Friendship is not like,
turbulent waves that rise high in the ocean,
the creatures and ships,
like the wind that blows fiercely,
and destroying things on the way.
is not like the thunder,
or torrential rain,
the flora and fauna on the earth.
friendship is like,
calm water in a lake,
and amicable for the boats to sail,
to swim and plants to grow.
the gentle breeze which makes the plants
Sway to and fro,
the crying baby and refreshing
The wary traveler.
the light drizzle which co oils the air,
Making the birds to twitter and hop,
Enthusing the children to skip and dance.
Friendship is too precious to be
can get it only by loving and gibing. –Anj
a little boy of five was left alone
his father at bedtime. It has never
Happened before. After some maneuvering
a lot of fun, the father finally got the
fellow into his night clothes, and was
to lift him into bed when the child
‘But dad, I have to say my prayer.’
He knelt down beside his bed, joined his
raised his eyes to heaven and
‘now I lay me down to sleep, I pray
Lord my soul to keep; if I should die
I wake, I pray the Lord nay soul to take.’
was his usual prayer, but tonight
He looked up at his dad, then raised his eyes
heaven and prayed, ‘Dear God’ make
Me a
great big good man, like my dad, Amen.’
In a
moment he was in bed, and in five minutes
And then the father knelt by his son’s
and prayed, ‘Dear Lord’ make me a great
good man like my boy thinks I am.’ -Anjat
This, Too
Shall pass away
some sorrow, like a mighty river,
through your life with peace-
Destroying power,
And dearest things are swept
From sight forever,
to your heart each trying hour:
“This, too,
shall pass away.”
fortune smiles,
And full of mirth and pleasure,
days are flitting by without a care,
you should rest with
Only earthly treasure,
these few words
There fullest import bare:
“ This too, shall pass away.”
earnest labors brings you
Fame and glory,
all earth’s noblest ones
Upon you smile,
that life’s longest,
Grandest story
but a moment in earth’s little while:
“This, too,
shall pass away.” -Anjat
did a golden deed
himself a friend in need;
the skies the whole day long
Was that somebody you?
made a loving gift,
tried a load to lift;
told the love of God.
how God’s Willis our happiness
that somebody you?
filled the days with light,
chased away the night;
his life shall never cease,
that somebody you? -Anjat
Fear not that you might fail…Fear rather that
you might never succeed if you never dare to try.
Fear not that you might make a mistake believing in your dream …Fear
not rather that if you don’t go for it you might stand before God and He’ll
tell you that you could have succeeded if you had more faith.
Fear not that of to doesn’t work out you’ll be embarrassed… Fear rather
that if you don’t try time will only prove you could have succeeded! The
saddest words of tongue or pen are these: “it might have been.”
Fear not that you fail …Fear rather that you will never succeed if you
don’t start taking risks.
Fear not that you might be hurt…Fear rather that you might never grow
if you keep waiting for painless success.
Fear not that you might love and lose … Fear rather that you might
never love at all.
Fear not that others might laugh at your mistakes…Fear rather that God
will say to you , “O you of little faith.”
Fear not that you might fall again…Fear rather that you might have made
it the next time if you’d only tried once more and given it all you had.
desirous of converting John Bunyan visited him in Bedford jail.
John,”said he, “I come to thee with a message from the Lord; and after having
searched for thee in all the prisons in England, I am glad I have found thee at
the Lord has sent you,” answered Bunyan, you need not have had so much pains to
find me out, for the Lord knows I have been here for twelve years.”
This wonderful old neighbor of mine was
retired and spent much of his time in his yard, which was a great source of
pride to him. But try as he would, he could not get rid of the dandelions.
Despite using the best grass seed and the most expensive weed killer, they
still appeared, bright yellow dots in the midst of his beautiful green lawn.
When he wrote to a gardening expert about
his problem, the reply included several suggestions and closed with this
statement. “If none of these work, I suggest you learn to love dandelions.”
One morning, I stopped by to have coffee
with an old friend. For years she and her husband had been saving money to buy
a more expensive home. But she was still at the same address when I called on
her. As I walked into her living room and looked around, the words just tumbled
out, “Jean, your house just looks beautiful.”
