Looking at
the brighter side
To help the
participants to be aware of their attitudes and form a positive outlook to
Materials needed
Chart paper
(or a big white sheet), pen
Take a chart
paper and mark a rather big dot at its centre (It should be done in
advance). The Animator shows the chart
paper and asks the participants what they see. Most of them will say a dot.
Once their
opinion is taken, the Animator tells them that what is prominent is the vast
white space that is there on the paper, but what we tend to see generally is
the dark spot.
Micro Group Discussion (10 Minutes)
The Animator
divides the participants into smaller groups. Let each group choose the six
office bearers needed for a micro group meeting. (Follow the method given in LTS Group discussion procedures). The Animator asks
them to discuss the following questions among themselves. Let each participant
take down in her notebook the major points that emerge during the meeting, for
their benefit.
· What are the lessons you learned from
this exercise?
· Relate this exercise to your life.
How do you look at life and various events – with a positive outlook or a negative outlook? Reflect.
Macro group sharing (10 Minutes)
The micro
groups come back to the macro group and the Reporters share the major outcome
of the group discussion. The Animator helps them to collate them. Later, she/he
adds from the following list the points that are missed out in the discussion.
Learning Outcome
· Though small, we give more importance
to the negative aspects of life. Both in our case and in case of others. It is
also the way we see society. We often speak negatively about the people around
· When we concentrate on the negatives,
which are often very insignificant, we do not see the goodness in ourselves, in
others and in the world. Thus we miss
the real flavour of life, the beauty of life that is unfolding before us.
· It is very important to have a
positive attitude towards life.
· It is our attitude that makes the
difference in our outlook towards life. We can cultivate our attitudes. If we cultivate a positive attitude, we
become constructive people, builders of society, the nation and the world.
· We can build only with what we have. We have a number of positive
elements (talents, strengths, hobbies etc) but often times we are not aware of
them. However, we grieve about what we do not have or feel handicapped because
of the negative areas in our lives. So take steps to realize who you are and
what you have. Then build your life on solid foundations.
· By nature, people tend to give
importance to the negatives. Even newspapers give more importance to
sensational news that is often destructive. Though there are a number of good
things happening around, they do not get the publicity they deserve.
· People tend to think that everything
and everybody is corrupt and nothing is going to change or nothing can be done.
In this context, we need to think about our commitment to the nation building
· If we do good, what we do may look
very insignificant, but it will have a ripple effect.
· Transform weaknesses into strengths.
(Ask the members to draw something beautiful with that dot. So that it becomes
something they are proud of). For example, if you have a bad habit of speaking
ill of others, try to speak good instead. This will help us to go ahead in life
with more constructive and focussed energies.
· Our faith tells us that God does not
make trash. There is something beautiful in each one of us.
Points to Ponder
· What are your strengths, good
qualities? Do you draw energy from them?
· Do you often dwell on your
inabilities, your negative points? Do you give them the power to depress and
discourage you?
· Do you think about the need of
transforming some of your weak points into strengths? What are they?
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
· What steps do you suggest to improve
the sessions?
The Mystery
of the Sleeping Seed
Aim: To help the LTSers to realize the talents and
strengths dormant in them.
Materials needed: One seed each for every participant. Preferably seeds with attractive
colours and small enough to hold in their palms.
Procedure: Give
one seed each to every participant. Tell them to hold it in the palm of their
hands. Ask them to look at it as a mystery that is waiting to be revealed.
The Animator asks them questions like
‘is the seed dead?’ The answer will be ‘no, it is not dead’.
Animator: Yes, the seed is not dead,
it is very much alive. But it is sleeping. If you put it in water, it will wake
up and sprout (it will wake up as a person wakes up if you sprinkle water on
Yes, it is alive. What are the possibilities sleeping in the
seed? What are the things that will be manifested if it is given a chance to
Animator: Let us sit in silence for a
couple of minutes. Allow the seed to speak to you. Let each one write for
herself what is revealed by the seed. For example, there are thousands of
leaves sleeping inside. Given a chance, they will come out. In the same way,
there are many things sleeping inside the seed.
Personal Reflection: The Animator gives the participants 2 to 3 minutes to make a list.
Micro group discussion (10 minutes)
Divide the participants into small groups.
Let each group choose the six office bearers needed for a micro group meeting.
(Follow the method given in Group Discussion procedures).
Each member presents her list to the group. The Recorder records them and makes
a list with the points shared by every participant. Let each participant take
down in her notebook the major points that emerge during the meeting for their
Macro group sharing (10 minutes)
The micro groups come back to the
macro group and the Reporters share the major outcome of the group
discussion. The Animator writes them on
the chalkboard and helps them to collate them. Then she adds from the following
list the points that are missed out in the discussion.
