Liturgy of the Word
The readings may be taken in whole or in
part from the Mass of the day or from special texts. The profession of faith
and general intercessions are not said.
1st Reading
Responsorial Psalm
2nd Reading
Priest: Those to be ordained deacons please come forward.
Priest: Most
Reverend Father, holy mother Church asks you to ordain these men, our brothers,
for service as deacons
Bishop: Do
you judge them to be worthy?
Priest: After inquiry among the people of Christ and upon recommendation of
those concerned with their training, I testify that they have been found
Bishop: We rely on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ,
and we choose these men, our brothers, for the order of deacons.
Bishop may
conclude with:
These men, your relatives and friends, are
now to be raised to the order of deacons. Consider carefully the ministry to
which they are promoted.
They will draw new strength from the gift of
the Holy Spirit. They will help the bishop and his body of priests as a
minister of the word, of the altar, and of charity. They will make themselves a
servant to all. As ministers of the altar they will proclaim the Gospel,
prepare the sacrifice, and give the Lord's body and blood to the community of
It will also be their duty, at the bishop's
discretion, to bring God's word to believer and unbeliever alike, to preside
over public prayer, to baptize, to assist at marriages and bless them, to give
viaticum to the dying, and to lead the rites of burial. Once they are
consecrated by the laying on of hands that comes to us from the apostles and
are bound more closely to the altar, they will perform works of charity in the
name of the bishop or the pastor. From the way they go about these duties, may
you recognize them as disciples of Jesus who came to serve, not to be served.
Bishop then
addresses the Candidates:
My sons, you are being raised to the order
of deacons. The Lord has set an example for you to follow.
As deacons you will serve the Jesus Christ,
who was known among his disciples as the one who served others. Do the will of
God generously. Serve God and mankind in love and joy. Look upon all unchastity
and avarice as worship of false gods; for no man can serve two masters.
Like the men the
apostles chose for works of charity, you should be men of good reputation,
filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit. Show before God and mankind that you
are above every suspicion of blame, true ministers of Christ and of God's
mysteries, men firmly rooted in faith. Never turn away from the hope which the
Gospel offers; now you must not only listen to God's word but also preach it.
Hold the mystery of faith with a clear conscience. Express in action what you
proclaim by word of mouth. Then the people of Christ, brought to life by the
Spirit, will be an offering God accepts. Finally, on the last day, when you go
to meet the Lord, you will hear him say "Well done, good and faithful
servant, enter into the joy of your Lord."
Only used for unmarried candidates to the
By your own free choice you seek to enter
the order of deacons. You shall exercise this ministry in the celibate state:
for celibacy is both a sign and a motive of pastoral charity, and a special
source of spiritual fruitfulness in the world. By living in this state with
total dedication, moved by sincere love for Christ the Lord, you are
consecrated to him in a new and special way. By this consecration you will
adhere more easily to Christ with an undivided heart; you will be more
untrammeled in the ministry of Christian conversion and rebirth. By your life
and character you will give witness to your brothers and sisters in faith that
God must be loved above all else, and that it is he whom you serve in others.
Therefore, I ask
In the presence of God and the Church, are
you resolved, as a sign of you interior dedication to Christ, to remain
celibate for the sake of the kingdom and in lifelong service to God and
Candidates: I am.
My sons, before you are ordained deacons,
you must declare before the people your intention to undertake the office.
Are you willing to be ordained for the
Church's ministry by the laying on of hands and the gift of the Holy Spirit?
Candidates: I
Are you resolved to hold the mystery of the
faith with a clear conscience, as the Apostle urges, to proclaim this faith in
word and action as it is taught by the Gospel and the Church's tradition?
Candidates: I
Are you resolved to maintain and deepen a
spirit of prayer appropriate to your way of life and, in keeping with what is
required of you, to celebrate faithfully the liturgy of the hours for the
Church and for the whole world?
Candidates: I
Are you resolved to shape your way of life
always according to the example of Christ, whose body and blood you will give
to the people?
Candidates: I
am, with the help of God
Do you promise respect and obedience to me
and my successors?
Candidates: I
May God who has begun the good work in you
bring it to fulfillment.
My dear people,
let us pray that the all-powerful Father may pour out the gifts of heaven on
these servants of his, whom he has chosen to be deacons.
Deacon: Let
us kneel
Litany - Candidates are prostrate
Lord God
hear our petitions
and give your help
to this act of our ministry.
We judge these men
worthy to serve as deacons
and we ask you to
bless them
and make them holy.
Grant this through
Christ our Lord.
Deacon: Let
us stand
One by one the
candidates go to the bishop and kneel before him. The bishop lays hands on the
head of each, in silence.
Candidates kneel before the bishop.
Almighty God,
be present with us
by your power.
You are the source
of all honor,
you assign to each
his rank,
you give to each
his ministry.
You remain
but you watch over
all creation and make it new
through you Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord:
he is your Word,
your power, and your wisdom.
You forsee all
things in your eternal providence
and make due
provision for every age.
You make the
Church, Christ's body,
grow to its full
stature as a new and greater temple.
Your enrich it
with every kind of grace
and perfect it
with a diversity of member
to serve the whole
body in a wonderful pattern of
You established a
threefold ministry of worship and
for the glory of
your name.
As ministers of
your tabernacle you chose the sons of
and gave them your
blessing as their everlasting
In the first day
of your Church
under the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit
the apostles of
your Son appointed seven men of Good
to assist them in
the daily ministry,
so that they
themselves might be more free for prayer
By prayer and the
laying on of hands
the apostles
entrusted to those chosen men the ministry
of serving at tables.
send forth upon
them the Holy Spirit,
that they may be
by the gift of the
sevenfold grace
to carry out faithfully the work of the
May they excel in
every virtue:
in love that is
in concern for the
sick and the poor,
in unassuming
and in holiness in
May their conduct
exemplify your commandments
and lead your
people to imitate their purity of life.
May they remain
strong and steadfast in Christ,
giving to the
world the witness of a pure conscience.
May they in this
life imitate your Son,
who came, not to
be served but to serve,
and one day reign with him in heaven.
We ask this
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever
and ever.
The assisting
deacons or priests puts a deacon's stole and then dalmatic on the newly
Receive the Gospel
of Christ,
whose herald you
now are.
Believe what you
teach what you
and practice what
you teach.
Bishop: Peace
be with you.
Deacon: And
also with you.
Continue with the
Liturgy of the Eucharist
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