Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Dogmatic Constitution on Lumen Gentium


Vatican council has formulated 16 documents, ‘Dogmatic constitution on church or Lumen Gentium is the one of them. The term Lumen Gentium Derived from the Latin Text, Lumen means the light and Gentium means the world. It is Jesus who is the Light of the World. This light shines through the church in the world. Whoever the light of Jesus or saving grace he becomes the member of the body of Christ the church that seeks for heavenly glory through her earthly life.

The word ‘Mystery’ is derived from Latin, which means incapable of comprehensive or that cannot be understood fully. Church is mystery through which God revealed him self and has been revealing. God was incarnated into the universal church, he revealed himself in through Christ who brought salvation by the act of passion, death and resurrection. And Christ became the foundation stone of the church. It is now and then realized through the mystery of the church.
1.  The sacred council describe ‘church’, as the sacrament of Christ. Sacrament is the external, visible instrumentality of Christ- presence in the church. Sacrament is in the nature of Christ. Who is present everywhere as ‘light’. He said, “I ‘m the light of the world. And this very sentence of Christ, affirms the grace of God, from no one is exempted. It binds the humanity is one spirit in one faith as one community, where divine trine God share his love to the humanity.
2. God, the eternal Father in his wisdom and goodness created human beings in order to share his divinity. But unfortunately, due to first fall of Adam, all went is vain. Finally, God sent his only son Jesus Christ who was visible image of invisible God; through him salvation was brought to this earth, to the whole human beings.
3. Work of His Son Jesus, the most important task or mission was to do the ‘WILL’ of the Father, and to establish the kingdom of God here on earth. Today kingdom is founded here on earth through the act of passion, death and resurrection of Christ. Therefore Christ himself is the Kingdome and kingdom is the earthly church where all people live and share the fellowship, brotherhood in the light of common faith, and faith in Christ in the church.
4 the work of the Holy Spirit as the work of redemption to the humanity was accomplished through the Christ event, Christ sent the Holy Spirit who would continue the work or the mission of Christ to sanctify the humanity in order to draw towards the eternal God. And it is the same spirit who dwelt in the church, in the heart of the faithful. So it enables every one who believes in Christ, like Christ himself.
5. Jesus preaching about the kingdom of God art-4 set forth that Christ himself is the kingdom of God. He says, “I am the way, I ‘m the truth, I ‘m light of the world”. He brought the kingdom here on earth. He preached the kingdom lived in the kingdom. And that is the good news for all, which is promise generation to generation in the scripture. Often stressed by Jesus ‘kingdom of God is at hand”. It is clear to say that Jesus himself is kingdom and it is realised here on earth. Today it is seen in the form of salvation, liberation of the oppressed and sufferers, by the various reasons.
6.  The nature of the kingdom is often understood in the forms of symbols. Such as, church is a sheepfold as a flock, as the good shepherd. It ‘s also compared with spouse relation as the bride and bridegroom. The stone, which was rejected by the builders, became the corner stone of the house. Jesus himself is the corner stone of the church, without him today church has no existence. Vine and the branches, it has a organic relationship. Thus the church and Christ has intimate relationship and Christ is always in act
7. The body of Christ body of Christ is the incarnated body of invisible God, revealed to the believers. He lived as one among us. He died and was buried but he was resurrected, to glorify the lord. Same body instated the Eucharist where we share the real body and blood of Christ in the form of bread and wine in the church. All the believers partake of it and thus become the members of the church.