Learning Outcome
8.Responsible for thousands of generations
9.Honey (Nectar)
has the capacity to produce oxygen and refresh the air
can provide home for birds, insects small animals etc.
provides shade
be converted to furniture even after its death
has medicinal value
purify the air n by absorbing CO2
prevents soil erosion
can produce paper, textile etc.
can provide manure
has the capacity to stop mighty clouds and bring down rain
can produce fossil fuels and other petroleum products
can transform into diamonds if subjected to high pressure and temperature,
buried in the depth of the earth.
can cool the atmosphere
can produce its own food
adds colour and beauty to nature.
help to reduce dust in the atmosphere.
absorb sound and help to reduce noise pollution
can break big stones as the roots travel in the soil in search of food.
gives space for recreational purposes [children play under the tree]
A Few Questions for
Personal Reflection
· If a tree, standing in one place can
achieve so many things, what are the things I can achieve as a human being, a
superior being created in the image and likeness of God, who is endowed with
intellect, reason and freedom?
· What are the gifts and talents
sleeping within me? Am I aware of them? Do I develop them?
· If a tree can make so much
contribution to the world, what contribution will I make as an LTSer?
· A tree after its death, buried in the
depth of the earth, subjected to high temperature and pressure, has the capacity
to transform itself into diamonds and shine for eternity. How much more can I
under life’s pressures still remain beautiful and do great things for others?
· Depending on its ability to take
pressure under the depth of the earth where it is buried for centuries, a dead
tree can transform itself into various possibilities. It may decay and
disappear if buried near the surface or left on the surface, it may become coal
or petroleum products if buried in deeper depths or it can turn to diamonds in
greater depths. Are you ready to take
the pressure and difficulties that come along in life and become ‘a person of
· Wood, coal and diamonds – all three
are ultimately made up of carbon molecules. It is the arrangement of the carbon
atoms that makes coal ‘coal’ and a diamond a diamond. How do you understand
this example in relation to your life?
· The calorific value of wood (the
value of a substance in terms of producing heat energy) is very little compared
to coal. Wood burns for some time, gives away heat and turns into ashes and is
dispersed by the wind. The heat producing capacity of coal is higher than wood
and it gives more heat for a longer time. Nevertheless, it too is reduced to
ashes and disappears. But the diamond still radiates light gracefully and
shines for infinity. How do you relate this example to your life and its impact
in the world?
· All of us cannot be diamonds but we
must try to become what God wants us to be. Taking this
reality into consideration, how do you understand your call as an LTSer – to
remain as an ordinary person or realize your potentials and ‘become what you
are capable of becoming?’
· Identify the most gripping moments
during this session. Write down in the
· How important is this session at this
juncture of your life?
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking skills.
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
· What steps do you suggest to improve
the sessions?
Pooling the strengths
To help the
participants to understand the importance of team-spirit.
Materials Needed
papers, sketch pens or crayons
Step 1
· Place a chart paper on the table.
Provide enough sketch pens or crayons.
· Give the group 2 minutes to come and
draw anything they like on the chart paper. (They can come together and may
stand on all sides of the chart paper and draw.) No participant should take more than 5 to 7
seconds to draw something on the paper.
Step 2
· Once the drawing is over, turn the
paper over (or use another chart paper).
· Ask for 6 members who are good at
drawing to come forward. (If it is a mixed group three boys and three girls. If
the participants are from different classes or divisions give equal
representation for all the classes).
· Give them 7 minutes to draw one
picture as a group. (Two minutes are for planning and 5 minutes are for drawing
one picture as a team.)
· Instruct them to draw one single
picture. For instance, they may plan to draw a
beautiful scenery. Let them have a leader who will divide the work among
the members. (For example, one to draw the sun, another mountains etc.)
When the
drawing is completed, let all the participants sit down. The Animator shows the
first picture to the group and asks them to express their opinion about it. As
they articulate their observation, a volunteer puts them on the chalkboard. If
the members do not bring out the following points the Animator tries to elicit
them by using probing questions and giving clues.
Evaluation of the Drawing I
· Not neat
· No planning
· No unity
· No theme
· There is no message
· Highly individualistic
· Not beautiful
· No creativity
· No appropriate colours
· Some pictures are not complete
· Not organized, scattered here and
· No proportion (some small, some big).
· No relationship with one another (each
one has drawn whatever they liked).
· There is no specific direction for
the pictures, since each one drew from different angles.
· Some did not know what they were
doing (simply drew something for the sake of drawing).
· Some did not even contribute their
share (did not even draw a picture, lost in the crowd)
Evaluation of Drawing II
The Animator
shows the second drawing to the group and asks them to speak about it. As they
express their observation, a volunteer puts them on the chalkboard.
· The findings will be just opposite to
the first one. (neat, beautiful, has a theme etc)
Points for Reflection
· This exercise brings out the
importance of team-spirit. Each of us made our contribution in the areas we are
good at (some in drawing, several in giving colours while others giving ideas
and so on). But altogether we could achieve something beautiful and meaningful.
