Thursday, 10 November 2011

Fr. John Class Notes

Fill the mat relay
Each team is given two mattresses on which to perform. A description is called out, then on the starting whistle each team begins to fulfill the description. First team to accurately fulfill this description is the winner. Suggested descriptions:
·    8 players standing shoulder to shoulder, facing in alternate directions
·    10 players in one huge pyramid [pyramid must remain standing]
·    4 people standing on their heads
·    10 contestants lying in a circle with feet together and holding hands like a huge wheel.
·    8 persons lying side by side with heads and feet in alternate directions
·    2 piles of 4 players each
·    6 players sitting on each others lap
·    Entire team as an imaginary machine with all parts interconnected and moving

Body painting
Ask a guy from each group to volunteer as the models for a body painting contest. The rest of the group members are the designers. They must create a huge hat to fit over the shoulders of their model—covering up the head and arms, then on the bare chest of the guy, they have to dray two eyes, a nose a mouth—using the natural features on his chest for starters. Then cover the hip with a coat or sheet to appear like shoulders.
Give each group 5 minutes to create their ‘body painting’ before the ‘judging’ by someone for the most creative sculpture.
For paint, you can use liquid shoe polish, wide felt-tip pens or washable poster paint and brushes.

Gather about twenty objects and put them on a tray. When you are ready to play uncover the tray in front of the group. Give everyone to memorize what it on the tray. Then take it away and pass out paper and pencils. The group will have five minutes to write everything down they remember that was on the tray. After that bring the tray back so they can see how accurate they were. The one who had the most correct answer wins. 

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