Term ‘people of God’ denotes the whole church.  QUAHAL the term is derived from Greek word which means the ‘ the assembly of the faithful. It is the place of worship to God. They gathered in order to worship and venerate God. It is expression of thanksgiving for the gift that is received from God. To day we gather in the church where we express our gratitude towards the creator collectively.
9. In the Old Testament Israelites were chosen as the ‘people of God’. At that time God appeared in different forms like thunder, lightning’s, clouds, fire, and also his presence was found in the mountain or high places. God made covenant the ‘you will be my people and I will your guide’. God will take care of them. All these took place because god wanted to ratify the people, and at the same time wanted to reveal himself fully as human person, who is known as messiah. He became the head of the people, and founded church. It was the assembly of the people where god dwelt in the past, present and in the future.
10.  In modern age church is considered as the new Israel of God and Christ is the head this people. Today through the royal priesthood Christ is present in the church that enjoys the priesthood of Christ. And it is possible through the sacrament of the church.
11. The organic character of church as any organism has the nature to grow; similarly the church is also ever growing, dynamic, changing. Many people are incorporated into the church by the help of sacrament. All the more, Christ is alive in the Eucharist who is celebrated everyday.
            12. Prophetic office of Christ it is the Christ-office that bears witness to people. It teaches and gives instructions with regard to the teaching of the church very special way with regard to safeguarding of the faith and morals. It also includes all the charism and sacraments by which church is sanctified every day.
13. All people are belong to God Christ came to this world to save the whole humanity and not any particular community. Therefore Christ invites to all to take part in his Kingdom; the Kingdom of God. No one is alienated from God’s love that all people become body of Christ.
14. Fullness of incorporation all is incorporate in body of Christ through baptism that all are brothers and sisters in Christ. We become the witness of Christ in the church and world. Christ the life incorporation is fostered and nourished through the faith in church.
15. Separated Christians are those hold sacred scripture, a sincere religious zeal, believe in God the Father almighty and in Christ, the son of God and the saviour, who sealed by baptism which unites the to Christ and who indeed recognises and receive other sacraments in their own church.
16. None Christians they are the Jews and Muslims hold the faith of Abraham, they believe in one God. Truth and goodness is found in all religion that is the means of salvation.
17.  The universal mission and evangelisation in accordance with Father’s plan Christ come to save the mankind that Jesus is the way and truth through whom all will be united in the Fathers House eternally. Jesus continues this work through his disciples.


18. Office of Christ this article speaks about the Pope, Bishops, Priest, Deacons who all are the structured, disciplined for shepherding to the people of God. In general they are the successor of Peter, successor of Christ. They fulfil the mission of Christ. They are all linked like pipe line theory by the Christ faith.
19 the apostolic college Jesus chose twelve disciples for the specific purpose and Peter was head. Christ commanded them to continue his mission that is to preach good news of God.
20. Bishops are called as the successor of the apostles, Jesus appointed 12 apostles and founded his church and 72 members were the co-workers of his mission. So the bishop’s put on Christ as apostles did. And it is known as Episcopal college.
21. Bishops, Priests and Deacons are chosen by God or called by God for it specific mission. Through them Christ is present externally in the midst of the people. Though Christ is present invisibly everywhere but it is more effective. Through them Jesus speaks as in the Old Testament God spoke through the prophet. They interpreted and transmitted the given word to the people.
22 relation among the authorities this article describes that the Pope the successor of Per and Vicar of Christ. Bishops the successor of Apostles all are united and related to each other. Roman Pontiff is the head of the teaching authority and bishops are the legitimate body of collegial body.
23. Collegiate unity of bishops, under the leadership of Pope who is the successor of Peter, all bishops are responsible for their respective diocese as well as the universal church. So they are the foundation parts of the body, are united with Head. The y are completely responsible for missionary act, for spreading of the good news of Christ an for teaching of the ecclesiology.
24. The speciality of bishops, they are the successor of Apostles, and vested with charism of preaching, teaching and bringing salvation to the human kind.
25.  Functions of the Bishop’s, to safe guard the faith and morals act. Spreading of the gospel and to make know about Christ to the gentiles, non- Christian in the act of charity and in the service and they are the most chosen one today.
26-27. The Pope is the supreme authority of the Catholic Church who enjoys the maximum power. Still then as the Vicar of Christ the bishops are free to exercise the power in accordance with Christ will, for spiritual upliftment. After all Christ is the final and ultimate source and summit of life.
28. The priest hood the duty of a priest is to preach the gospel, sanctify the church through the sacrament s and shepherd the people of God. Priests are the co-workers of the bishops who share equal responsibilities.
            29. The deacons are ordained for minister, but not for priesthood. A deacon is to administer of the sacrament of baptism. Deacon which means the servant, to serve, in the spiritual needs. Since, there is sanctifying of priests all over the world, the vat-II council decided to restore the permanent deacons. Therefore wherever there are not enough priests to serve the faithful it is not ideal to have permanent deacon.