· Individually it is not possible to
draw a picture like this in five minutes. But as a team we achieved it.
· If we can achieve this much in five
minutes and if we can work as a team how much more we can achieve in real life
– we can build our society, nation and a better world.
· Our collective effort is much greater
than the sum total of our individual efforts. As citizens of the world we are
invited to pool our talents, expertise, strengths and build a society, a nation
and a world together.
Skills Cultivated
· Team spirit
· Learn to enjoy equal opportunities
(for boys and girls or for different sections). Importance of equality.
· Learn creative thinking
· Learn to plan before taking up any
· Learn to reflect about life
· Learn to cultivate social concern and
a common vision
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
· What steps do you suggest to improve
the sessions?
Communication Skills – Public Speaking I
To initiate the LTSers in the art of
Public speaking
Animator: Leaders need to master the
art of communication. One of the important communication skills is the art of
public speaking.
How to cultivate the art of public
speaking? To begin with, let the members come up and speak about the sessions
they have attended. For example, they may speak of what they learned from the
LTS sessions, things they liked in the sessions and things they did not like
etc. (They may also speak about their hobby, family, friends).
· Initially, do not worry about the
language (let them speak in any language of their choice). The first thing in public
speaking is to build up confidence in oneself to
come up and speak before others. Do not point out grammatical errors till they
become confident in speaking.
· Let them make a short speech – for a
minute or two.
· The Animator and the rest of the
participants need to ensure a very supportive
· Use a microphone if possible. Many
students find it difficult to speak in front of a microphone. Speaking a number
of times in front of the microphone will help them to get used to it.
· Make sure everyone is given a clap
when they finish their speech. It will help in confidence building.
· Encourage those who find it difficult
to speak. Allow them to go and come back for a second time if needed.
· Be generous in giving positive
feedbacks. Emphasize the areas they are good at. At the end, mention one or two
areas they may need to improve.
Let them continue this simple speech
practice for a month or so till they become confident in speaking.
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
· What steps do you suggest to improve
the sessions?
Communication Skills –
Public Speaking II
To introduce the LTSers to various skills in the art of Public speaking
In the second stage, give a few steps
to improve the art of communication. Let them practice one step at a time. For
example, eye contact. Concentrate on this for a few times before you introduce
the other steps one by one.
· Eye contact –
try to look at the eyes of the audience while speaking. Scan the audience in
such a way that they feel that you are communicating to them personally.
· Voice –
cultivate a loud, clear and profound voice.
· Clarity of words – pronounce the words clearly. Each word has a right to be heard.
· Voice modulation – learn to modulate voice according to the stress and importance needed to be given to certain words and phrases in a
· Gestures –show
meaningful and graceful gestures.
· Expressions –
expressions are very important while speaking. Facial expressions help the
speaker to communicate better. So have a warm smile at the beginning, at the
end and at other appropriate moments.
evaluation let the members come forward and speak. It will provide them an opportunity
to learn to reflect and personalize the lessons
(learned during the session) of the day
and practice public speaking skills.
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
How Do I Visualize My
To help the LTSers to realize the
importance of ‘becoming what they are capable of becoming’.
Materials needed:
Handout of the story of the Moso
Bamboo plant.
The Animator reads the story of the
Moso Bamboo plant slowly and with enough stress to drive home the message.
If the story is distributed among the
members let them not read it, till the Animator reads it for them, so that the
suspense is kept.
Animator: ‘The Moso is a bamboo plant
that grows in China and the Far East. After the Moso is planted, no visible
growth occurs for up to five years – even under ideal conditions!
Then, as if by magic, it suddenly
begins growing at the rate of nearly two and a
half feet per day, reaching a full height of ninety feet within six weeks.
But it’s not magic. The Moso’s rapid
growth is due to the miles of root it develops during those first five years,
five years of getting ready.’
‘The Sower’s Seed’ Brian Cavanaugh,
Micro group discussion (20 Minutes)
The Animator divides the participants
into smaller groups and asks them to discuss among them the following questions
(Follow the method given in LTS Organization 2).
1.How do you understand and interpret this story in relation to
your life as a student?
2.Before manifesting its vibrant and magnificent life to the
world, the Moso bamboo plant takes five long years of solid preparation. How do
you understand and compare the growth of the Moso with your student life?
3.Do you really think that you are seriously preparing yourself
to face life with all its challenges? Discuss the preparations you are making.
4.Are you seriously working on laying the foundation of your
life with serious study, reflection and action? Identify the foundations on
which you are building your life.
5.What is the role of the LTS in helping you to grow as a
person? What are the areas the LTS provide for your personal growth and
leadership skills?
