true Christian by active participation.
Candidates: All
those who are baptized and not yet been confirmed, who have attained the legal
age (above 12 years). The children below
12 years are confirmed with special condition – danger of death (CIC
889.1, 890).
Minister: In Latin rite, LG 26 speaks of Ordinary or
Original minister i.e., the Bishop and the Extra-ordinary minister – any
priest who has the faculty from the bishop by delegation.
In the Oriental
rite – the ordinary Minister is the priest but the Myron or the
chrism is consecrated by the bishop or patriarch. In danger of death, a priest presumed faculty
and delegation and the church supplies the faculty (Ecclesia Supplat). This is also the case with hearing confession
in danger of death.
Conclusion: General remarks.
- This is a sacrament of initiation
- It completes or perfects the baptismal grace.
- It brings about the bond with the Father, with the Son, and the church. The bond strengthens by the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- It has an indelible character which gives him/her a responsibility to exercise common priesthood to participate in missionary activities, to defend, to propagate and to express the faith.
- It is administered at the age of discretion by the bishop
- It confirms the baptism conferred by the priest.
- The essential act is the anointing with chrism and the pronouncement of the formula “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”. This gives us belongingness to Christ, to the Church and to the community.
Ex opere Operato = ‘By reason of the work performed’ or
reason of the work done by Christ’
Ex opere Operantis = ‘By reason of the work
don by the celebrant’.
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