The term ‘laity’ has derived from the Greek word ‘Qsaos’ which means the mass, distinguishing from the leaders of the church and of the people. And so, we may mean the laity as the layman, who is not in the religious orders, who is not ordained.
30. Lay man is one who is baptised and communion with the church. Laity is also called the faithful.
31. What we mean by laity? Through the baptism, all baptised people receive a share in priestly, prophetic, and kingly office of Christ. Laity are the world, in the place of activity of their own. They have to sanctify themselves through the practice of gospel value.
32.their ecclesial character in the church, there is a unity and solidarity among all. All the together, laity, religious and priests work together for the common good and evangelisation. However, they do in their own respective way.
33. Their apostolate work the apostolate work is to continue the mission of salvation and built up the church,. They receive this power through the sacrament of baptism and confirmation. They have to bring the good news to the places where they live and work. They have to bear witness to Christ to become the light of Christ.
34. The laity share in the priesthood of Christ by offering his own life as a witness of Jesus Christ layman has to offered spiritual sacrifice because his life demands a self denial and even heroic acts of faith. All spiritual sacrifice is offered to God through the celebration of Eucharistic sacrifices.
35. The laity share the prophetic character the laity has also the right to preach the good news in their respective ways. They have to give Christian formula as to their children at home also through their own life style. They have to instruct in the light of Christian faith.
36. The laity shares the kingly character of Christ it makes to guide every body to good path, in Jesus Christ. The main work of kingly office is to shepherd the flock.
37. Laity co-operates with clergy this speaks about co-operation between laity and clergy.
38. as whole laity has also the important role to play the church, individually as well as collectively.


            39 the church is holy with holiness of Christ the church which is the body and spouse of Jesus Christ is unceasingly holy. The reason is because the church is the gift of the holy trinity for the humanity. In other words, God the Father the son and the Holy Spirit made the church out of infinite love of the holy trinity for the human beings. The Son of God who became the son of man as our savour, made the church loved her as his spouse and his body.
            40. All are called to holiness in the church all are called or invited to be holy and holiness consists obedience to God and practice of charity.
            41. Sanctification of life there is no particular class of people in the church who are called for a higher perfection of sanctity. All are equal and all are called to reach perfection sanctity, not matter whether they are the laity, clergy, and the religious.
            42. The love is the heart of holiness consists in the practice of charity as Jesus loved us, should love one another.


            43. Religious life religious life is a particular vocation or special call to a man. The religious are invited by God to follow Jesus Christ who is chest and obedient so the vows and the practice of evangelical council of chastity, poverty, obedience as well as a life in the community are the characteristics of the religious life.
            44. The reason to choice for this life those who have decided to give their live s for the service of God, has to practice these three evangelical vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. He consecrates himself to god heave unity and solidarity on Jesus. As st Paul says “we are one body of Christ, same body of Christ.”
            45. In relation to the authority hierarchical authority have the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience by they do not profess as religious do and make vows. They too are obedient to bishops and communion with pope.
            46. In relation to human society when a person accepts the evangelical counsels willingly, contributes in no small degree to the purification of the heart and to spiritual freedom. This is a vocation freely offered, a free gift to accept or reject. Who ever accept it willingly, they have the power t o confirm the Christian life more fully to that kind of poor and virgin life, which Christ the lord himself lived and his virgin mother embraced.

            47. Since we are called by God to profess the council’s let’s make ourselves holy so that we may work for the sanctification increase of the holiness of the church, to the greater glory of the one and undivided trinity, which in Christ and through Christ, is the source and origin of all holiness.


48. The on going journey of the church the church is moving towards God. In this journey the Holy Spirit and Christ himself guide her. The glory of the church is in the eschatological type. Church is the fullness of our communion with God.
49. Death and transformation being present in the church, Jesus works invisibly through the Holy Spirit the journey of the individual with his death. Death is the end of earthly life, that which accounts for the next life, that is the life of perfection, that is the transformed life.
50. Communion with the church by nature human beings is looking for the ultimate truths. Jesus says, “I am truth.” all believers of Christ believe in the second coming of Jesus. In fact, we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and His spirit is leading us the eschatological church where all will glorify lords name. But in and through the sacrament Jesus Christ is realized. We experience fellowship communion with one another. There fore pilgrim church is established here on earth.
 51. Veneration of saints this sacred council accepts the venerable faith of our ancestors in the living communion, they exist between us, and our brothers who are in the glory of heaven.

As a whole the Document on ‘Dogmatic Constitution of the Church’ or LUMENGENTIUM gives deep insight and profound meaning of the church. Church has become the part and partial of all human beings directly or indirectly. Church is the means to salvation, because church is the sacrament of Christ that which leads and helps in search of ultimate truth, who is God alone Himself.
Thus this document gives the nature and quality of the church, and models of the church in the present world. Church is defined as a mystery, people of God, called to holiness, hierarchical structure, the laity and the formation of the eschatological church.
Often these are overly emphasised only on spiritual aspect and specially centred on the church alone rather than dealing with other religion. Over all church is a best organisation ever exists in the world. This document has been not only of the of pope, bishops and religious alone but the people of God.

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