6.The aim of education is to make Homo sapiens (the scientific name of human beings) to human beings
(in a qualified sense). Education in its right perspective, form people who are
‘fully human and fully alive’. The outcome of a comprehensive and
well-integrated education is to form conscious, competent and compassionate
women and men who will face life with courage and love. In this regard:
Are you conscious of the unjust
socio-economic situation in which you live? Analyze the socio-economic
structures. (In your own simple ways spell out what kind of systems you are
faced with).
you competent enough to face such situations
and to struggle to bring about justice? How are you preparing yourself as a
leader in this context?
c)Are you compassionate enough to serve the needy and
those who are denied justice? How do you understand ‘servant leadership’ in the
7.In this context, does your education make you conscious,
competent and compassionate? Does the curriculum take care of the education of
the heart? Discuss.
Macro group sharing (10 minutes)
The micro groups come back to the
macro group and the Reporters share the major outcome of the group sharing. The
Animator helps them to personalize the major learning outcome of the
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
How to participate in a
group discussion?
To train the
LTSers in the art of participating in meetings and group discussions.
Materials needed:
guidelines needed to run a meeting.
reads the text and explains the procedure.
Participating in a group discussion is an art. In a group discussion each
member needs to know her/his role.
Sometimes the role may be just that of a participant and at other times,
it may be that of an office bearer.
Often times these roles are exchanged in order to help the members to
learn to play various roles in conducting a meeting effectively.
In the LTS,
it is very important to learn the art of participating as a responsible member
during a Unit meeting. There are two types of meetings in the LTS.
· Micro Group Meetings: Small group
discussions with 5 to 6 participants (ideally speaking 6 in an LTS meeting. But
the Animators may decide on a smaller or bigger group according to the number
of participants). In such discussions, each one may have a responsibility. Here
the members learn the art of effective ways of running a meeting.
· Macro Group Meetings: Larger group
discussions where the micro groups come together after their discussions. Here
presentation of the reports, clarification of the points, brainstorming,
briefing the Unit about the decisions taken in the cells, evaluation, input
session etc. are the major areas of concern. A lot more discipline is required
to participate in the macro group meeting.
A few guidelines for a fruitful
· Respect others, especially who are
responsible for running the meeting. Remember you are sitting and discussing
with future leaders!
· Do not interrupt when someone speaks.
· Keep a notebook with you and keep a
track of the major points discussed. This will help you to be involved in the
discussion and refer to major points used by others when needed.
· Put up your hand if you want to make
a point. Wait till the facilitator gives you permission to speak.
· Do not dominate the meeting by
speaking for a long time.
· Listen carefully when someone makes a
point and learn to respect the views of others even when you do not agree. When
you differ, tell gently that you respect their view point though you do not
agree to what is said.
· Spend a few minutes to reflect and
put your thoughts together before you speak.
Put down your thoughts on your notebook. It will help you to communicate
clearly, in an orderly manner with right and well chosen words (remember, you have
limited opportunities to speak in a short meeting. Make a real impact when you
· Do not let emotions to control you
when you speak. If you are emotionally disturbed (angry, unhappy about the
proceedings) you may gently tell the group that, ‘I feel this is not the way to
go about with the discussion or I feel the decisions are not proper etc. Do not
accuse others. When you say, ‘I feel…’, you own up your own emotions and speak
for yourself without hurting others.
The Animator
needs to take up in the macro group meetings the difficulties and challenges
the groups face during the micro group meetings. Ask the participants to freely
share the progress they make in the art of group discussions, and the
challenges they encounter and help them to rectify what is needed.
Office-bearers to run a
To run an
LTS meeting successfully, the LTS Unit needs to have a few office bearers. They
make sure that the purpose of the meeting is achieved. To give training for
everyone, we adopt a method which gives opportunity for every member to get
used with every office. In this method, we have six office-bearers to run a
meeting – Facilitator, Recorder, Reporter, Materials Manager, Time Keeper and
Quiet Manager.
Facilitator: It is the responsibility of the
Facilitator to make sure that everyone actively participates in the discussion and keep the group on the
· She/he makes sure no one dominates in
the group discussion. If such a situation arises, tells them that every member
needs to be given an opportunity and time to
· Thanks the one who made a point,
before giving the chance to another person to speak.
· If the group finds it difficult to
proceed with the meeting, the Facilitator summarizes the major points discussed
so far and invites the members to think further.
· Makes sure when someone wants to make
a point at a meeting, she/he has to get the permission of the Facilitator.
Those who want to make an intervention put up their hands and the Facilitator
takes note of, and give chance accordingly.
· If anyone goes out of the topic,
gently reminds the person to come back to the point.
· If someone is quiet during the
discussion (may be shy) asks the person gently, ‘Aakash, what is your opinion
about it? We would like to hear you. Could you share with us your views on this
matter?’ The Facilitator has to be very gentle in inviting such members without
embarrassing them.
