Monday, 14 November 2011

Farewell Vote of Thanks


Respected Fr. Patrick Walsh, the Rector of Morning Star Regional Seminary, Rev. Dr. Jonn Romus the Dean of theology, Rev. Fr. Susai Manikam the treasurer, rev. Spiritual Fathers, Rev. Fr. Christudhas Animator of the 4th year students of theology, respected staff members of theology and Philosophy faculty, Reverent sisters and my dear friends good evening to you all. I stand here on behalf of 4th year students of theology to express our sentiments of gratitude to all those who are associated with our formation during our stay in Morning Star College.
            It is beautifully said, “No generation remembers us if we build up buildings, palaces, temples and mosques unless we build the lives and human characters of peoples at first.” Precisely, morning star seminary has built our lives and has formed us to be better human persons in the society and as servant leaders for the people of God.
            Although the three and half years of our stay at Morning Star College, many persons have rendered their hard work and offered selfless scarifies for our all round formation and development.  We are indebted and grateful to all of them for everything. We are extremely proud of our Alma-Mater, Morning Star College. Because we like clay pot have been made for shining and moving forward with the invincible and dynamic spirit of the motto, “Let your light shine.” We humbly acknowledge and give credit to Morning Star College for making us what we are today. It has prepared us to share the radiating light of Jesus in our own regions, dioceses, provinces and across.
            Though we are conscious of many people who deserve our deep appreciation and gratitude for the great contribution they have made for our formation, at this juncture a few of them need special mention. First and foremost, we thank the Bishops of the governing board and the provincial of the CPPS congregation, for playing a unique role in our journey of formation.
            We recall the great role played by our beloved Rectors, the present rector Rev. Fr. Patrick Walsh, the previous rector Rev.Fr. Franklin Menezses, and Fr. Vincent Aind the acting rector who tirelessly, dedicating themselves worked for our formation and growth. Dear fathers out of your deep love for us and the church, you have given us a lot and taught us a lot verbally and non-verbally. You have motivated us, changed us and molded us to be new human persons. We deeply acknowledge your kind concern, genuine love and care for us. Fr. Vincent Aind, as the principal of Morning Star College, we admire your principle of living. Through your friendly and sociable nature, you have been a source of inspiration to many of us. Apart from teaching in class rooms, you have taught many things in corridors, games fields and in Auditorium. Your simple corrections have helped us to be better persons. We acknowledge your simple ways and thank you for what you have done to us and what you had been to us during these last three and half years. Dear Father Innocent, the Minister, we are grateful to you, we have received your loving care, you were always ready to help us at any time. We appreciate your service minded attitude; we thank you and wish you all the best.
            We the 4th year students feel, in this house the role of mother was played by our beloved animator dear Fr. Christudhas, you were really good to us. In the time of need you extended your great hands to us. Whenever we came to seek help from you, be at in time or beyond time you were ready to give your full attention to us. You were a perfect guide and gentle companion to us. Your prayerful support was experienced everywhere whether in the class room or outside. You formed us sharing your long years of experience and taught us like a mother. We humbly acknowledge all that and will be ever grateful to you for what you have been to us.
            The completion of our studies at Morning Star College counts the scholarly guidance and selfless dedication of Rev. Dr. John Romus. Taking joyfully the great responsibility assigned as Dean of the faculty of theology, you have respectfully dealt with each one of us. In the field of studies and knowledge you have been a source of inspiration to all of us. We feel extremely proud to of having a professor like you. Acknowledging all your greatness, we thank you.
            Dear members of staff, your contribution towards our growth and formation counts not less than the above mentioned ones. Moreover, you have played a unique and vital role in our lives. Your good words and lovely gestures are impeded in our hearts and minds. We deeply acknowledge your selfless service and commitment to our formation. Through your vibrant teaching skills, you have imparted solid knowledge and wisdom to us. The achievement of our degree and completion of three and half years of formation rests on your hard work and labour. We humbly appreciate and thank you very much for all your services and lovely gestures.
At this moment, we are grateful to our spiritual directors Fr. Valerian Nazrareth, the Sacred Fathers Yan and Michael and Fr. Sebastian Rodriges for their valuable guidance. We also gratefully remember all the visiting professors, former staff members, retreat preachers and monthly recollection preachers for all the help they have rendered to us. In huge measure all of them have contributed and inspired us to remain in the right track in the journey of our formation. We sincerely thank them for what they have been to us.
We acknowledge the kind services of our beloved sisters, domestic staff and former students of Morning Star College. Your contribution in various ways has helped us to stay happily at Morning Star College. We sincerely thank you for all that.
            We also wish to thank you our beloved younger brothers, for your presence has added joy to the family atmosphere of Morning Star College. As the 4th years and your elder brothers, we have enjoyed your brotherly love and respect. We thank you for what you have been to us. May God bless you in all your undertakings.
            Please, forgive us, if in any way, we have wronged you.
           Once again thanks to one and all! Good bye.

                                                                            4th Year Brothers

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