It was not an idle compliment. She took me
through the rest of the house and every room; every corner was a gem of
imaginative decorating. She had done it, not with a lot of money but with creativity,
flair and hard work.
Over coffee she confided, “I’m sure you
remember how much I wanted a
In addition to the word gifts
of prophecy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues, sharing from our own
insight or experience is another means by which the community manifests the
glory of the Lord and builds itself up as the; Lord’s body. Sharing includes
exhortation, teaching, and testimony.
Perhaps the most common form of sharing is exhortation,
moving people to a deeper commitment or to a particular action. Frequently, as
the Holy Spirit works, a person begins to sense what the Lord is saying. Not
always is this sense meant to be put into the form of prophecy, it can be
shared as simply a sense of the Lord’s word speaking to what we are or must
become. It is not a word meant just for our information but for our
transformation, and it is natural to communicate it as an exhortation –a
calling to heed the Lord and turn in the way he commands.
Such exhortation has a prophetic quality. in the New
Testament we sometimes see prophets speaking this way. After the council of
Jerusalem described in Acts 15, Judas and Silas are sent to Antioch to speak:
“And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, exhorted the brethren with
many words and strengthened them” (Acts 15:32)
Another common form of sharing at a prayer meeting
can generally be described as teaching.
There is a place in the prayer meeting for more
developed or formal teaching. One person may read a passage from Scripture and
comment on it to bring out the meaning he feels is intended. Or someone may
share an insight into some Christian truth with enough development so that all
can understand it. Or someone may share an understanding of how the Lord wants
us to live, and in his explanation bring together several text from Scripture.
Such sharing can contain genuine wisdom from the Lord, especially when it proceeds from the
Lord’s own word in Scripture: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly, as you teach and admonish one another in all wisdom”(Col. 3:16).
Testimony, another form of sharing in meetings,
means simply the sharing from personal experience of the Lord’s action in our
lives so that others may see the reality and goodness of the Lord and be led to
love and praise him more. Testimony may include everything from a detailed
account of one’s conversion to a simple sharing of a brief event that shows
God’s action. Many of us have experienced the power of good testimony: there is
no need to convince ourselves of its great value in a meeting, but there is
much to learn. How often have we heard testimony to the Lord’s action is of
such great value that we ought to make the effort to learn how to do it? At the
outset, we must remember that 'sharing is to glorify Lord and
to build up others, not to glorify or focus attention on ourselves.
There are two opposite problems that relate to this goal: on the one hand we
have those who won’t speak or share in a meeting out of a false humility and a
fear of drawing attention to themselves, and on the other we have some who
share out of a sense of insecurity to pride, and, failing to glorify the Lord,
they only succeed in asserting themselves. To the first group, who are probably
the more numerous, we must honestly say that it is not right to “hide our light
under a bushel” and, out of fear of our weakness, refuse to tell of the Lord’s
goodness in our lives. God’s manifested love ought to be shared so that his
glory may be seen. We do have tendencies to want attention and temptations to
pride, so let us admit to the Lord those tendencies and ask him to take care of
them, and then determine in our heart that we wish to share for the sake of the
Lord. The Lord knows well enough how to handle our weaknesses, and can prevent
them from harming our testimony. On the other hand, those who share out of
pride or insecurity tend to speak more about them than about the Lord.
Generally this shows up in a tendency to speak more about their subjective
feeling about what the Lord has done than on the objective situation of their
life and the action of the Lord in it. Leaders and other mature members and
sisters with correction and help in learning how to share.
is worth noting that there are different kinds of sharing, and that different
things are appropriate at different types of meetings. For example, in a small
home prayer group of ten to twenty people who know each other personally, it is
appropriate to share regularly about what the Lord is ding in a particular area
of our life. However, in a larger public prayer meeting of a hundred or even
several hundred, these things are not appropriate. In larger meetings it is
important that the sharing be oriented to the whole community gathered and not
just to those who know us well.
Especially appropriate to these situations is sharing of an evangelistic
character, about how we met the ‘Lord or were baptized in the Spirit, or
sharing that demonstrates the reality and glory of God for those who are new.
Further, in those communities, which have special prayer meetings for community
members, it is appropriate to share testimony oriented to those already
committed to the Lord who understand the significance and subtleties of growth
in the Lord.
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