Recorder: The Recorder Records the flow of
the discussion
· The Recorder faithfully notes down
the major points that arises from the discussion.
· At the fag end of the meeting, she/he
reads the main points to the group so that they may add or correct or rephrase
what is needed.
· Makes the final report with the help
of the Reporter.
Reporter: The Reporter shares in the macro
group the summary of the group discussion.
· The reporter speaks for the group,
not her/his personal view.
· After the presentation the Reporter asks the entire group
if they want any clarification regarding any point made by the micro-group. If
someone would like to know anything specific, the Reporter answers. If not
competent enough to answer on any of the
questions, she/he may ask any of her/his group member to answer.
Materials Manager: The Materials Manager takes care of
the handouts that are used during the meeting.
· Collects materials from the Animator,
distributes and collects back after the discussion.
· Returns the materials back to the
Animator after the meeting.
· Makes sure that everything is in
order before returning.
· Makes sure that nothing is damaged or
lost. If such a situation arises, she/he informs the Animator about it and does
the needful to find what is lost or rectify the damages.
Time Keeper: The
Time Keeper keeps track of the available time.
· Makes sure that the meeting begins on
time and ends on time.
· If someone speaks for a long time
gently reminds the person to make it short.
· Reminds the group how much time is
· Makes sure the discussion is over on
time. Winds up the meeting a few minutes early to give time to the Recorder to
read out the major points that came up in the discussion so that the group can
help her/him to add any point if missed out.
Quiet Manager:
The Quiet Manager takes care of the sound/noise level of the group.
· Ensures that the voice level of the
group does not disturb the neighbouring groups.
· Makes sure the speakers are audible
when they make a point.
· She/he tells gently to the members
not to talk among themselves as the meeting is in
· Makes sure only one person speaks at
a time.
Note: If there are fewer than 6 members
in a micro group, one person may take up two
responsibilities (for instance, Recorder and
Reporter can be the same person or Time keeper and Materials Manager can be the
same). If there are more than 6 members, the rest remain as participants.
The learning outcome by mastering the
art of conducing a meeting
During the
academic year make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to take care of
various responsibilities in running a meeting and
getting familiar with the responsibilities mentioned above. It is very
important that every member becomes efficient
in all the responsibilities mentioned above.
· The LTSers will be able to organize
and run the meetings confidently and effectively when they get opportunities in
the future.
· They will learn to speak their views
during the meetings/discussions.
· They will learn to listen and respect
· They will learn to overcome the
tendency to interrupt and learn to wait patiently for their turn.
· They will learn to respect time
(become punctual, learn to be brief in speaking as limited time is given to
each one.)
To realize
the terrible effects of rumours
participants are asked to stand in a single long line or in a circle. The
Animator asks the participants to pass on a message to their neighbour. The Animator
whispers the message to the first person in the line. She/he is asked to
whisper the same to the next person, who in turn whispers it to the one sitting
next and so on. Once the message is passed on to the next person, the
participants write down the message as they heard from the person who passed on
to them.
The message
is thus relayed to the whole group in whispers. The last person who received
the whispered message is asked to report it aloud to the group. The Animator
then reads the original message.
It will be
interesting to know that the original message has been distorted during the
whisper-relay. Without embarrassing the participants find out from where the message began
to get distorted.
Learning Outcome
· People normally do not take trouble
to listen properly.
· Lack of attentive listening can lead
to distortion of the truth.
· Lack of effort to listen attentively
unfortunately causes confusion or misunderstanding.
· We all are responsible in some way or
other in distorting facts and figures in our conversation and communication.
· We often enjoy speaking ill of others
or making fun of others without realizing that they may hurt them very much.
It is very
important to look into ourselves and see why we distort facts when we have to
speak about others. Why do we add ‘masala’ to the information that we receive?
The next person who gets the information from us embellishes the message with
her addition and the message gets really distorted to the extent of harming
innocent people.
Spread good
news about others. Restrain from negative comments. Learn to speak good about
others. You will make many people happy.
at least two people every day.
Forming letters
Aim: To
inculcate team-spirit and cooperation among the participants
Divide the
groups into sub-groups. The Animator must position herself/himself on a higher
level. The Animator may stand on the stage (or the table if no stage is
available). She/he tells one alphabet loud and each team must form that letter
quickly as possible. The team that forms the letter first wins. If two groups
form at the same time, they may be judged for the best formation of the letter.
The game may be repeated a few times.
Micro Group Discussion (10 Minutes)
The Animator
asks the participants to sit in smaller groups. Let each group choose the six
office bearers needed for a micro group meeting. (Follow the method given in LTS Oranization). The Animator asks them to discuss
the following questions among themselves. Let each participant take down in
her/his notebook the major points that emerge during the meeting, for their
· What are the lessons you learned from
this exercise?
· Though it was a simple exercise, did
you always manage to form the letters first? If not what were the reasons?
· What is the most important learning
of this game?
Learning outcome
1.We learn the importance of collaboration among the members of
the group to reach the common goal (Here the common goal was formation of the
given alphabet).
2.It helps us to cultivate the spirit of team spirit.
3.Though it is a rather simple exercise we need a lot of
dedication to become successful groups.
4.We learn to adjust to the need of the group.
5.We see spontaneous leaders emerging in the process and all
the members readily listen to the emerging leadership.
6.In a group the dedication of every individual is important.
7.We see many groups begin a lot of good initiatives. But lack
of commitment of individual members affects the progress of the group.
Volunteers Needed
To help the
members to come out of their shyness for volunteering.
Step 1: The
Animator asks for five volunteers. When the volunteers come forward, she/he
appreciates them for their courage to come forward.
Brainstorming session
The Animator
initiates a brainstorming session and analyses their action of volunteering.
She/he encourages the members to reflect on the following questions.
1.Why did you volunteer?
2.Why the others did not
3.What are they afraid of? Are their fears justified for being
4.In the context of leadership training, how will volunteering
5.What do we need to overcome in us in order to make our
Learning outcome
Animator: What are the things you have learned from this exercise?
writes the fruits of the discussion on the chalkboard. She/he then helps them
to bring out some other important points they may have missed.
· Volunteering is taking risk. Our
feelings about risk-taking are coloured by our previous experiences. (If
someone had laughed at us when one had volunteered at an earlier occasion
she/he may hesitate a second time)
· Usually the members in a group
hesitate when asked to volunteer. They feel shy, hesitant, inadequate etc.
· Volunteering is essential for the
success of any programme and each one need to make an effort to volunteer for
various tasks according to one’s own talents and limitations.
· The more we volunteer the more we
grow in self-confidence. Make maximum use of the opportunities available
(remember, ‘opportunities are never lost, they are found by someone else’! If
you do not volunteer or debate within yourself shall I or shall I not, by the
time someone may grab the opportunity.)
· Be concerned about the rest of the
members of the Unit. Give sufficient opportunities to others also.
Ping pong
participants sit in a circle. The Animator or a volunteer stands in the centre.
She/he points to any person and calls out Ping or pong or ping pong or pong
Ping means
the pointed person has to say immediately the name of the one on her/his right;
if pong, the name of the person on her/his left and ping pong or pong ping the
names of the persons on either side as per the order. If the person fails to
say or delay she/he becomes the next volunteer.
Brainstorming session
The Animator
initiates a brainstorming session and analyses their action of volunteering.
She/he encourages the members to reflect on the following questions.
· What was the purpose of the game?
· What did you feel when your name was
not easily remembered or not pronounced properly by your friends?
· Why do you think the name of the
person is important?
· Is it necessary for each one to know
the name of others in a class or in the LTS Unit or programme we attend? Why?
· What is the significance of a name to
a person?
Learning outcome
The Animator:
What are the things you have learned from this exercise?
writes the fruits of the discussion on the chalkboard. She/he then helps them
to bring out some other important points they may have missed.
· The name signifies an individual with
certain uniqueness.
· People like to be called by name
because they feel accepted and appreciated.
· Knowing each other by name in a
class/programme could help to create a friendly atmosphere and unity.
TV Adds
The Animator
divides the participants into smaller groups of 8-10. She/he gives them 15 minutes to reproduce a
TV add they are familiar with. They have to exactly reproduce the advertisement
as it is.
Macro group
The Animator
initiates them into a discussion.
· Why did you select this particular
· What is the influence of
advertisements in our life? How do they influence our lifestyle?
· What do the ads advertise? Do you
think whatever they say are true?
· Do you think at times you are taken
for a ride by the advertisements?
· Do the ads create need in us?
· Do the ads make you feel incomplete
at times? Do they tell you if you do not have the product advertised, you are
not complete?
· We need to analyze the advertisements
and see do we need what they offer.
· Our self-worth does not depend on the
external things. They may enhance our beauty.
The development of the person that we are is that what is
The Human Machine
To make the
participants understand the importance of team work.
Divide the
participants into small groups of 10. After each group has been formed, it is
assigned a task: to mime a human machine. They may mime a pressure cooker, a
clock, a printing press, bullock cart, sewing machine, fan etc. They may show
the actions and sounds but no words.
Once the
groups are ready each group come up and perform the action. All the members of
the group have to combine demonstrate the task, while the others guess the
human machine.
What was the
purpose of this game?
In this game
what was your contribution?
Who took the
lead in the group to get everyone’s idea together?
What was the
role of a leader in the given task?
What are the
requirements for teamwork?
What are the
hindrances that can spoil teamwork? How to overcome them?
We can
achieve a lot in and through teamwork.
Planning is
very important in a team project.
There need
to be someone, a leader, to help the group to effectively accomplish its task.
Each member
need to feel important in a group
Each one
need to clear of her/his role in a group
Each member
should be clearly communicated that her/his role is important in the entire
scheme of the group.
Following the leader
To help the
participants to realize how easily they follow others without thinking about
the consequences.
Let the
participants sit in a circle. Choose a volunteer and ask her/him to go out of
the room for a while. The group will choose one participant as a leader who
will initiate certain actions like scratching the head, clapping hands, tapping
the legs etc. The rest of the participants are
asked to imitate the actions of the leader.
When the
group is ready with the actions, the volunteer is called in. The task of the
volunteer is to identify the leader. She/he is given three chances to find the
leader. The leader changes the action often to bring in variety and fun. The
leader has to try not to be caught so easily.
If the
leader is identified by the volunteer, she/he becomes the next volunteer. The game may continue for a few rounds
depending on the availability of time.
After the
game the Animator leads the group to a quiet reflection to personalize the
meaning of the game.
A few questions for personal
1.Did you like to do all the silly things the leader did?
2.Why did you follow the leader though some actions were silly?
3.What would have been the consequences if you did not follow
the actions of the leader?
4.Did you follow the leader blindly? Why?
5.Could you have thought of other actions instead of what the
leader proposed?
6.What prevented you from suggesting them?
7.Is following others a practice of our life? In what way?
8.Are these imitations of other people helpful to us?
9.Do we know of situations where followers blindly imitate
leaders? What are the consequences?
does ‘following the crowd’ do to a person?
could you have used your individuality in this situation?
is following a leader or imitating a person good?
Micro group discussion (10 minutes)
Divide the participants into small
groups. Let each group choose the six office bearers needed for a group
meeting. (Follow the method given in LTS Organization 2).
Each member presents her/his reflection to the group. The Recorder records them
and makes a list with the points shared by every participant. Let each participant
take down in her/his notebook the major points that emerge during the meeting
for their benefit.
Macro group sharing (10 minutes)
The groups come back to the bigger
group and the Reporters share the major outcome of the group discussion. The Animator writes them on the chalkboard
and helps them to collate them. Then she/he adds from the following list the
points that are missed out in the discussion.
Learning outcome
· Imitating others is a very common
tendency among us. Often we follow
others blindly and trust them without thinking, leading to a lot of mistakes
for which we are sorry later.
· When we follow blindly, we do not
think but merely surrender our individuality, our uniqueness to someone else.
To follow a leader blindly means that we are liable to follow and imitate many
others too.
· Imitation in itself is not bad.
Imitation of people with virtues and concern for others is in fact desirable.
· When people, who
are very close to us, like our parents, family members and friends, it is very
difficult not to follow what they do and to believe and their values.
· We must try to understand others and
respect their individuality. At the same time we need to be convinced of our
own values, goals and objectives and not let go of them too easily.
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
· What steps do you suggest to improve
the sessions?
The Story of Two
To help the
participants to become what they are capable of becoming.
Materials needed
Two potatoes
– one big and one very small.
Part one
Animator: Today I would like to introduce you
to two brothers. (She/he shows them the potatoes). This is the big brother
(shows the big potato) and this one is the small brother (shows the small
Both the
brothers were brought up by the same mother. They grew up in the same bed. One
grew to an appreciable size while the other did not. The elder brother grew and
‘became what he was capable of becoming’ whereas the younger one remained much
smaller than a normal size potato.
Brainstorming Session
The little brother who did not grow has a number of complaints and excuses to
justify himself. Let us hear some of them. (Let the participants speak from the
point of view of the potato the reasons for not growing. The Animator puts them
together on the chalkboard).
· I am the youngest; I started my life
very late.
· I did not get enough food and other
· Obstacles blocked my growth (like
rock pieces and roots of other trees).
· The soil quality was not good.
· The environment was not conducive for
my growth.
· I was not naturally capable of
growing big.
· I did not know that I too could grow
as big as my brother.
But we know
these excuses are of no use now. There are no more chances left for this potato
to grow and become big. Now nothing can be done. Blaming circumstances will not
Part Two
What about you? Which potato do you resemble? Are you happy with your growth
It is a
story to help us to think about ourselves. In our case, physical growth is
automatic, if we have a healthy diet. But our attitude plays a greater role in
our personality development, goal achievement plan, expression of our talents
etc. Many of us do not take the pain to grow and to cultivate the potential
that we have. By the time we realize the possibilities before us, it may be too
Brainstorming Session
The Animator
initiates a brainstorming session.
What are
some of the common excuses of youth for not becoming what they are capable of
Let the
participants interact freely and spell out the reasons. The Animator puts them
together at the end on the chalkboard.
· Bad luck
· Financial constrains did not allow me
to blossom
· My parents are partial to my other
· I do not have talents like others.
· I am the youngest and over pampered.
· Nobody cares about me.
· No one gives me a chance to prove my
· I am exploited and misused by others
and I am unable to come out of those traumatic experiences.
· No one likes me or takes me into
· I am a loner and no one wants to be
with me.
· I feel inferior to others.
· I am very shy
· I am a chronic introvert
· People laugh at me so I avoid them.
· I am afraid to take risks.
· I am afraid to make mistakes thus I
lose many opportunities.
· I have a number of psychological
barriers and problems.
· No one is there to motivate me.
· I am lazy and not diligent.
This list
can go on. Various people have various excuses.
Personal Reflection
Animator: If
you have not grown sufficiently, look into yourself. Do you justify yourself?
Do not feel
bad about it. Once you accept that you can change, you will realize that you
can work on your potentials and come out of yourself.
· What prevents you from becoming what
you are capable of becoming?
· What are your excuses for not
growing, for not igniting your mind?
The Animator
gives some time for the participants to identify their personal excuses from
the above common excuses.
My Excuses (list your excuses)
Once the
task of identifying their own excuses is over, the Animator continues.
Unless you look into yourself, identify your excuses, accept them and then take
steps to rectify the areas that need attention, you will always be a loser.
You often speak
of helping others, but hardly speak of helping yourself. First of all dedicate
yourself to your own growth so that you can ‘become what you are capable of
When you
achieve great things in life, you make your country proud. When each of you
develops in areas you are good at and achieve
your goal, the society grows and the nation becomes a developed nation. (We will discuss it in another session.)
Action plan
Make an
action plan as to how you are going to work on the areas that need attention.
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking skills.
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
To help the
participants to reflect on life and its meaning.
Materials needed
The story
‘reward’, notebook, pen
The Animator initiates the participants
into the session with the help of the following story.
Once a king said to his minister, “I have three questions for you. Find answers
for them.”
1.What is that which you give here and for which you receive a
reward here?
2.What is that which you give here but for which you receive a
reward in the next world?
3.What is that which you give here and for which you receive a
reward neither here nor in the next world?
“O, king,” said
the minister, “give me seventy-five thousand rupees and grant me a week to find
answers to your questions.”
The king
paid seventy-five thousand rupees and the minister departed from his presence.
At the end
of the week, he returned to the king, “O, King, from the money you gave to me,
I deposited rupees twenty-five thousand in a bank. It is credited to your
account. The amount is given here and you will be rewarded for it here. You
will get the capital and the interest whenever you wish. This answers your
first question.
The answer
to your second question: I have spent twenty-five thousand in charity. I, in
your name, fed the poor and gave cloth to them. You will be rewarded for this
in the next world.
The answer
to your third question: the remaining twenty-five thousand rupees I squandered
away in vain pleasure – I ate, drank, partied with my friends, and spent on all
the fancy things I wanted. For this you are rewarded neither here nor in the
next world.
The king was
satisfied with the answers given by his minister. He rewarded him with gifts.
Source unknown
Questions for personal reflection
· What moral do you learn from this
· The LTS believes in a world-affirming
spirituality. We are not meant to run away from the world. We must improve the
world in which we live. It is not wrong to live a comfortable life within
limits. What is your response?
· When does our concern for making
money become unhealthy?
· How do you understand the second
answer the minister gave to the king? How is it applicable to you as an LTSer?
· How do you understand people’s craze
for pleasure and cheap fame by indulging in drinking, smoking, drugs, cheap
fashion and fast friends? Do you take to them because you want them or because
or peer pressure? What do you feel after indulging in such things?
· LTSers know the way, show the way and
walk the way. We need to be indicators of goodness in society. In a world that
follows materialistic values without studying their repercussions, how do we
become counter-cultural (go against the negative forces that are destroying the
fabric of society)?
· How do we understand the need of a
value system, as leaders committed to heal our broken world?
Micro group discussion (10 minutes)
After the
individual work divide the participants into smaller groups
(meetings/discussions as per the LTS method given in session
2). Ask them to discuss among them the findings of the personal
reflection. Let the participants take down in
their notebooks the major points that emerge
during the meeting for their benefit.
Macro group discussion (10 minutes)
The micro
groups come back to the macro group and the Reporters of each group share the
major outcome of the group discussion. The Animator helps them to collate them
and then adds points that are missed out in the discussion.
Action plan
Finally, the
Animator helps each member to draw an action plan. She/he follows up the
progress of the members in these areas during the academic year.
The values I
have personalized from this session
For the
evaluation of each session let all the members come forward and participate. It
will provide them an opportunity to learn to reflect and personalize the
lessons learned during the session of the day and practice public speaking
· What are the things you learned in
this session?
· What are the things you liked in this
· What are the things you did not like
in this session?
Training areas that are taken care of
in this session
· Public speaking
· Learning to reflect on life
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